Alberta Government

Infrastructure and Transportation

Location: Government of Alberta > Infrastructure & Transportation >  discpaper.htm




 In Alberta, the Traffic Safety Act sets out the rights and responsibilities of people who use the province’s roads and highways. Regulations provide details for the principles set out in the Act.

 As part of the continuing review and consolidation of regulations under the Traffic Safety Act, it is proposed that part or all of the following regulations be consolidated into one new regulation called the Commercial Vehicle Safety Regulation:

  • Commercial Vehicle General Equipment and Safety Regulation (AR 435/86) – except the equipment provisions
  • Commercial Vehicle Maintenance Standards Regulation (AR 118/89)
  • Commercial Bus Inspection, Equipment and Safety Regulation (AR 428/91) – except the equipment provisions
  • School Bus Operation Regulation (AR 437/86)
  • Bus Safety Regulation, Schedules 3 to 6 (AR 235/82)
  • Transportation of Anhydrous Ammonia and other Fertilizers Regulation (AR 436/86)
  • Driveaway and Towaway Regulation (AR 427/86)
  • Cargo Securement Regulation (AR 1/2005)

In addition, it is proposed that some provisions in the regulations listed above and in the Log Haul Regulation (AR 431/86) be consolidated with other existing regulations for the convenience of the users.  For example:

  • The equipment requirements from the Commercial Vehicle General Equipment and Safety Regulation (AR 435/86), the Commercial Bus Inspection, Equipment and Safety Regulation (AR 428/91), and the Log Haul Regulation (AR 431/86) will be consolidated in the Vehicle Equipment Regulation (AR 322/2002).
  • The insurance requirements from the School Bus Operation Regulation (AR 437/86) will be included in the Commercial Vehicle Certificate and Insurance Regulation (AR 314/2002).
  • Some other provisions from the above-noted regulations will be moved into the Use of Highway and Rules of the Road Regulation (AR 304/2002), the Operator Licensing and Vehicle Control Regulation (AR 320/2002), and the Commercial Vehicle Dimension and Weight Regulation (AR 315/2002).

The key changes covered by this Discussion Paper are:
1. General Safety requirements
2. School bus requirements

Your Input

A short description of each issue is given.  Please indicate whether you agree or disagree by marking the appropriate box.  If you need more room to answer a question or have additional comments, use a separate piece of paper and attach it to the end of this Discussion Paper.

A draft version of the proposed Commercial Vehicle Safety Regulation and other consequential amendments are available on the Alberta Infrastructure and Transportation website, Please note that the proposed changes contained in the draft regulation are subject to further legal review as well as final approval of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation.  Also note that the format and legal text of the final regulation may look different from the draft regulation. 

Your input is important to us.  Please complete the attached discussion paper and submit it, and any other comments you may have, by November 17, 2006 to ensure that your views are considered.  Your completed discussion paper questionnaire can be submitted in one of the following ways: 

By mail to

Commercial Vehicle Safety Regulation Comments

 Alberta Infrastructure and Transportation

 Vehicle Safety and Carrier Services Branch

  4999 – 98 Avenue

 Edmonton, AB  T6B 2X3 

By fax to:  780-422-2721 

By email

 In addition, two dates have been scheduled for those who wish to meet with staff of Alberta Infrastructure and Transportation, Vehicle Safety Section to discuss matters pertaining to these matters. NOTE: the meetings will be scheduled by appointment only. Appointments may be scheduled until November 8, 2006. It is NOT a general meeting and there will be NO presentation made by Alberta Infrastructure and Transportation.


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

9:30 am to 3:30 pm

The Delta Bow Valley

209 - 4th Ave SE

Calgary, AB T2G 0C6



Friday,  November 10, 2006

9:30 am to 3:30 pm

Motor Transport Boardroom, 

First Floor, Twin Atria Building

4999 - 98 Ave

Edmonton, AB T6B 2X3

If you wish to meet with us to discuss the draft regulation, please make an appointment for a specific date and time by contacting 780-422-7644.  If any of the questions are not clear, or if you need more information, please call the Vehicle Safety Engineer at 780-427-7361.  You may call toll free from anywhere in Alberta by first dialing 310-0000 and following the instructions.

You can also find the Traffic Safety Act, its regulations, this Discussion Paper, and more information about commercial vehicle regulatory programs on the Alberta Infrastructure and Transportation website,


A. General Safety Requirements

1. Compliance Label and National Safety Mark (Schedule 1, section 1)

Under Section 65 of the Traffic Safety Act, a vehicle cannot be operated on a highway unless it has a Compliance Label and a National Safety Mark pursuant to the Motor Vehicle Safety Act (Canada).  It is proposed that vehicles that have been modified so that they no longer conform to the original Compliance Label would have to have a new Compliance Label showing the information of the modified vehicle before it can be operated on a highway.  Alternatively, the vehicle would have to have a mechanical fitness certificate issued by a qualified Professional Engineer.  In order to provide for an orderly transition, this new requirement would only apply to vehicles manufactured on or after January 1, 2010.
      Agree Disagree



Please provide any comments you may have on this issue:        


2. Operating an Unsafe Vehicle (General Provisions, section 2)

It is proposed that a new offence be created for anyone operating a vehicle that is likely to cause danger to persons or properties.  The new provision would require a vehicle operator to maintain a vehicle in a safe operating condition, and would provide an effective enforcement mechanism for the peace officer to deal with unsafe vehicles on highways.
      Agree Disagree



Please provide any comments you may have on this issue:        

3. Brakes required for commercial vehicles (Schedule 2A, section 16 and Vehicle Equipment Regulation, section 54)

It is proposed that a commercial vehicle must have brakes on all wheels.  Brakes are not required if the vehicle (including trailers) is exempted from the requirement by the Motor Vehicle Safety Act (Canada) or by the Traffic Safety Act.  If the vehicle is converted to a type that would require brakes, the converted vehicle must be equipped with brakes that meet the requirements of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act (Canada) and the Traffic Safety Act.   
      Agree Disagree



Please provide any comments you may have on this issue:        

4. Warning on rear of tank truck (Schedule 1, section 5)

The current Commercial Vehicle General Equipment and Safety Regulation (AR 435/86) requires that a warning sign be displayed on the rear of a commercial vehicle that transports a tank carrying flammable liquid or gas.  The current regulation does not specify the size of the tank.  The new regulation will clarify that the requirement only applies to tanks with a capacity of 5,000 litres or greater.
      Agree Disagree



Please provide any comments you may have on this issue:        


5. Petroleum products carried by trailer (Schedule 1, section 7)

The current Commercial Vehicle General Equipment and Safety Regulation (AR 435/86) prohibits a single axle trailer, other than a semi-trailer, from carrying a tank transporting petroleum products on a highway.  The current regulation does not specify the size of the tank. The new regulation will clarify that the requirement only applies to a tank with a capacity of 3,000 litres or greater for flammable liquids, or 450 litres or greater for flammable gas.
      Agree Disagree



Please provide any comments you may have on this issue:        

6. Tire rating (Schedule 1, section 8)

It is proposed that a commercial vehicle not be allowed to operate on a highway at a speed or load greater than the rating of any tires of the vehicle.  This provision is intended to enhance road safety.
      Agree Disagree



Please provide any comments you may have on this issue:        

7. Driveaway and Towaway (Schedule 5)

The current requirements in the Driveaway and Towaway Regulation (AR 427/86)  are overly detailed, prescriptive and do not reflect current automotive technology. “Driveaway or towaway” methods means the delivery service rendered by a motor vehicle transporter wherein motor vehicles are driven singly or in combinations by the towbar, saddlemount or fullmount methods or any lawful combinations thereof.  In particular, there are two new requirements requiring towed vehicles to have working brakes (section 14) and lamps (section 15) in the proposed regulation.  These changes reflect current requirements and are designed to improve road safety.
      Agree Disagree



Please provide any comments you may have on this issue:        

8. Trip Inspection Written Reports (Schedule 3)

Alberta is currently the only jurisdiction in Canada not requiring written trip inspection reports.  It is proposed that daily trip inspection written report requirements for trucks, truck-tractors, trailers and buses be adopted in accordance with National Safety Code Standard (NSC) 13.  It is also proposed that motor coaches be required to comply with the 12,000‑kilometres or three-month inspection requirements for motor coaches under NSC 13.  The trip inspection reports must be kept by the carrier for a minimum period of six (6) months.  A driver (other than a school bus driver) who is exempted from the daily log requirement under the Drivers’ Hours of Service Regulation (AR 317/2002) will also be exempted from the trip inspection written report requirement.
      Agree Disagree



Please provide any comments you may have on this issue:        

9. Advance warning triangle (Schedule 1, section 4)

An advance warning triangle that complies with the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Standards J774, as amended from time to time will be the only recognized advance warning device under the new regulation.  Flags and flares will no longer be recognized as they are obsolete.
      Agree Disagree



Please provide any comments you may have on this issue:        

10. Working Lamps (Use of Highways and Rules of the Road Regulation, section 56)

A commercial vehicle will be allowed to be equipped with working lamps, designed to illuminate the deck or cargo area of a truck.   However, the commercial vehicle must not have any working lamps alight when it is in motion on a highway.
      Agree Disagree



Please provide any comments you may have on this issue:        

11. First aid kits and fire extinguishers (Schedule 1, sections 16 and 17)

It is proposed that standards be updated for first aid kits and fire extinguishers to more accurately reflect current requirements for commercial buses and school buses.

      Agree Disagree



Please provide any comments you may have on this issue:        

B.  School Bus Provisions

12. Daily trip inspection and written reports for school buses (Schedule 3, sections 3 & 5)

It is proposed that a school bus operator or driver be required to conduct a daily trip inspection of the school bus, and complete a written report of the inspection.  This new requirement is intended to enhance the safety of students traveling in school buses.


      Agree Disagree



Please provide any comments you may have on this issue:        

13. Guide dogs (Schedule 4, section 5)


The current School Bus Operation Regulation (AR 437/86) prohibits animals from being conveyed in a school bus.  It is proposed that a passenger who needs the assistance of a guide dog will be allowed to have the dog accompany the person in a school bus. This will facilitate the transportation of a person who needs the assistance of a guide dog in a school bus, and is complimentary to the Blind Person’s Rights Act.
      Agree Disagree



Please provide any comments you may have on this issue:        

14. School Bus Maintenance Standards (Schedule 2D)


A new schedule pertaining to School Bus Maintenance Standards (Schedule 2D) has been developed primarily based on CSA D250-2003.  However, unless otherwise provided, the Schedule will not apply retroactively.  A school bus that met the CSA standard at the time of manufacture would not have to be retrofitted to meet the CSA standard of 2003.  The only exception is crossing arm.  A school bus manufactured on or after February 1, 2000 must meet the crossing arm requirement.
      Agree Disagree



Please provide any comments you may have on this issue:        

15. Students crossing roads in rural areas (Schedule 4, section 9)


It is proposed in the rural area, a school bus driver must direct a student to cross the highway in front of the school bus arm, with the crossing arm in its open position.  This requirement is included because in the rural area, there are no traffic lights, pedestrian cross walks, etc to aid students crossing a road in a safe manner. 
      Agree Disagree



Please provide any comments you may have on this issue:        

16. Advertising on school bus (Schedule 2D, section 16)


Stakeholders have suggested that school buses should not be allowed to have advertisements on the outside of a school bus.  The rationale is that advertisements may become a distraction to other motorists.  A new provision is included stipulating that any letters, words, logos or similar signage, other than those required by the regulation, must not exceed 100 millimetres in height. The proposed provision will address the intent that advertising will be restricted to enhance school bus safety. 
      Agree Disagree



Please provide any comments you may have on this issue:        

Stakeholder Information

Please indicate what type of stakeholder you are:
   Truck Carrier    Bus Carrier
   Provincial Government Department    Driver
   Safety Consultant    Safety Officer

   Other organization (please specify type)

The following information is optional:

Name and mailing address of person completing this form

Name of organization you represent, if any

Area Code and Telephone number

Area Code and Fax number


E-mail address

Thank you for taking the time to respond to our Discussion Paper.

Please provide your comments by November 17, 2006 to ensure your views are considered.

This information is being collected for the purpose of reviewing Alberta’s new Commercial Vehicle Safety Regulation. The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act governs the collection of this information. Please call Marianne Kennedy at 780-422-0021 in Edmonton if you have any questions about the collection and use of this information. You can call free of charge from anywhere in the province by dialing 310-0000 and following the instructions.