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Last Review/Updated: October 23, 2006

Upstream Oil and Gas Reclamation and Remediation Program

Alberta's Upstream Oil and Gas Reclamation and Remediation Program ensures that land used for oil and gas development is restored to a productive state.

The program, developed in consultation with landowners, industry and other affected stakeholders, requires all upstream oil and gas sites on private and public land to be reclaimed when a site is no longer productive. Alberta Environment is responsible for reclamation of private land and Alberta Sustainable Resource Development for public land. Alberta Environment oversees the development of guidelines and documentation used to administer these parallel programs.

The company that owns the well or pipeline applies to either Alberta Environment or Alberta Sustainable Resource Development for a reclamation certificate. Each application must include an assessment to determine if contamination is present and a report detailing how contaminants were cleaned and surface issues were addressed. If all standards are met, Alberta Environment issues the company a reclamation certificate.

Program Developments

Alberta Environment is committed to continuous improvement of Alberta's Upstream Oil and Gas Reclamation and Remediation Program to ensure that it is meeting the needs of stakeholders and protecting the environment.

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