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Forestry/Woodlot Service Listings
This directory provides the basic information for primary and secondary wood using industry in Alberta as well as small size woodlot operators. The information will be of interest to the individuals and woodlot owners who are involved in buying or selling wood products, looking for services or obtaining information on woodlots. The directory is divided into three major sections:

  1. Primary wood manufacturers in Alberta
  2. Secondary wood manufacturers in Alberta
  3. Woodlot directory in Alberta

The Woodlot directory in Alberta provides a list of the organizations or individuals who are working directly with woodlot owners. This directory has seven subdirectories:

  1. Information sources
  2. Small sawmillers
  3. Suppliers
  4. Reforestation
  5. Hauling-Logging
  6. Forest consulting
  7. Wood value added

The primary and secondary wood manufacturers directory was compiled by Forest Industry Suppliers & Logging Association - FISLA and the Woodlot directory was compiled using the Alberta Woodlot Directory produced under the Canada/Alberta Partnership in Forestry Agreement and updated by staff of Alberta Agriculture Food and Rural Development

The business contact information published in the directory will only be used for this purpose or for a consistent purpose. Any personal information is collected under the authority of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act.

Requests for correction of this information or addition of new information may be directed to:

Brenda McLellan
Telephone: Ag Info Center 1-866-882-7677

Questions about the collection of this information and how it is stored may be directed to:

Toso Bozic
Sustainable Woodlot Specialist
Phone (780)415-2681

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