December 2001

December 5, 2001
Dr. Sima Samar Named to Transition Cabinet in Afghanistan


November 2001

November 27, 2001
Women's Rights Advocate From Afghanistan Tours Canada

November 7, 2001
WTO Ministerial Meeting in Qatar


October 2001

October 30, 2001
Media Advisory

October 30, 2001
Rights & Democracy Intervenes In Historic Supreme Court Case

October 28, 2001
Women's Groups Congratulate ICTY on Charges of Sexual Violence Against Slobodan Milosevic

October 24, 2001
Colombia - Continued War Is Quickening The Pace Of Indigenous Peoples' Gradual Extinction

October 18, 2001
Nortel Technology Threatens Human Rights in China


September 2001

September 4, 2001
World Conference Against Racism


August 2001

August 7, 2001
Hughes Report - A Wake-up Call about Summit Policing


July 2001

July 5, 2001
Afghan Woman Physician wins John Humphrey Freedom Award


June 2001

June 14, 2001
Indigenous Peoples have the Right to Self-determination

June 11, 2001
Rights & Democracy contributes to search for kidnapped Colombian Indigenous Leader Kimy Pernía Domicó

June 4, 2001
Canada should support Indigenous Peoples' Right to Participation in the Peace Process


May 2001

May 31, 2001
Indigenous Peoples in Colombia in Crisis reports Joint Mission

May 22, 2001
Quebec Summit - Canada should call for Inquiry by Inter-American Commission On Human Rights

May 4, 2001
ICC Ratification and Implementation Workshop in Jamaica for Caribbean Countries

May 3, 2001
Investigating Women's Rights Violations In Armed Conflicts


March 2001

March 29, 2001
International Trade Should Protect Human Rights

March 19, 2001
Ken Wiwa to call for release of jailed burmese student leader

March 14, 2001
Canada's Human Rights Strategy With China Is Not Working

March 1, 2001
Human Rights Situation Deteriorates in Tunisia


February 2001

February 13, 2001
Rights & Democracy Backs Quebec Summit Rights Monitoring Project

February 8, 2001
Chinese Political Prisoner Labour Lawyer Xu Jian

February 8, 2001
Chrétien Must Challenge China On Human Rights

February 5, 2001
Joint Statement by International Human Rights Organizations on Haiti