Media Coverage

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Pharoanic Showdown

Globe and Mail | May 11, 2006

Egypt's judges are refusing to be silenced by President Hosni Mubarak's anti-democracy crackdown

By Janice Gross Stein
Chair, Rights & Democracy's Board of Directors

Judiciary leading protests against election fraud

National Post | May 10, 2006

Judges rally behind two whistle-blowers forced to face disciplinary panel

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Malawi: Govt Accused of Non Compliance On Food Rights | April 27, 2006

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Canada Today to Africa: The Right to Food in Malawi

Radio Canada International | April 24, 2006

More information

Talk Politics interview with Adeena Niazi, President of the Afghan Women's Organization

CPAC | Mar. 19, 2006

Mansbridge One on One with Rights & Democracy's Roya Rahmani

CBC | Mar. 11, 2006

Mansbridge One on One Web site feature on Roya Rahmani

Hamas victory is bad news for women

Hamilton Spectator | Feb. 8, 2006

Hamilton, Ontario

Read article

An Eloquent Voice for a Remote People

Toronto Star | Dec. 9, 2005

Toronto, Ontario


West Papuan Receives Canadian Human Rights Award

Embassy Magazine | Dec. 7, 2005

Ottawa, Ontario


Rights Champion Shares Papuan Experience

Cowichan News-Leader & Pictorial | December 3, 2005

Duncan, British Columbia


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