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Age Verification Information - Everything You Need to Age Verify Your Calves

 In September 26. 2006, the Alberta government postponed the original target date of April 1, 2007 for mandatory age verification of cattle. Industry support for age verification and significant progress in the number of cattle birthdates registered has enabled flexibility to suspend mandatory age verification initiative.

Although a new target date for mandatory age verification has not been set, all producers are encouraged to continue age verifying all calves born in 2006 and onward, prior to sale or slaughter.

For producers who are unable to age verify cattle electronically or are experiencing technical issues, spreadsheets are available to enter birthdate information. This web page contains a series of documents (listed below) that provide step-by-step instructions and links to the spreadsheets needed to age verify calves. Using the spreadsheet downloads, you can complete the data entry off-line and then load the information into the CCIA website.

Third party individuals, groups and businesses are also able to assist producers in age-verifying calves. A cost or fee may be charged for services provided. A list of third party representatives is one of the documents available on this page. If you wish to register as a third party calf verifier, contact CCIA for instructions. 1-877-909-2333

All attempts will be made to keep the site information current and accurate. If problems occur with spreadsheets not downloading, or website page links that do not work, contact CCIA in Calgary 1-877-909-2333. This series of documents were last updated on September 12, 2006. Alberta Agriculture Food and Rural Development have developed these instructions. These are not official CCIA instructions and templates. For detailed CCIA instructions and templates, please visit

How to use this site:

The documents listed on this page, are in the sequence required to age verify calves. Click on the title to retrieve the file. When you are in the file:

  • Print off the open document. The pages will be hidden from view when links are used. It will be more convenient to refer to the page rather than flipping back between web pages.
  • The Producer Identification Number needed to complete the first time producer registration is different than the Source Account Number. Obtaining the Source Account Number is the second step in the process.
  • To access the link, click on the blue text within the document. You need to be working on-line to receive the "linked" web page or Excel spreadsheet. Where the documents say "type" you can just left click on the blue text.
  • If you are on a dial-up server, we recommend that you download the Excel files for entering birth dates, cross-referencing tags or retiring tags from the CCIA website. Download the most current version each time you enter new data. This ensures that you are using the most recent version of the spreadsheet.
If you have questions or problems, contact CCIA at 1-877-909-2333. If in Alberta, call 310-3276 and ask for Sarah.

Other References:
Age Verification Information

Prepared by Barry Yaremcio, Forage/Beef Specialist, Ag-Info Centre, Alberta Agriculture Food & Rural Development

Other Documents in the Series

  Age Verification Information - Everything You Need to Age Verify Your Calves - Current Document
Age Verification - 3rd Parties Available to Assist with Process
Age Verification - First Time Producer Registration on CCIA Website
Age Verification - Obtaining Your Source Account Number
Age Verification - Registering Calves Using the CCIA Excel Spreadsheet
Age Verification - Confirming Data Capture on the CCIA Database
Age Verification - Creating Birth Date Certificates
Age Verification - Cross Referencing Tag Numbers Using the Excel Spreadsheet
Age Verification - Retiring Tag Numbers Using the Excel Spreadsheet
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Barry Yaremcio.
This document is maintained by Brenda McLellan.
This information published to the web on September 6, 2006.
Last Reviewed/Revised on November 6, 2006.

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