Grand Council of the Crees

Welcome! Wachiya!

Welcome to the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) Web site, where we share with the world our vision for our nation. Here we explain to interested observers our culture, values, problems and hopes and describe our many political, cultural, social, economic and spiritual activities. In addition we offer readers links to major stories of aboriginal interest in other parts of Canada and around the world.


Press conference to discuss the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

UN Webcast Archives [Opens a new window]

Feasibility Study of Hog Farm Suggests that it is Badly Conceived and  Not Viable


GROUPE AGECO: Counter valuation in the dossier: Chapais Agri-food Project, FINAL REPORT, SEPTEMBER 2006 [PDF, 169 kb]

Contre expertise dans le dossier: Projet agroalimentaire de Chapais, Rapport Final, Septembre 2006 [PDF, 831kb]

Sign the Petition on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Specific Agreement On Tourism for the Eenouch of Eeyou Istchee

More information on the tourism agreement...

Contact Rodney W. Hester, Program Officer

What's New at
  • The Spring 2006 Eeyou Eenou is now available here

Latest News

Deputy Grand Chief Ashley Iserhoff's Letter to the Editor of the Montreal Gazette

Date: 2006-12-06

In the December 2nd article entitled, "Cree reject Rupert River diversion project", Deputy Grand Chief Iserhoff was erroneously quoted as as having stated that the decision on the 2002 Agreement, "...wasn't made by each community. It was made by the Grand Council."

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Government of Canada Releases Findings of the Panel for the Eastmain-1-A and Rupert Diversion Project

Date: 2006-12-05

"The executive summary and recommendations are available in both official languages on the Agency's Web site. The full report will be available as soon as possible."

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Statement by Deputy Grand Chief Ashley Iserhoff, Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) To the "United Nations Dams and Development Meeting", Nairobi, Kenya

Date: 2006-12-04

Deputy Grand Chief Iserhoff stated he is, "two minds about hydroelectric development", stressing that while we want employment and entrepreneurial opportunities for our people, in order for development to be meaningful and progressive to a local population, it must make sense in terms of their values and world view.

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Remarks from Grand Chief Matthew Mukash At the 1st Cree Regional Diabetes Conference, Mistissini, Quebec

Date: 2006-11-29

Grand Chief Mukash addressed the issue of Diabetes, saying that, "Together, unified as people, organizations, and communities we can determine what we each can do to overcome this problem."

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PRESS RELEASE: Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) Reaction to Review Committee (COMEX)

Date: 2006-11-03

The Grand Council of the Crees acknowledges the press release of the Review Committee (COMEX) issued on November 2, 2006. The press release notes the report of the Committee has been given to the Provincial Administrator of the Agreement for review.

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Le Devoir Errs in its account of the Review of the Eastmain 1A-Rupert Diversion Project

Date: 2006-11-02

The Grand Council of the Crees wishes to clarify that Mr. Romeo Saganash does not work for the Grand Council as legal counsel, and secondly, he has not been mandated by the Council as a spokesperson on the Eastmain 1 A- Rupert Diversion Project or for the review process, but has spoken out in his personal capacity

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Quebec Inuit endorse land claims deal (Via

Date: 2006-11-01

Quebec's northern Inuit nation has approved a potentially lucrative land deal that will grant it control over hundreds of islands in the Hudson and Ungava bays, and the Hudson Strait. About 78 per cent of eligible voters endorsed the deal, which is part of the Nunavik Land Claims Agreement.

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Remarks from Grand Chief Matthew Mukash: Opening of Kanawhymigoo Childcare Centre Second Facitlity

Date: 2006-10-20

Grand Chief Mukash congratulated the community of Wemindji on their accomplishments, stating that, "You have provided a fine example of community contribution and demonstrated the kind of care our people have for their children."

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10 Reasons to Support the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Date: 2006-10-19

Indigenous groups from all over the world, including the Grand Council of the Crees are lobbying to have the declaration adopted by the UN general assembly in the shortest delay possible. Here are ten reasons to support the declaration.

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Muskegowuk Annual General Assembly Fort Albany, September 21, 2006: Remarks delivered by Deputy Grand Chief Ashley Iserhoff

Date: 2006-09-21

Deputy Grand Chief Ashley Iserhoff called being invited to the Muskegowuk Council in Fort Albanyan an honor and a privilege.

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Letter to Mayor Gerald Tremblay of Montreal Offering Sympathies for the Tragedy at Dawson College

Date: 2006-09-19

Deputy Grand Chief Ashley Iserhoff expressed heartfelt sympathies for the tragedy which occurred at Dawson College in Montreal on September 13, 2006, stating, "Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families and friends of all victims of this tragedy."

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Closing the Implementation Gap

Date: 2006-09-18

Closing the Implementation Gap
A two-day forum (Oct. 2,3) to follow-up the 2004 mission to Canada by the U.N. Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people.

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Cree Trappers & Hydro Quebec Conference: Val d’Or, September 14, 2006 Welcoming Address by Deputy Grand Chief Ashley Iserhoff

Date: 2006-09-14

"The collective knowledge, experiences and information contained within this room today, of our tallymen, trappers, land users, and workers can paint a much truer and more complete picture of the reality of the impacts and benefits of hydroelectric development than anything else to date." Deputy Grand Chief Iserhoff stated at the conference.

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Cree village prepares for historic event

Date: 2006-08-28

The Anglican Church of Canada will ordain six Cree elders in a northern Quebec village so they can perform services in the church. (Via CBC News)

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Sign the Petition on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Date: 2006-08-15

We are calling upon all states to support as a priority the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Human Rights Council, Res. 2006/2, 29 June 2006, Annex) and its adoption by the General Assembly before the end of 2006. Show your support by signing the Petition on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

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Remarks to the 17th Annual Quebec Aboriginal Firefighters Challenge, by Deputy Grand Chief Ashley Iserhoff

Date: 2006-08-12

Deputy Grand Chief Ashley Iserhoff lauded all firefighters, stating, "Your profession, your commitment and sacrifices are to be commended."

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Annual General Assembly

Date: 2006-08-08

The 32nd annual General Assembly of the Grand Council of the Crees, and the 29th annual General Assembly of the Cree Regional Authority will be held in the community of Ouje Bougoumou August 22nd, 23rd, and 24th.

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Congratulations National Chief Phil Fontaine on Your Re-Election

Date: 2006-07-14

Matthew Mukash, Grand Chief of the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) and Deputy Grand Chief Ashley Iserhoff congratulate National Chief Phil Fontaine on his re-election: “On behalf of the Crees of Eeyou Istchee I congratulate National Chief Fontaine for such a resounding victory in the election yesterday," said Grand Chief Matthew Mukash.

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Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Moves Forward Despite Canadian Government Interference

Date: 2006-06-29

Indigenous peoples and human rights organizations in Canada are welcoming the historic decision by the United Nations Human Rights Council to back the adoption of the draft UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. However, these organizations also expressed their deep frustration and disappointment with the Canadian government’s efforts to stall this much-needed and long overdue human rights instrument. Canada called the vote as a pre-emptive move against the Declaration’s passage, but in the end Canada was one of only two countries to vote against the Declaration.

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National Aboriginal Day Address by Deputy Grand Chief Ashley Iserhoff

Date: 2006-06-21

" Today, as we celebrate National Aboriginal Day, and what it means to us as Aboriginal People, we should remember the importance of the knowledge, skills and traditions we possess. Within them, there are many more cures and remedies, and transformative innovations for modern society to enjoy with us. One thing, Aboriginal Peoples are not lacking in, is our appreciation of the life and people around us. ", stated Deputy Grand Chief Iserhoff.

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Key Note Address By Grand Chief Matthew Mukash To The Secondary V Graduates Chisasibi

Date: 2006-06-20

Grand Chief Matthew Mukash marked the occasion by stating, "There are many obstacles and challenges in life, but each one of them serves a purpose. If we approach them with an open mind, open heart and without fear, we realize that they are our greatest teachers. Remember this!"

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House of Commons Aboriginal Affairs Committee Expresses support for the United Nations draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Date: 2006-06-08

Indigenous peoples, faith-based and human rights organizations say the Harper government should follow the lead of a House of Commons committee which yesterday gave its endorsement to a key draft international instrument for the global protection of the human rights of Indigenous peoples.

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Deputy Grand Chief Ashley Iserhoff Remarks at the Grand Opening of the Sabtuaan Regional Vocational Training Centre in Waswanipi, QC

Date: 2006-05-31

Deputy Grand Chief Iserhoff remarked, "Through the training centre, we are able to advance Eeyou Istchee and make our dreams and needs a reality. By designing programs such as those offered by the vocational training centre, we show that we are able to work with our people to fit the growing needs of our communities."

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Presentation by Deputy Grand Chief Ashley Iserhoff to the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

Date: 2006-05-22

Today deputy Grand Chief Iserhoff delivered a presentation entitled, "The Draft U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Millennium Development Goals: Importance of a Human Rights-Based Approach" to the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.

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UN Forum Speakers Urge Rapid Adoption of Long-Negotionated Draft Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Date: 2006-05-22

"Representatives of indigenous and tribal communities today urged the United Nations panel charged with drawing attention to their plight to press Member States to rapidly adopt a long-negotiated draft declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples, as the surest way to promote the human rights of 370 million people worldwide and to protect the fragile traditional lands and resources on which they depended for survival."

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Dutch Government in favour of draft UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Date: 2006-05-16

The position of the Dutch government was recently conveyed to the Dutch Parliament in the following terms (see full article): "As far as the Netherlands is concerned, ... the proposed text is acceptable and should be given priority during the Human Rights Council's first session on 19-30 June, so that it can then be adopted by the General Assembly. [unofficial translation from Dutch]"

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Presentation of the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) and of The Cree Regional Authority: The Eastmain 1-A Rupert Project, by Deputy Grand Chief Ashley Iserhoff

Date: 2006-05-04

In his presentation today, Deputy Grand Chief Ashley Iserhoff stated, "We strongly encourage you to take into account the preoccupations of the Cree people who have come to testify in your public hearings or who have submitted briefs to you. We also encourage you to review this project with all objectivity to ensure that the criteria for project acceptability set out under the JBNQA have been fully taken into account in your recommendations."

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The Superior Court of Quebec Declares the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act Violates Cree Rights Under the JBNQA

Date: 2006-04-03

The decision released on Friday vindicates the Crees' long standing position that the CEA Act did not take into account their treaty rights and was therefore in contradiction with the JBNQA. Though requested to correct this situation many times through negotiations, the federal authorities had rather decided to impose CEA on the Crees in disregard of the terms of the treaty. The Court has now ordered Canada to respect the terms of the treaty.

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Premier Charest and Grand Chief Mukash in Agreement

Date: 2006-03-24

Premier Jean Charest and Grand Chief Matthew Mukash have met today in Montréal. This was the first meeting between the two leaders since Grand Chief Mukash's election on September 16th, 2005. Both leaders have confirmed that they wish to maintain a harmonious, productive and long term relationship between the Crees and Québec.

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Eastmain-1-A (EM1A) and Rupert Diversion Project: Public Hearings Schedule

Date: 2006-03-23

The public hearings schedule regarding the EM1A Project, including the times and locations for meetings in Mistissini, Nemaska, Eastmain, Wemindji, Waskaganish, Chisasibi, Chibougamau, and Montreal.

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Mistissini Community Wellness Week, March 19-23

Date: 2006-03-20

A complete schedule events of the Mistissini Community Wellness Week, brought to you by Brighter Futures, Building Healthy Communities under the Public Health Department.

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Address to the 2006 Graduates of Sabtuan Education Services of Whapmagoostui, Eeyou Istchee: Delivered by Deputy Grand Chief Ashley Iserhoff

Date: 2006-02-25

"Whapmagoostui has a good history of people who have set aside their own dreams and personal goals in education to either serve their community or their Nation.", Deputy Grand Chief Ashley Iserhoff stated at the Graduation ceremony.

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Youth Center Opening Address by Deputy Grand Chief Ashley Iserhoff in Chisasibi, Quebec

Date: 2006-02-20

Deputy Grand Chief Ashley Iserhoff delivered the opening address for a new youth center in Chisasibi, Quebec on behalf of Grand Chief Matthew Mukash. The Deputy Grand Chief stated, "let this center be your outlet to express yourselves through art and entertainment. Let it be your motivation, encouragement and a source of inspiration for your future."

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Remarks by Deputy Grand Chief Ashley Iserhoff: Opening of Mistissini Multi-Service Center

Date: 2006-02-14

Deputy Grand Chief Ashley Iserhoff joins the community of Mistissini in celebrating the opening of the first Multi Service Day Center in Eeyou Istchee.

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Graduation Address of Grand Chief Matthew Mukash Delivered in Nemaska, Eeyou Istchee

Date: 2006-02-02

Grand Chief Matthew Mukash congratules the graduates of the Educators in Native Childcare Program, stressing to, "remember to recognize the potential in your choices to help shape our nation with the way you influence our children."

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Remarks by the Deputy Grand Chief, Ashley Iserhoff on Waswanipi Career Day

Date: 2006-01-19

Deputy Grand Chief Ashley Iserhoff highlights the limitless opportunities present in the constantly evolving economy, while stressing the continued importance of assigning proper value and recognition to our traditions and culture.

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Date: 2006-01-14

A new design makes faster, sleaker, and more accessible.

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