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 Location: Alberta Government > Environment > Protection & Enforcement > Legislation
Last Review/Updated: September 13, 2004


Alberta has abundant and diverse public land and natural resources and a healthy environment. Alberta Environment plays key roles in the sound management of these resources, as well as for the protection of the environment. The model that best combines these responsibilities is sustainable development.

Sustainable development for Alberta is best achieved when the rules, roles, and resolve of the key parties are clear and understood. Resource managers in industry and government need unambiguous direction and well-understood procedures to ensure that the environment is protected and that the needs of the economy are met. For effective decision-making, the legislation and policy associated with Alberta Environment must reflect modern approaches, including firm but fair enforcement mechanisms, and must be regularly reviewed and revised to ensure that they are effective and efficient.

The list below summarizes the Acts currently managed through Alberta Environment. For the text of the Acts, please check the Legislation link of the Alberta Alberta Queen's Printer web site. For legislation under development, please check the Bills and Amendments link of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta web site.

Bighorn Agreement Validating Act
This Act validates the agreement between the Province and Calgary Power Ltd. regarding water storage and electric power development at the Bighorn site on the North Saskatchewan River. (electronic copies not available)

Brazeau River Development Act
This Act authorizes agreements between the Province and a power company regarding storage and power development on the Brazeau and North Saskatchewan Rivers. (electronic copies not available)

Drainage Districts Act
The Drainage Districts Act authorizes the formation of drainage districts.

Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (EPEA)
EPEA supports and promotes the protection, enhancement and wise use of the environment. It recognizes the impact of development, polluters paying for their actions and other such acts.

Government Organization Act, Schedule 5
This Act gives procedures for the Minister and others below him to follow when performing tasks such as buying land, amending regulations, and appeals of enforcement orders.

Natural Resources Conservation Board Act
This Act provides for an impartial process to review projects that can affect natural resources in Alberta. The Board considers if the projects are in the public's best interest and the effect of the project on the environment.

Water Act
This Act, which came into force January 1, 1999, supports and promotes the conservation and management of water.


The following links are to fact sheet summaries of regulations.

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