Statement on the Palestinian Legislative Council Elections

MONTREAL – Feb. 6, 2006 – Last week’s Palestinian Legislative Council elections are a landmark event in a region aspiring to a more democratic future. Voter turnout, which was estimated at more than 70%, underscored the breadth of this desire among Palestinians. This unprecedented participation was combined with a vote widely deemed transparent and fair.

International and local observers said the elections took place in compliance with both Palestinian electoral law and international standards. A post-election statement by a nine-member observer delegation from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe paid special tribute to the Palestinian election administration for “the competent and independent manner in which it conducted these elections.” The delegation also highlighted the “calm and well-organized” manner of the vote count and the high level of “acceptance of democratic principles by the Palestinian people.”

Rights & Democracy sees the Palestinian elections as a major step in the right direction. However, the development of democracy in Palestine will continue to require substantial support. It is in this light that Rights & Democracy hopes the International community will measure its response to the ascendancy of Hamas to political power in the Palestinian Legislative Council. Accordingly, Rights & Democracy calls upon members of the International community, including Canada, to continue their support for the democratization of the Palestinian National Authority Areas.

Rights & Democracy also urges the leadership of Hamas to continue its commitment to the democratic process by committing itself to peaceful solutions to the conflict in the Occupied Territories and renouncing violence as a political tool, building democratic institutions and ensuring the rights of all people within the framework of a two-state solution.  This includes the recognition of the state of Israel by the Palestinian leadership, and a Palestinian state by the Israeli leadership, as fully legitimate international entities. Rights & Democracy is also hopeful that the transition of power in the Palestinian National Authority Areas will be undertaken in a peaceful manner.

“The construction of a viable and democratic Palestinian State is vital for a peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” said Jean-Louis Roy, President of Rights & Democracy. “The Palestinian people have shown their faith in democratic values in this election, and we must continue to nurture that hope.”

Rights & Democracy is a non-partisan, independent Canadian institution created by an Act of Parliament in 1988 to promote, advocate and defend the democratic and human rights set out in the International Bill of Human Rights. In cooperation with civil society and governments in Canada and abroad, Rights & Democracy initiates and supports programmes to strengthen laws and democratic institutions, principally in developing countries.

For More Information

Please contact Steve Smith (ext 255) or Louis Moubarak (ext 261) at Rights & Democracy, 514-283-6073.