The Council of Canadians


» Canadian activist condemns role of NAFTA in Mexican political unrest

» "The Council of Canadians has got it right on water," writes Thomas Axworthy

» Council of Canadians calls upon BC Health Minister to uphold the law (12/01/2006)

» Close energy ties to U.S. limit action on climate change (11/18/2006)

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» ACTION ALERT: Protest firing of Canada Wheat Board CEO

» VICTORY! U.S. Coast Guard abandons plan for live-fire zones on the Great Lakes!



Integrate This! Upcoming teach-in on Deep Integration
From March 30 to April 1, 2007, join The Council of Canadians in Ottawa for a teach-in on deep integration called Integrate This! Challenging the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. We are working with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and the Canadian Labour Congress to bring together activists, artists and academics to challenge deep integration and to rethink Canada's increasingly close relationship with the United States. Keep checking this site, or sign up to our automated newsletter, for updates on our teach-in.

Sample municipal resolution on TILMA - download and give to your local city councillor »

INTEGRATE THIS! A Citizen’s Guide to Fighting Deep Integration Tool Kit
Marching Orders: How Canada abandoned peacekeeping - and why the UN needs us now more than ever
Marching Orders: How Canada abandoned peacekeeping - and why the UN needs us now more than ever
The Silent Treatment Canadian Perspectives Autumn 2006


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Profit is Not the Cure

Watch or listen to speakers and activists at the 2006 Annual General Meeting.


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updated January 3, 2007
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700-170 Laurier Avenue West Ottawa, ON, K1P 5V5 CA; Tel: (613) 233-2773; 1-800-387-7177
Fax: (613) 233-6776;; © The Council of Canadians, 2006