Human Rights, Anti-Terror and National Security

An introduction to Rights & Democracy's work

Rights & Democracy has been engaged in monitoring the effects of national security laws on civil liberties and human rights for nearly a decade. Following the events of September 11, 2001, Rights & Democracy has tried to ensure that civil liberties and human rights were not unnecessarily compromised in the proliferation of national security laws and anti-terrorism measures.

Rights & Democracy's programme on human rights, democracy and security is focused on the following objectives:

  • to enhance public awareness on this issue through publications, seminars and on-going advocacy in cooperation with civil society organizations and governments; and

  • to strengthen the capacity of organizations at the national, regional and international levels who focus on this issue from a human rights and democracy perspective.

Highlights of our efforts in this domain include:

Other Rights & Democracy documents on Human Rights, Anti-Terrorism and National Security

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