Digital Anti-Racism Education Project 2 (D.A.R.E.2) Virtual Trainings


CCMW is now offering Legal Services Coordination!

This Legal Services Coordination Program aims to provide culturally appropriate legal services coordination for Canadian Muslim women seeking legal advice and counsel on family law issues. It is a one-stop referral service designed expressly for Canadian Muslim women to address their unique needs resulting from complexities related to Canadian and Muslim family laws.

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CCMW’s D.A.R.E. Project

Islamophobia is one form of discrimination in Canada that contributes to Muslim women’s and girls’ experiences of safety in public and online spaces and there is very little education available on how to counter online hate and extremism.

CCMW’s Digital Anti-Racism Education (D.A.R.E.) Project, funded by the Government of Canada, is a unique and significant initiative to respond to hate online.

To register for upcoming workshops, click HERE.


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Muslim Women Scholars Series

The Canadian Council of Muslim Women (CCMW) is pleased to present the Muslim Women Scholars Series. One of CCMW's strategic goals is to promote critical thinking among Muslims and non-Muslims to challenge stereotypes and assumptions about Islam, Muslim women and their families. One way of doing this is to feature the work of contemporary Muslim women scholars focusing on diverse topics related to Muslim women.

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The Canadian Council of Muslim Women (CCMW) is an organization dedicated to the equality, equity and empowerment of Muslim women in Canada.


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The Canadian Council of Muslim Women (CCMW) is dedicated to the equality, equity and empowerment of Muslim women in Canada.

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A special thank you to our funders

We thank you for your partnership and collaboration.

Government of Canada Logo

Contact Us

Gifts & Donations: Inquiries:

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P.O. Box 73509, RPO Wychwood
Toronto, ON M6C 4A7 416.999.6059