Projects for 2005-2006

Burma: Supporting Advocacy Efforts in Canada and Internationally

Rights & Democracy seeks to promote democratic development in Burma by two sets of activities: through advocacy, which includes support for the legitimate democratic institutions from Burma (e.g. the National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma or NCGUB) and condemnation of the dictatorship, in Canada and at the regional and international levels; and through capacity building by empowering women located on the borders of Burma and facilitating their participation in the pro-democracy movement. In 2005 and 2006, Rights & Democracy supported the lobbying efforts of the NCGUB as well as the Canadian Friends of Burma (CFOB). R&D also supported advocacy activities in Canada, including the visit of the Prime Minister in Exile to Ottawa on the 10th anniversary of Daw Aung Sun Kyi’s house arrest. Finally, R&D contributed to the publication of human rights advocacy tools on Burma, including reports on the use of forced labour by the military regime.
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