Government of Alberta
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Frequently Asked Questions on the Remediation and Reclamation of Soil and Groundwater


In June 2001, Alberta Environment hosted two workshops in Red Deer, Alberta, to introduce the draft Alberta Soil and Water Quality Guidelines for Hydrocarbons at Upstream Oil and Gas Facilities, Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Guideline for Upstream Oil and Gas Sites, and the Salt Contamination Assessment and Remediation Guidelines. Workshop participants provided written questions to the presenters to answer verbally during the sessions. For the benefit of the workshop attendees and others who are interested in the workshop material, these questions and answers have been drafted into the document Frequently Asked Questions on the Remediation and Reclamation of Soil and Groundwater. Other frequently asked questions on remediation of soil and groundwater have been included to provide readers with broader scope of information.



Orig. pub. date: 2002-09-
Catalogue #: ENV-248 (Document Online)
ISBN ISSN: ISBN: 0-7785-2273-3
Author: Alberta Environment
Type: Report


Size: 321.57 kb
Coverage: Alberta
Language: English