"Gaining control of costs is a constant battle."

Producer Gerard Oosterhuis, Bow Island

April 20, 2006

Choice Matters Newsletter #5: A Step Closer to Choice


Choice Matters Newsletter #5: A Step Closer to Choice

Minister's Message – April 6, 2006

Agriculture is about change. Change in seasons, change in weather, change in crops and change in costs. We have become used to expecting the unexpected and learning to adapt.

So in some ways, holding onto something that has not changed very much can provide a sense of comfort. I know that is the way many producers feel about the Canadian Wheat Board, it has been a fixed institution for more than 70 years with little change and that is reassuring for some.

The reality is that change in the way western Canadian grain growers market their grain is coming. A new World Trade Organization deal will change the landscape for agricultural trade and changes to the powers of the Canadian Wheat Board monopoly are likely part of that deal.

There are two ways to manage impending change, you can do nothing and become a reluctant participant, or you can get ready and handle change on your own terms. The Alberta government believes that our fate is in our own hands and if we want our grain sector to be successful, then we have to prepare for the inevitable transition.

This newest edition of Choice Matters prepares grain farmers for the inevitable changes to the way grain is marketed in Western Canada. The stories are about success outside of the current single desk system in other crops, and in other nations. 

Alberta has a vision for a grain industry that is vibrant, responsive and self-reliant. An industry that is prosperous through the entire value chain, from the grower to the processor and beyond.  We believe that marketing choice is vital to achieving this vision.

See the Spring 2006 edition of the Choice Matters newsletter in the attached .pdf document.

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