"Our counterparts in Montana make 75 cents to $1 per bushel more than we do."

Producer Craig Shaw, Lacombe

• 11/29/2006 Western Barley Growers welcome new Appointed Director to the CWB
• 11/29/2006 Western Barley Growers - Strahl must closely watch and monitor CWB spending of producer pool monies
• 11/15/2006 Barley Plebiscite Announced - Reactions from Various Groups
• 10/13/2006 Western Barley Growers Assn. - CWB's Unauthorized Spending Ordered to Stop
• 09/29/2006 CWB Decides not to sit on Task Force - WCWGA dissapointed
• 09/29/2006 Ontario Wheat - Open Market Success
• 09/29/2006 CWB Administration Costs (updated 2006)
• 09/28/2006 CWB Employee Numbers and Tonnes Marketed
• 09/15/2006 WBGA - Response to Minister Strahl's Announcement of new CWB Appointed Director
• 08/11/2006 The Western Grain Elevator Association: Grain Industry Ready for Future
• 08/03/2006 Western Grain Elevators: Farmers and Grain Companies-Partners not Competitors
• 07/30/2006 Malt Barley - CWB Costs and Returns
• 07/28/2006 Dual Market Denial
• 07/14/2006 Western Barley Growers Assoc. supports meeting on Marketing Choice
• 07/14/2006 Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association Applaud Feds on Marketing Choice Plans
• 07/13/2006 Federal Agriculture Minister Strahl announces industry meeting on Marketing Choice
• 07/12/2006 Amendment under accountability Act will include CWB.
• 07/07/2006 Wheat Growers Seek Faster Introduction of Wheat Varieties
• 07/05/2006 Australia Wheat Board Under Fire
• 05/23/2006 CWB Short-Changes Farmers who use Forward Contracts
• 05/10/2006 Hopper Cars: WCWGA Supports Gov't Decision
• 04/20/2006 WBGA returns to Geneva
• 04/13/2006 WCWGA Express Dissapointment - Decision to Delay Grading Change
• 04/06/2006 WBGA News Release: Letter to Prime Minister Harper
• 04/04/2006 Canadian Wheat Board - Draining Prairie Farmers' Pockets
• 03/22/2006 Australia Study 2005 - Released March 22, 2006
• 03/21/2006 Wheat Growers Release Position Paper on CWB Reform
• 03/13/2006 Wheat Growers Convention - Topics and Speakers
• 03/09/2006 Wheat Growers Pleased with WCE Announcement
• 02/28/2006 Wheat Growers Convention, March 15-17 in Saskatoon
• 02/09/2006 Western Barley Growers Association - Ready to go to Work
• 01/24/2006 Wheat Growers Enthusiastic About Implementation of Marketing Choice
• 01/24/2006 Wheat Growers Look Forward to Improvements in Farm Policy
• 01/24/2006 Western Barley Growers: "Election of Conservative Government will Result in Renewed Optimism for Agriculture."
• 12/19/2005 Western Wheat Growers Respond to CWB Election Panel Submission
• 12/19/2005 Western Barley Growers Respond to CWB Election Review Panel Submission
• 12/18/2005 Various Groups Respond to CWB Election Panel Submission
• 12/17/2005 Australia - CBH is thwarted by AWB in bid to sell outside monopoly
• 12/15/2005 WCWGA - Importance of Trade Agreements
• 12/12/2005 Australia - CBH moves to sidestep AWB wheat monopoly.
• 11/30/2005 CWB Needs to Focus on Marketing, not Politicking
• 11/25/2005 Grain Industry Info - The AWB Today
• 11/25/2005 Grain Industry Info - Corporitizing the AWB
• 11/25/2005 Grain Industry Info - Ontario Producers Favour Direct Marketing
• 11/08/2005 Western Canadian Wheat Growers Seek an Ambitious Trade Deal
• 10/06/2005 Trade Ruling Brings End to US Tariffs on Hard Red Spring Wheat
• 09/28/2005 Barley - More than just Beer
• 09/20/2005 Wheat Growers Seek Increase in Initial Prices
• 09/19/2005 The Quorum Report - Quarter 2, 2004-05
• 08/29/2005 Australia - Marketing Choice offers better pricing opportunities.
• 08/26/2005 CWB Election Review - CWB Election Stats and the Australia Model
• 08/25/2005 International Grains Council Market Report
• 08/22/2005 Australia Backs Bush's Call for Removal of Subsidies
• 08/19/2005 Ongoing Cost of Monopoly is Simply too High - Western Canadian Wheat Growers
• 08/10/2005 CWB Election Review
• 07/27/2005 Western Barley Growers Association return to Geneva for WTO meetings
• 07/26/2005 Australia - Grain Licensing Authority - First Round of Special License Approvals
• 07/15/2005 Canada's marketing boards on the line.
• 07/07/2005 Legal battle between protesting farmers and the feds is finally over.
• 06/29/2005 Wheat: US and Canada switching to white, Australia to red
• 06/29/2005 Alberta Advantage: Cereal Grain and Flour Sector Profile
• 06/29/2005 Millhouse Barley: A New Canadian variety with Health Benefits
• 06/27/2005 China: Beer and Malting Barley
• 05/17/2005 Wheat Growers Pleased to see Increased Competition on the West Coast
• 05/13/2005 Barley and the CWB -
Do they need each other?
• 05/11/2005 CWB Costs -
Communications and Publications
• 05/06/2005 CWB Employees vs. Total Tonnes of Grain Marketed.
• 05/02/2005 How much does CWB Administration cost Farmers?
• 04/27/2005 Australian Farmers benefit from grain law changes
• 12/17/2004 Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Report on Value-added and Agriculture in Canada
• 11/05/2004 Prairie Agri-business Owners Want Other Options for Wheat and Barley Marketing; 73 Per Cent Suggest CWB Monopoly Harms Value Adding - CFIB member survey
• 10/07/2004 Delegates from Chambers of Commerce across Canada renew call for marketing choice 
• 09/07/2004 MNP releases details on 2004 election of directors to the Canadian Wheat Board 
• 08/17/2004 Chairman's Report - Winter Wheat Germinator
• 08/17/2004 Open Test Market Dialogue - Winter Wheat Germinator
• 08/06/2004 You be the Judge - An Assessment of Ontario Wheat Prices
• 08/06/2004 Profile of the Canadian Wheat Industry
• 07/14/2004 Dr. Kohl - Agriculture 2010: Are you ready for it?
• 07/07/2004 Economic Growth in Western Canada - Alberta Chambers of Commerce Policy Position on Marketing Choice
• 05/28/2004 Debate in the Alberta Legislature - Marketing Choice
• 11/07/2003 Alberta wheat, barley producers support end to Canadian Wheat Board