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External Application Access

Partner Access

Registered partners of Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development may access the external applications here. If you are a staff member please see the section below. If you are not an authorized user attempting to access the partner applications, please click the 'Home' link at the top of the page to return to the Ropin' the Web home page.

Click here to continue to the logon screen.

Staff Access

Alberta Agriculture staff members may access MAGIC here. If you are not an Alberta Agriculture staff member attempting to access MAGIC, please click the 'Home' link at the top of the page to return to the Ropin' the Web home page.

Click here to continue to the logon screen.

QuickPlace Access

Please use either the 'Partner Access' or 'Staff Access' links above to access QuickPlaces.

iNotes Access

Please use the 'Staff Access' link above to access iNotes.