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Oct. 27-30, 2005
Bangkok, Thailand

How does change happen?

Reports, audiofiles, blogs, photos and feedback from the 10th AWID International Forum on Women's Rights and Development are now available on the Forum Website.

Coming in March! Continue the conversations started at the forum with the March issue of Development, which features over 40 contributions from Forum participants. Download the flyer for more information and to place an order (note: all AWID members will receive one free copy as part of membership).

Updated Feb 23, 2006
AWID Innovation Seed Grants

AWID invited Forum participants to submit applications for small grants that would transform ideas and perspectives from the Forum into actual and realized change. It was important that recipient groups proposed a new and original idea that was directly related to its content and has the ability to lead to policy, institutional or systemic change. The response was very positive with over 115 applications received. Fourteen organizations were chosen as recipients from a variety of locations across the world, and their projects range from the development of an ‘Empower Dictionary’ by Thai sex workers to advocating for women’s rights through the arts in young Bolivian women.

Updated Feb 06, 2006
Defending Our Dreams: Global Feminist Voices for a New Generation

Edited by Shamillah Wilson, Anasuya Sengupta and Kristy Evans

[Book Cover]This pioneering collection presents the original experiences, perspectives and visions of young feminists seeking to understand the current world order and shape a better future. Engaged as advocates, organisers, protesters, researchers and strategists, their energies, creativity and passion help to define social movements globally. The book brings together analyses by feminists of diverse identities on themes including women's rights and economic change, new technologies, sexuality, feminist organisations and movements. It presents key issues arising out of the experiences of young women living in both North and South, the challenges confronting young feminists, and the agenda for a new era of feminist leadership and activism.

Updated Jan 13, 2006
AWID’S New Office in Mexico City

We are pleased to announce that the AWID team working from Mexico City moved to a new office!!! Please take note of our new address and telephone numbers:

Zamora 169, Casa 2
Col. Condesa, CP 06140
Mexico DF, Mexico
Tel: (5255) 5212 0696
Tel/Fax: (5255) 5212 0626

For email inquiries about the Mexico City office please contact or

Updated Dec 09, 2005
Global Consultation meeting on Women Human Rights Defenders

AWID was present at the Global Consultation meeting on Women Human Rights Defenders that took place in Colombo, Sri Lanka from November 30 to December 2, 2005. The consultation was attended by two hundred women’s rights and human rights activists from approximately seventy countries worldwide. The gathering is linked to an international campaign launched in 2004 entitled “Defending Women Defending Rights: the International Campaign on Women Human Rights Defenders (ICWHRD). ICWHRD is an international initiative for the recognition and protection of women activists who advocate the realization of human rights for all people. Formed as a coalition of women’s rights and human rights organizations, the Campaign is rooted in overwhelming evidence that many women who are active in different aspects of human rights work routinely face harassment, abuse, violence, discrimination and marginalization because of their gender, sexual identity and their advocacy.

Updated Nov 24, 2005
Read the abstracts of the winning essays and case studies of the Call for Contributions "Building Feminist Movements and Organisations: Learning from Experience"

Updated Nov 09, 2005
Where is the Money for Women's Rights?

It seems that there are too few interested funders, with too little money, to support existing women's rights organizations and initiatives. Is it that women's rights groups are not bold enough in their fundraising strategies? Is it that donors simply don't understand the urgency and importance of this work? What has really been happening in terms of funding for women's rights organizations in the last ten years and what have been the driving forces behind those trends? This report is the result of an action research initiative launched by AWID to explore precisely those questions and to give insights into possible strategies for changing the existing funding landscape so that more resources are made available to women's rights organizations.

Providing comprehensive information and analysis on women's human rights and global issues
Challenging Fundamentalisms
A web resource related to women's human rights and challenging fundamentalisms


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