Projects for 2005-2006

Projects > Globalization, Governance & Human Rights

Five Case Studies for Human Rights Impact Assessments of Investment Projects

Level of action: International

Based on the model of environment impact assessments, Rights & Democracy is entering the second year of a project to provide policy decision-makers, investors and communities with a methodological tool to assess the magnitude of the impact of such projects on human rights. In order to test this methodology and to develop the relevant educational and awareness-raising materials during the project’s third year, five case studies have been selected in Argentina, Peru, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Philippines and Tibet. This year, Rights & Democracy staff conducted field missions, often under very difficult conditions, in an attempt to systematically document, with partners in the above-mentioned countries, the effect on human rights of the investment projects in question. At the same time, the need for human rights impact assessment methodologies was acknowledged both in Canada by a Parliamentary Committee examining the actions of Canadian mining companies overseas, and by various multilateral organizations. Rights & Democracy wishes to contribute to the debate by ensuring that the voices of communities directly affected by foreign direct investment are heard. Click here for more information.

Malawi: Right to Food

Level of action: National

Rights & Democracy continues to support the Malawi National Right to Food Taskforce. The aim of the project is to promote the right to adequate food in order to end famine and undernourishment around the world. In the fall of 2005, we organized and accompanied a cross-Canada tour by taskforce representative, Mildred Sharra. The Canadian tour included conference presentations, meetings with representatives of the Government of Canada and with Canadian non-governmental organizations. In addition to working to defend the right to food, in terms of the right to an adequate standard of living, this project aims to develop a framework for advocacy around the larger mandate of supporting agricultural development in poor countries where the majority of people earn their living from small-scale farming.

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