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[PHOTOGRAPH] A portion of the scroll of the Book of Isaiah [Photographed by Michael Maggen, Paper Conservation Laboratory; Copyright the Israel Museum Jerusalem] Decoding the Dead Sea Scrolls
[8 November 2006]
Sixty years after the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, new technology like infrared digital photography and DNA analysis are piecing together thousands of its fragments.
[ILLUSTRATION] A dollar sign under the microscope Survey: Salary Only One Factor to Satisfaction
[3 November 2006]
While salaries matter, job satisfaction is determined by several other more important factors, according to a Science survey of life scientists published in the 3 November issue.
[ILLUSTRATION] Chinese characters for 'reporter' Fellowship for Young Chinese Reporters
[2 November 2006]
AAAS and EurekAlert! are seeking applications from young reporters employed by a Chinese-language publication for three fellows to cover the 2007 AAAS Annual Meeting.
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"The Battle of Algiers"
The Center for Science, Technology and Security Policy will screen the provocative 1966 film on 9 November.
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Current Issue
3 November 2006
The cover of Science magazine: A century of research on Alzheimer's disease
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