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In this section you will find links to training and educational institutions, professional associations and other resources which may assist you in planning and developing your career in finance.

The links below are provided for your interest and convenience; we are not responsible for these sites or their content. Our Privacy Statement applies to our website only. Please note: these links will open in a separate window.


Visit the websites of the professional associations below for information about professional designations and services provided by these associations to their members.










Professional Associations Descriptions

(Financial Advisors Association of Canada)

Advocis is the brand name of The Financial Advisors Association of Canada. In September 2002, members of the Canadian Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (CAIFA) and the Canadian Association of Financial Planners (CAFP) voted in favour of merging their two groups to create Advocis, Canada's largest association of professional financial advisors, with members in 50 Chapters across the country.

Canadian Academic Accounting Association
The CAAA is an organization of accounting educators, professional accountants and others who are involved in, or concerned about, research and education in accounting and related areas.

Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants

The CICA represents CAs and students in Canada and Bermuda and conducts research into current business issues and sets accounting, auditing and assurance standards for business, not-for-profit organizations and government. It issues guidance on control and governance, publishes professional literature, develops continuing education programs and represents the CA profession nationally and internationally.
Canadian Securities Institute
The Canadian Securities Institute delivers the Canadian Securities Course (licensing towards securities trades).

Certified General Accountants of Alberta
(CGA Alberta)

As an integral partner of CGA Canada, CGA Alberta is a self-governing professional organization that awards the CGA designation to qualified candidates in Alberta.

Certified General Accountants of Canada
(CGA Canada)

CGA Canada is a national self-regulating association of CGAs and students. It sets national educational standards and professional standards and practices, provides services to affiliates and members, contributes to international accounting standard setting, and represents CGAs nationally and internationally. CGA Canada works with its provincial affiliates to deliver the CGA program of professional studies.

Certified Management Accountants of Alberta
(CMA Alberta)

As an integral partner of CMA Canada, CMA Alberta is a self-governing professional organization that awards the CMA designation to qualified candidates in Alberta.

Certified Management Accountants of Canada
(CMA Canada)

In addition to providing CMAs with innovative career resources and professional development opportunities, CMA Canada is committed to building a powerful designation that addresses the changing needs of current and future members.
Credit Institute of Canada
The Credit Institute of Canada issues the Fellow of the Credit Institute designation.
Financial Management Institute (FMI) - Alberta Chapter The Financial Management Institute (FMI) is part of a national organization of financial management professionals with chapters across Canada. Their purpose is to share best practices in the management of Public Sector resources. The Alberta chapter membership includes federal, provincial and municipal employees as well as some private sector members in both Edmonton and Calgary.

Financial Planners Standards Council (FPSC)

The Financial Planners Standards Council issues the Certified Financial Planners designation.
Forensic Accounting and Litigation Support

This site provides information on forensic accounting and litigation support. Forensic Accounting provides an accounting analysis that is suitable to the court which will form the basis for discussion, debate and ultimately dispute resolution.

Institute of Chartered Accountants of Alberta

ICAA is a self-governing professional body that provides leadership to CAs and CA students in the best interests of the public and the profession. ICAA works in partnership with other provincial and territorial institutes and the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) to support national standards and programs.

Institute of Internal Auditors

The IIA serves members in internal auditing, governance and internal control, IT audit, education, and security worldwide. The world's leader in certification, education, research, and technological guidance for the profession, the Institute serves as the profession's watchdog and resource on significant auditing issues around the globe.

Treasury Management Association of Canada

TMAC is a federation of regional associations of professional treasury managers in Canada. Members are responsible for treasury functions in the multi-billion dollar Canadian marketplace, including cash flow analysis, cash management, electronic commerce, forecasting foreign exchange, money markets, risk management, short and long term borrowing & investing trade finance.


Visit the websites below for information on training and education available.

Training and Education Sites Descriptions
Athabasca University

Offers distance education; students can complete the courses that make up the first three years of the training required by the professional accounting associations.

Concordia University College of Alberta, Edmonton Offers programs in Accounting, Finance and Business.
Grant MacEwan College, Edmonton Offers an Accounting co-op program.
King's University College, Edmonton Offers a 4-year B.Comm program with courses in Accounting. They also offer a financial administration program.
Lakeland College, Vermilion Offers an applied Degree in Financial Services.
Mount Royal College, Calgary Offers an Accounting Diploma program.
Norquest College, Edmonton Offers an accounting assistant program.
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, Edmonton

Offers a Continuing Education Certificate in Accounting and Bachelor of Applied Management - Finance.

Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, Calgary Offers Continuing Education and full-time programs.
University of Alberta, Edmonton

Offers a Corporate Finance Diploma in partnership with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Alberta and Certified Management Accountants of Canada.  In addition, the following programs are offered by the Government of Alberta in partnership with the University of Alberta:

University of Calgary Offers 4-year and 5-year co-op Bachelor's Degree in Commerce; a 3-year Bachelor of Accounting Science covering levels 1-3 of the Certified General Accountants Association of Canada program.
University of Lethbridge Offers co-op accounting programs in Lethbridge, Edmonton and Calgary.


Links to career development information through the Government of Alberta, and others, are available below.

Alberta Government Links Descriptions
ALIS: Alberta Learning Information Service ALIS is Alberta's on-line gateway for career, learning and employment information and services. The site is provided through a provincial government partnership of Alberta Human Resources & Employment and Alberta Learning. The ALIS website provides information to help Albertans with career planning, post-secondary education and training, educational funding, job search, labour market trends, and workplace information.
The Personnel Administration Office (PAO) has links to a variety of information on employment with the Alberta public service. Career development links are highlighted below.
APS Jobs Website Current career opportunities in the Alberta public service.  See also: Essentials for Job Applicants.
Career Management Guide Provides information and resources to assess interests, skills, and career goals.
Alberta Public Service Human Resource Plan Includes the goal, strategies, measures and a status report on our progress.
Employee Information Provides Alberta public service employees with information on essential aspects of their employment.
Learning and Development Toolkit Provides information and resources to support learning and development.
Students and Graduates Information for students and graduates on co-op opportunities, work experience and summer jobs, internships and intern network, and more.
Other Career Development Links Descriptions
JobsEtc.ca JobsEtc.ca Today is produced by the Government of Canada. The site features information on career exploration, training, and more.


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