December 1998

December 2, 1998
Tibetan Award Winner Tours Canada


November 1998

November 26, 1998
Pinochet Ruling: important precedent

November 25, 1998
Texas should commute Canadian's death sentence

November 10, 1998
Link trade negotiations to Human Rights


October 1998

October 29, 1998
Pinochet Ruling


September 1998

September 10, 1998
Ottawa puts Trade ahead of Human Rights

September 8, 1998
Fund for Public Policy Research in Guatemala

September 1, 1998
Rwanda: Verdict in the Case of Jean-Paul Akayesu


August 1998

August 27, 1998
Human Rights and Democracy Forum in Pakistan

August 5, 1998
Tibetan wins 1998 John humphrey Freedom Award


July 1998

July 16, 1998
Acts of Genocide in Congo-Kinshasa: investigation urgently needed

July 14, 1998
Effective International Criminal Court in Jeopardy


June 1998

June 19, 1998
Acts of Genocide committed in Congo-Kinshasa

June 14, 1998
Towards an effective International Criminal Court: Meeting the Challenge


May 1998

May 27, 1998
Muchtar Pakpahan, leading Indonesian political prisoner, is released from prison

May 19, 1998
Political Crisis in Indonesia


April 1998

April 29, 1998
Human Rights and Democracy in China

April 23, 1998
Public Executions in Rwanda

April 21, 1998
Victims of Human Rights Abuses Speak Out

April 21, 1998
From Witness to Advocate

April 17, 1998
Is Trade Trumping Human Rights ?

April 8, 1998
Democratic Republic of Congo: Dissolution of AZADHO


March 1998

March 11, 1998
Santiago Summit of the Americas

March 10, 1998
Another Human Rights Defender Dies in Rwanda

March 6, 1998
Florence Bird Grant helps Afghan Women express views


January 1998

January 26, 1998
The Organization of American States (OAS)