Government of Alberta


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Alberta State of the Environment: 1994 Comprehensive Report

A guide to the state of Alberta’s environment. Topics covered are: Atmosphere, water, forested land, agricultural land, mineral resources, wetlands, protected areas, waste management and biota.

119 Pages

Alberta State of the Environment: 1995 Report - Waste Management

An overview of the history and process of waste management in Alberta. The report includes information on waste reduction activities in Alberta.

52 Pages
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Alberta State of the Environment: 1996 Report - Aquatic Ecosystems

An overview of Alberta’s rivers, lakes and wetlands. The report provides information about water supply, water quality and how our aquatic ecosystems are managed to protect the environment.

153 Pages

Alberta State of the Environment: 1997 Report - Terrestrial Ecosystems

Information about Alberta's diverse landscapes - grasslands, parkland, forests, Canadian Shield, mountains and foothills. The report describes Alberta's natural regions, the major land uses in each (such as forestry, mining and agriculture) and how we are managing these important ecosystems.

196 Pages

Alberta State of the Environment: 1998 Report - Air Quality

Explains how Alberta's air quality is affected by natural factors, like climate and weather, and human factors, such as economic activity and industrial emissions. Long-term air quality data for several important contaminants and Alberta's approach to managing air quality are detailed in the report.

63 pages

Alberta State of the Environment: 1999 Report - Wildlife

An overview of Alberta's wildlife, including both plants and animals. Describes the status of Alberta species in general terms and how wildlife populations are evaluated to identify species at risk.

69 Pages
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Atco Energy Sense

The ATCO EnergySense program provides Albertans with energy efficiency advice and services for their home or business. Their team of dedicated professionals will help you: save money on energy costs; become more energy efficient; and contribute to improving the environment. This site provides tips to save energy at home and at work.
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Published by: ATCO Gas and ATCO Electric
Bow River Basin Waterscape

The Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) along with a number of partners including Alberta Environment developed the Bow River Basin Waterscape. The waterscape components are available on the GSC website. There is also a Teacher's Guide for Elementary and Junior High. The GSC is providing the posters free to teachers but there is a $15 charge to the public. Copies of the poster are available from the GSC office in Calgary. For more information please contact the GSC office in Calgary at:
Geological Survey of Canada - Calgary
3303 - 33rd Street N.W.
Calgary, Alberta T2L 2A7
Telephone: (403) 292-7030
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Built Green Alberta

Built Green™ Alberta is a voluntary program whose primary purpose is to encourage homebuilders to use technologies, products and practices that will: provide greater energy efficiency and reduce pollution; provide healthier indoor air; reduce water usage; preserve natural resources; and improve durability and reduce maintenance. Visit their website to learn more about how to build a green home.
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Published by: Built Green Alberta

Carpooling is a simple way for individuals to take part in the climate change challenge while saving money, reducing congestion and conserving energy along the way. Created by Commuter Connections, the purpose of this website is to provide assistance to individuals who are considering carpooling as an alternate means of commuting.
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