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© 2006

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Program Research

Defining Specific Indicators

The ESDI Initiative is now in its second phase and is working to develop specific indicators. Existing information and data collection is being examined by advisory 'cluster groups' of experts, who will select and recommend potential national indicators. The membership of the cluster groups includes more than 50 experts from across the country from industry, three levels of government, academe, and NGOs. Each group is mandated to look at a different aspect of natural or human capital. Statistics Canada is to carry out the development of potential indicators of produced capital.

In October 2001, the cluster groups met for the first time to develop a list of potential indicators. At their second meetings, in January 2002, the cluster groups of experts chose and developed indicators for recommendation to the Steering Committee. Some of these indicators will be ready for use in the short term. The cluster groups also identified areas of promising work for further research in the future.

The ESDI Steering Committee will select a small number of indicators destined to address the overall goal of the program. The NRTEE will ask potential users of the indicators, from all walks of life, to comment on their value and usefulness.

Cluster Group Recommendations
Defining Specific Indicators
Background Research
Mandates of Cluster Groups
Membership of Cluster Groups
Cluster Groups Background Documents