For the Media

News release


EDMONTON, Alberta, November 15, 2006 - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) today joined the Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences, Alberta (IFASA), an organization that coordinates research initiatives between government, universities and the private sector in Alberta. The Honourable Chuck Strahl, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food and Minister for the Canadian Wheat Board, made the new membership official at a signing ceremony at the University of Alberta.

"By joining IFASA, Canada's New Government is helping to create strong research alliances which will lead to new economic opportunities for farmers and industry in Alberta and across Canada," said Minister Strahl. "Today, more than ever, our industry's success relies on the expertise and cooperative spirit of our research communities."

"By working together with AAFC, IFASA and its members will be able to better coordinate, improve and enhance agricultural research and innovation in Alberta," said Doug Horner, Minister of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Development of Alberta.

"I am very pleased that the strengths of AAFC are now included in IFASA," said Tom Facklam, CEO of IFASA. "The integration and expansion of our collective capacity will allow for the development of new and value-added technologies. Our goal is to add opportunities to the industry to benefit agriculture and society."

IFASA was established in 2003 by Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development (AAFRD), the University of Alberta and the Alberta Research Council (ARC) to deliver high-impact research and development programs in areas of strategic importance to Alberta's agri-food industries.

IFASA coordinates agricultural research in such areas as food safety and quality, genomics and bioproducts, environmental sustainability and value-added food and non-food products. AAFC's membership in IFASA will strengthen research collaborations between AAFC, the Alberta government, ARC, and the University of Alberta.

"With AAFC coming on board, we have just the right kind of building block we need to help industry and government succeed," said John McDougall, President and CEO of ARC. "This partnership gives us the capacity to help our country's value-added agriculture and food industry to compete globally."

AAFC's membership in IFASA supports one of the key goals set out in AAFC's new Science and Innovation Strategy, Partnering for Impact, through increased collaboration with other research partners in universities, government and the private sector.

"AAFC's commitment to IFASA is cause for major celebration," says Dr. Carl Amrhein, Provost and Vice-President (Academic) of the University of Alberta. "This expanded partnership is building world class scientific capacity to support Alberta's vision to grow this sector."


For more information about IFASA, please call:

Media Relations
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Ottawa, Ontario

Jeff Howard
Press Secretary
Minister Strahl's Office

Nancy Romanow-Cranston

Alberta Ag Media Line

Karen Beliveau
VP Corporate Relations

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