Ag-Info Centre - Frequently Asked Questions

 "Frequently Asked Questions” is a weekly update of common questions asked to the Alberta Ag-Info Centre. This information provides extension on commercial agriculture issues from around the province. FAQs were initiated to enhance the services provided by the Ag-Info Centre outside regular hours of operation. The contact centre is an information resource for crops, beef, forage, business management, irrigated and specialty crops and new ventures. For more information on these articles contact the Ag-Info Centre at 310-FARM (3276).

Crops | Disease/insects/pests | Land/soil/water | Livestock health | Livestock management | Livestock nutrition | Forage management | Forage quality | Farm legislation | Farm management | Horticulture/irrigation | Food processing | Marketing | Starting a business | Other

Recent Articles

Diagnosing Plant Problems
What is My Cereal Silage Crop Worth
Stripe Rust, Puccinia striiformis
Trading Carbon Credits From Direct Seeded Farmland
Reducing Weaning Stress of Beef Cattle
Age Verification
Avoiding Disputes - Get It In Writing

Canola Harvest Timing
Cereal/Pea or Spring Cereal/Winter Cereal Intercropping
Desiccation or Pre-Harvest Glyphosate Application
Fall Seeding of Winter Cereals
Grain Drying
Grain Storage
Land Rolling Pulse and Silage Crops
Management Strategies for Late-Developing Tillers in Cereal Crops
Marketing Grains


Beet Webworm
Black Grass Bugs
Cabbage Seedpod Weevil
Cereal Leaf Disease
Clubroot of Canola
Cutworm Control
Flea Beetle
Flea Beetle Forecast and Control
Fusarium Head Blight
FHB and Irrigation Management
Fusarium Wilt of Canola
Grasshoppers - Controlling
Grasshopper Insecticide Comparisons - not available at this time
Herbicide Application
Lygus Bug
Minimize Stored Grain Pest Problems with Bin Preparation & Treatments
Quick Guide to Glyphosate Products
Phosphine Fumigation
Powdery Mildew
Restricted, Noxious, and Nuisance Weeds in Alberta
Seedling Blight
Stripe Rust, Puccinia striiformis
Stored Grain Insects
Use of New Seed Treatments for Cereal and Oilseed Crops
Wheat Midge
Wheat Stem Sawfly
Winter Annual and Perennial Weed Control
Wireworm Control


Anhydrous Ammonia & Urea Fertilization: Myths & Facts
Can I Broadcast Nitrogen Fertilizer in the Winter
Fall Fertilization
Finding Land Classifications
Geographic Information System
Improving Soil Fertility with Green Manure Legume Crops
Manure Application
Nitrogen Management Strategies in Dry Conditions
Resources to Address Weather Elements
Seed-Placed Fertilizer
Trading Carbon Credits From Direct Seeded Farmland
Weather Information for your Farm: Making Good use of your Computer

Livestock Health

Age Verification
Blue Green Algae Poisoning
Bluetongue and Anaplasmosis
Calf Diphtheria - not available at this time
Calf Scours
Coccidiosis in Beef Cattle
Effects of Age and Method of Castration on Performance and Stress Response of Beef Cattle
Freemartinism in Cattle
Grass Tetany in Ruminants
Importance of Colostrum for Calves
Mastitis in Beef Cows
Reading Rate of Beef Cattle Radio Frequency Identification Tags
Sweet Clover Poisoning
Vaginal and Uterine Prolapses in Beef Cows
Winter Tetany

Livestock Management

Breeding Season
Cold Weather Adjustments for Cows
Limiting Nighttime Calving
Management Practices to Improve Marbling & Beef Quality
Reducing Weaning Stress of Beef Cattle
Storage Life of Livestock Feeds

Livestock Nutrition

Creep Feeding
Feeding Lambs
Feeding Sheep - Ewe Maintenance Rations
Feeding Urea to Newly Weaned Calves
How Much Feed Will My Cow Eat
Putting Calves on Feed
Sheep: Feed & Forage Requirements
Thin Cows Require More Feed Over the Winter
Using and Feeding Spring Threshed Grain
Using Straw in Cattle Rations
Valuing Energy and Protein in Your Livestock Feeds
Vitamin E Requirements in Cows and Finishing Beef Rations
Vitamin Supplementation for Beef Animals
Watering Cows With Snow

Forage Management

Adjusting Forage Prices
Assess Tame Pastures Before Rejuvenating
Bale Silage
Cicer Milkvetch (Astragalus cicer L.)
Cutting Alfalfa? Think About It
Fall Fertility for Forage Stands
Fall Harvesting Alfalfa
Grazing Annual Forages
Grazing Legumes & Bloat
Harvesting Green Feed
Improved Winter Survival of Winter Cereals
Late Fall or Dormant Seeding
Making Good Silage
Millet for Forage Use
Silage Management Questions
Spring Grazing
Stocking Rates & AUM
Swath Grazing
Weed Control in Perennial Forages

Forage Quality

Bale Moisture
Heated Bales: Management and Handling
Feed Testing
Moldy Silage
Nitrate Risk in Forage Crops
Palatability of Fall Rye Forage

Farm Legislation

Agriculture Acts and Regulations
Manure Application
Restricted, Noxious and Nuisance Weeds in Alberta

Farm Management

Avoiding Disputes - Get It In Writing
Cropland Rental Agreement
Custom Rates
Farm Accounting Software
How Do I Obtain Farm Status in Alberta
Land Rental
Marketing Tools for Hay Producers
Tax Deferral on Breeding Livestock
Value of Standing Hay
What is My Cereal Silage Crop Worth
What is Straw Worth
What Should I Charge to Overwinter Cows
What Should My Machinery Investment Be
What Will Pasture Rent for This Summer


Calibrating a Backpack Sprayer
Choosing Vegetable Varieties
Considerations for Market Gardeners: Soil Preparation
Consideration for Market Gardeners: Soil Sampling
Dealing With Severe Weather in Horticulture Crops
Diagnosing Plant Problems
Enhancing Winter survival of Horticulture Crops
FHB and Irrigation Management
Flea Beetles and Potatoes
Garlic: Fall vs Spring Planting
Greenhouse Cleanup: Tips and Pointers
Importance of Air in Commercial Fruit Production
Importance of Pruning in Nursery Plant Production
Interested in Mushrooms
Management of Black Knot
Microclimate Modification with Plasticulture
Pesticide Issues in Horticultural Settings (Commercial & Other)
Post-Harvest Handling of Horticulture Crops
Potato Scab
Reducing Transplant Stress in Field Vegetables
Soil Temperature and Field Vegetable Germination
Water Requirements in Horticulture
Weed Control in Strawberries and Raspberries

Food Processing

Labeling Products
Packaging Products
Pricing Your Products


Direct Marketing Meat
Farm Direct Marketing
Marketing Plan
Marketing Products

Starting a Business

Ag Tourism
Business Plans
Entrepreneurial Spirit
Financing Your Business
Market Trends
Starting a Business


Recognizing and Handling Stress in Rural Alberta

  For more information about the content of this document, contact Mary Ann Nelson.
This information published to the web on May 23, 2006.
Last Reviewed/Revised on December 31, 2007.