Projects for 2005-2006

Projects > Asia

Asia/Indonesia: Supporting Indigenous Women in Civil Society

Level of action: Regional

In 2005, the teams of the Democratic Development and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights themes started working together in Asia and specifically in Indonesia, adapting the educational kit “Indigenous Women of the Americas” in order to produce one entitled “Indigenous Women of Asia.” Rights & Democracy is working in close cooperation with the Asian Indigenous Women’s Network, based in the Philippines, to produce and disseminate this kit. The first edition of “Indigenous Women of Asia” will be published in Indonesian and will include specific fact sheets on indigenous women in Indonesia. Rights & Democracy also conducts important advocacy activities on Indonesia in Canada, specifically as a founding and active member of the Canadian Advocacy Group on Indonesia.

Burma: Supporting Advocacy Efforts in Canada and Internationally

Level of action: National, International

Rights & Democracy seeks to promote democratic development in Burma by two sets of activities: through advocacy, which includes support for the legitimate democratic institutions from Burma (e.g. the National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma or NCGUB) and condemnation of the dictatorship, in Canada and at the regional and international levels; and through capacity building by empowering women located on the borders of Burma and facilitating their participation in the pro-democracy movement. In 2005 and 2006, Rights & Democracy supported the lobbying efforts of the NCGUB as well as the Canadian Friends of Burma (CFOB). R&D also supported advocacy activities in Canada, including the visit of the Prime Minister in Exile to Ottawa on the 10th anniversary of Daw Aung Sun Kyi’s house arrest. Finally, R&D contributed to the publication of human rights advocacy tools on Burma, including reports on the use of forced labour by the military regime.

China: Supporting the Growth of Democratic Spaces

Level of action: National

Upon invitation from the Political Science and Law University of China, Rights & Democracy conducted a first exploratory mission to China in March 2006, in order to lay the groundwork for programming, which will be carried out on two levels. The first level, in cooperation with Chinese institutional partners, aims to establish dialogue on democratic development with the new generation of Chinese decision-makers. The second level, in cooperation with civil society partners, aims to encourage citizen participation by supporting Chinese civil society movements. As part of a pilot project, Rights & Democracy will help build the capacity of environmental NGOs  which are very active in China through regional workshops and case-by-case assistance. In Canada, Rights & Democracy coordinates a coalition of a dozen Canadian NGOs involved in the human rights situation in China.

As well, Rights & Democracy continues its engagement in labour rights advocacy and programming in China. A case intervention project developed by the China Labour Bulletin provides legal and practical assistance to Chinese workers seeking the resolution of labour disputes and conflicts. We also support civil society initiatives on behalf of women working in the informal sector.

Women’s Rights in Afghanistan

Level of action: National

In August 2005, Rights & Democracy enthusiastically inaugurated the Women’s Resource Centre in Kandahar, funded by the Women’s Rights in Afghanistan Fund (WRAF) supported by CIDA. On August 16, 2005, the only independent space for meeting and activities for women in southern Afghanistan opened its doors. A number of figures, notably Canada’s ambassador to Afghanistan, the Governor of Kandahar, as well as several members of the local and international media, including the BBC, were there to highlight the opening of this centre in what is considered to be Afghanistan’s most conservative region and the cradle of the Taliban. The Resource Centre, which includes a library, conference room and Internet space, gives women the opportunity to meet and to find out more about their rights and their issues of concern, and to use the space for organizing, learning and mobilizing.
WRAF also continues to provide core funding to two free legal-aid clinics in northern Afghanistan, in the Jahzjan and Shirbirghan regions, providing the only legal services for women in the region. These clinics provide professional legal advice and services, as well as free information sessions regarding rights, resolving cases of divorce, domestic abuse, inheritance and other family law issues.

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