Projects for 2005-2006

Zimbabwe: Supporting Litigation against Human Rights Abuses

Land seizures, torture, housing demolition and massive evictions: these are some of the offences committed in Zimbabwe by President Robert Mugabe’s regime. In September 2005, the Association of Canadian Journalists for Freedom of Expression (CJFE), in collaboration with Rights & Democracy, invited Gabriel Shumba, a Zimbabwean lawyer forced into exile in South Africa in 2003 following death threats, to bear witness to this mass destruction and violation of human rights. Mr. Shumba’s tour of Toronto, Ottawa and Montréal was the starting point of a partnership between Rights & Democracy and the Zimbabwe Exiles Forum (ZEF), led by Mr. Shumba. In November 2005, Rights & Democracy’s support made it possible for two victims and their lawyer to testify before the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights regarding the violations they had suffered. Subsequently, a resolution adopted by the African Commission criticized the human rights violations perpetrated in Zimbabwe. Encouraged by this decision, the Zimbabwe Exiles Forum now plans to gather 1200 testimonial accounts, particularly from women, some of which will be submitted to the African Commission. In order to support this initiative, Rights & Democracy organized a training workshop in Pretoria in March 2006 on integrating a gender-sensitive approach into the documentation of human rights violations.
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