
jean-louis roy

Jean-Louis Roy was appointed President of Rights & Democracy in June, 2002, and took up his post two months later, on Aug. 19. 

A former Director of the Montreal daily Le Devoir, Mr. Roy was Secretary General of the Agence de la Francophonie in Paris from 1990 to 1998. He was responsible for promoting cooperation between the 49 member states of the Francophonie and for the implementation of political, economic and social programmes agreed upon at summit meetings of Heads of State and Governments.

 Complete biography


Featured Issue

United Nations Reform - Security, Development, Human Rights

Rights & Democracy has been actively following the reform of the United Nations both prior to and after the World Summit in September, 2005. In particular, Rights & Democracy is interested in the negotiations taking place to establish the mandate, status and composition of a new Human Rights Council that would replace the Commission on Human Rights.

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