G20 Leaders Endorse Joint Trade Language, Note Differences with US on...
Fuelling Trade in the Digital Era: Policy Roadmap for Developing...
Evaluating the Implementation Obligations of the Trade Facilitation...

Bridges news

13 July 2017
WTO members conducted a comprehensive review of the EU’s trade policies last week, examining issues such as the implications of Brexit on the bloc’s trading relationships; the EU’s investment court system and wider negotiating agenda; and the global trade body’s upcoming ministerial conference in...
13 July 2017
The biennial “Global Review of Aid for Trade” kicked off on Tuesday 11 July at WTO headquarters, with the heads of multiple international agencies calling for greater efforts to improve digital connectivity, lower trade costs, and improve infrastructure through the Aid for Trade initiative. The...
13 July 2017
As industry has moved to integrate and consolidate manufacturing, the application of domestic-centric regulations can engender unnecessary and duplicative actions and costs across...
10 July 2017
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 25 September 2015, provides a comprehensive and ambitious global developmental framework. Firmly ensconced within the Agenda are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which bring a clear...
10 July 2017
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development calls for increasing aid-for-trade support for developing countries, in particular least developed countries. How can this type of funding be fully leveraged in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals? Meeting at a special Summit at the...
10 July 2017
Taking stock of aid for trade in Africa over the last decade, how can the targeting and delivery of this development assistance be improved to achieve the continent’s structural transformation, regional integration, and poverty reduction agendas? Aid for trade (AfT) is explicitly addressed in the...
6 July 2017
With no major regulatory leap forward in the shape of a multilateral or plurilateral digital trade agreement likely in the short term, interim knowledge and capacity-building steps by the G20 could be taken to boost the enabling environment for online goods and services trade, and keep alive...
6 July 2017
Even if the U.S. is not on board for climate change, G20 leaders can still make important headway by taking decisive action on clean energy initiatives, establishing carbon...
26 June 2017
Discussions related to the feasibility of establishing a common framework on investment facilitation are important, where flows of foreign direct investment (FDI) are needed in order to mobilise resources for development. In this article, the authors argue that although the debate on investment...
15 July 2017
As investigações sobre o impacto do aço importado sobre a segurança nacional dos Estados Unidos têm gerado ansiedade entre os maiores fornecedores do produto para o mercado estadunidense, dentre eles o Brasil. Até o momento, as principais motivações de Trump para lançar as investigações não se...
14 July 2017
À l’occasion de l’examen global bisannuel de l’aide pour le commerce, les directeurs et représentants de plusieurs organisations internationales ont appelé à des efforts accrus en vue d’améliorer la connectivité numérique, de réduire les coûts du commerce et d’améliorer les infrastructures dans le...
13 July 2017
Конец июня был отмечен проведением очередного ежегодного совещания между экспертами Международного валютного фонда (МВФ) и представителями России по вопросам основных тенденций развития российской экономики. Эти консультации проводятся в соответствии со статьей IV Устава МВФ и нацелены на...
13 July 2017
Reunidos en Hamburgo (Alemania) el 7 y 8 de julio de 2017, los líderes del G20 acordaron unánimemente una declaración para avanzar en cuestiones internacionales claves, como cooperación tributaria, digitalización, generación de empleo, género, regulación financiera, salud y seguridad. Sin embargo,...


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Buenos Aires, Argentina


Founded in 1996, ICTSD is an independent non-profit organization based in Geneva, Switzerland

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ICTSD facilitates interaction among policymakers and influencers to implement policy frameworks on sustainable trade


ICTSD has played a unique role in pursuing sustainable development objectives in the context of trade and economic policy