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Common Questions about Alberta's Auto Insurance System and the AIRB

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Please note:  The AIRB hosted a series of consultation meetings on November 8-10, 2006 to discuss an acceptable cost of capital and profit margin for auto insurers - go to transcripts, written submissions and presentations from the meetings.

The Auto Insurance Rate Board annually sets the maximum premiums for basic coverage that all insurers can charge. The process to set the premiums includes a public hearing.

The AIRB’s mandate is to regulate premium level for basic coverage, third party liability limits of $200,000 to $2,000,000 and accident benefits, and monitor additional coverage.

The board also monitors and reports on rates for optional premiums, such as for collision, glass and other coverage. This coverage is not regulated, though insurers are required to file their rates with the board prior to implementing changes.

The AIRB has a consumer representative, whose role is to bring consumer issues to the table. The consumer representative can be contacted by e-mail at airb@gov.ab.ca.

Consumers who have questions about how the new auto insurance system operates should contact their broker, or call the Office of the Superintendent of Insurance at (780) 427-8322. To call us toll free within Alberta dial 310-0000 then 780-427-8322.

Consumers may also use the grid rate calculator to help determine their premium. However, because the premium grid sets the maximum chargeable premium for basic coverage, most drivers (approximately 80%) do not pay these premiums.

If you have concerns about how your insurance premium for basic coverage has been calculated, or if you believe your insurer has treated you unfairly under the Insurance Act  or Automobile Insurance Premiums Regulation, see the information on the dispute resolution process.

Common Questions about Alberta's Auto Insurance System and the AIRB:

1. How is the new Auto Insurance Rate Board different from the old board?

The AIRB regulates premium rates for basic coverage and monitors the premiums for optional coverage. The former Automobile Insurance Board reviewed and approved premiums, but did not have a role in setting rates.

The Rate Board has a stronger mandate and greater authority. There will be greater transparency regarding how premiums are set and a consumer representative whose role will be to reflect consumer issues at the board level.

2. How will there be greater transparency?

The process to set the annual maximum premium includes a public hearing, which will be announced by the board.

3. Why didn’t the government cap premiums for collision and comprehensive coverage?

These coverages are optional and we did not think it was appropriate to set rates for insurance that you are not by law required to buy. However, starting October 1, 2004, the Automobile Insurance Rate Board monitors rates for optional coverage and will take action if these rates increase unnecessarily.

4. I calculated my grid rate and it is more than I am currently charged. How do these reforms help me?

If your current rate is less than the grid, and your driving record has not changed, you will keep the lower rate and it will be reduced by 5%. The grid rate is a maximum rate that applies to approximately 20% of Alberta drivers who are inexperienced or have poor driving records.  (See our grid rate calculator.)

5. I’ve been driving for more than 15 years with no tickets and no claims. Will my rate jump significantly if I have an at-fault claim?

If you’re considered a good, experienced driver and have an at-fault claim, there’s a limit as to how high your premium can rise. In this way, the reforms protect good drivers who experience rare collisions.  (See our grid rate calculator.)


Other Links of Interest

Automobile Insurance Web Site


Page last updated: November 21, 2006

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