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(Consolidated up to 247/2006)


Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act


Table of Contents

                1       Interpretation

             1.1       Criteria to be used for designating public bodies

                2       Making requests

                3       Responding to a request

                4       Oral requests

                5       Disclosure of health care information

                6       Consent to disclosure

                7       Disclosure for audit purposes

                8       Researcher agreements

                9       Fees

              10       Fees for non‑personal information

              11       Fees for personal information

              12       Estimate of fees

              13       Payment of fees

              14       Notice of Disclosure

              15       Acts, etc., to prevail

              17       Regulations to prevail

              18       Meeting in absence of the public

              19       Expiry



1(1)  In this Regulation,

                                 (a)    “Act” means the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

                                 (b)    repealed AR 235/2004 s2.

(2)  For the purposes of section 1(p)(ii) of the Act, an agency, board, commission, corporation, office or other body listed in Schedule 1 is considered to be a public body.

(3)  For the purposes of the Act, “enactment of Alberta” means an Act or a regulation or any portion of an Act or regulation and includes a directive issued by the Treasury Board.

(4)  For the purposes of the Act, “meeting” means a meeting in its entirety or a portion of a meeting.

AR 200/95 s1;96/96;216/99;251/2001;235/2004

Criteria to be used for designating public bodies

1.1   The Lieutenant Governor in Council may designate an agency, board, commission, corporation, office or other body as a public body and add the name of that body to the list in Schedule 1

                                 (a)    where the Government of Alberta

                                           (i)    appoints a majority of the members of that body or of the governing board of that body,

                                          (ii)    provides the majority of that body’s continuing funding, or

                                         (iii)    holds a controlling interest in the share capital of that body,


                                 (b)    where that body performs an activity or duty that is required by an enactment and the Minister responsible for the enactment recommends that the Lieutenant Governor in Council make the designation.

AR 235/2004 s3

Making requests

2(1)  Public bodies must make public in reasonable ways

                                 (a)    the addresses of all offices authorized to receive requests made to the public body, and

                                 (b)    the various methods by which those offices can receive requests.

(2)  A request may be delivered to any office of the public body during normal business hours of that office, but the time limit for responding to the request does not commence until the request is received in an office authorized to receive requests.

(3)  When a request is received in an office not authorized to accept it, that office must forward it to an authorized office by the fastest means available.

AR 200/95 s2;235/2004

Responding to a request

3   Where a person is given access to a record, the head of the public body may require that the person be given a copy of the record, rather than the opportunity to examine it, if the head is of the opinion that

                                 (a)    providing for examination of the record would unreasonably interfere with the operations of the public body, or

                                 (b)    providing examination of the record might result in the disclosure of information that is restricted or prohibited from disclosure under section 5 of the Act or Part 1, Division 2 of the Act.

Oral requests

4   An applicant may make an oral request for access to a record if

                                 (a)    the applicant’s ability to read or write English is limited, or

                                 (b)    the applicant has a physical disability or condition that impairs the applicant’s ability to make a written request.

Disclosure of health care information

5(1)  The head of a public body may disclose information relating to the mental or physical health of an individual to a medical or other expert for an opinion on whether disclosure of this information could reasonably be expected to result in grave and immediate harm to the individual’s safety or mental or physical health.

(2)  A medical or other expert to whom information is disclosed under subsection (1) must not use the information except for the purposes described in that subsection.

(3)  The head of the public body must require a medical or other expert to whom information will be disclosed under this section to enter into an agreement relating to the confidentiality of the information.

(4)  If a copy of a record containing information relating to the mental or physical health of an individual is given to a medical or other expert for examination, the medical or other expert must, after giving the opinion referred to in subsection (1), return the copy of the record to the head of the public body or dispose of it in accordance with an agreement under subsection (3).

(5)  The head of the public body that has custody or control of the record may require that an applicant who makes a request for access to a record containing information relating to the applicant’s mental or physical health must examine the information in person, and may not examine the record until a medical or other expert or a member of the applicant’s family or some other person approved by the head of the public body is present to clarify the nature of the record and to assist the applicant in understanding the information in the record.

Consent to disclosure

6(1)  In this section,

                                 (a)    “electronic” includes created, recorded, transmitted or stored in digital form or in any other intangible form by electronic, magnetic or optical means or by any other means that have similar capabilities for creation, recording, transmission or storage;

                                 (b)    “electronic signature” means electronic information that a person creates or adopts in order to sign a record and that is in, attached to or associated with the record.

(2)  The consent of an individual to a public body’s using or disclosing any of the individual’s personal information under section 39(1)(b) or 40(1)(d) of the Act

                                 (a)    must meet the requirements of subsection (4), (5) or (6), and

                                 (b)    must specify to whom the personal information may be disclosed and how the personal information may be used.

(3)  The consent or request of a third party under section 17(2)(a) of the Act must meet the requirements of subsection (4), (5) or (6).

(4)  For the purposes of this section, a consent in writing is valid if it is signed by the person who is giving the consent.

(5)  For the purposes of this section, a consent in electronic form is valid if

                                 (a)    the head of the public body has established rules respecting the purposes for which consent in an electronic form is acceptable,

                                 (b)    the purpose for which the consent is given falls within one or more of the purposes set out in the rules mentioned in clause (a),

                                 (c)    the public body has explicitly communicated that it will accept consent in an electronic form,

                                 (d)    the consent in electronic form

                                           (i)    is accessible by the public body so as to be usable for subsequent reference,

                                          (ii)    is capable of being retained by the public body, and

                                         (iii)    meets the information technology standards, if any, established by the public body,

                                 (e)    the consent in electronic form includes the electronic signature of the person giving the consent,

                                  (f)    the electronic signature

                                           (i)    is reliable for the purposes of identifying the person giving the consent, and

                                          (ii)    meets the information technology standards and requirements as to the method of making the signature and as to the reliability of the signature, if any, established by the public body,


                                 (g)    the association of the electronic signature with the consent is reliable for the purpose for which consent is given.

(6)  For the purposes of this section, a consent that is given orally is valid if

                                 (a)    the head of the public body has established rules respecting the purposes for which consent that is given orally is acceptable,

                                 (b)    the purpose for which the consent is given falls within one or more of the purposes set out in the rules mentioned in clause (a),

                                 (c)    the public body has explicitly communicated that it will accept consent that is given orally,

                                 (d)    the record of the consent

                                           (i)    is accessible by the public body so as to be usable for subsequent reference, and

                                          (ii)    is capable of being retained by the public body,

                                 (e)    the public body has authenticated the identity of the individual giving consent, and

                                  (f)    the method of authentication is reliable for the purpose of verifying the identity of the individual and for associating the consent with the individual.

(7)  For the purposes of subsection (6)(d), a record of the consent must be

                                 (a)    an audio recording of the consent created by or on behalf of the public body,

                                 (b)    in the form of documentation of the consent created by an independent third party, or

                                 (c)    in the form of documentation of the consent created by the public body in accordance with the rules established by the head of the public body.

(8)  Nothing in this section requires a person to give consent in an electronic form or orally.

AR 200/95 s6;170/98;216/99;251/2001;198/2003;27/2006

Disclosure for audit purposes

7   Personal information may be disclosed to persons who are employees of a public body, including a person retained under a contract to perform services for the public body, in order to carry out a financial or other formal and systematic examination or review of a program, portion of a program or activity that includes personal information about individuals, provided such examination or review is sanctioned by statute, regulation or public policy relating to the public body.

AR 200/95 s7;170/98;216/99

Researcher agreements

8   An agreement under section 42 of the Act must include the following:

                                 (a)    that the person may use the personal information only for a research purpose set out in the agreement or for which the person has written authorization from the public body;

                                 (b)    the names of any other persons who will be given access to the personal information;

                                 (c)    that, before disclosing personal information to persons referred to in clause (b), the person must enter into an agreement with those persons to ensure that they will adhere to the same policies and procedures of confidentiality as described in section 42(d) of the Act;

                                 (d)    that the person must keep the personal information in a secure location to which access is given only to the persons referred to in clause (b);

                                 (e)    that the person must remove or destroy all individual identifiers in the personal information by the date and in the manner specified in the agreement;

                                  (f)    that the person must not contact any individual to whom the personal information relates, directly or indirectly, without the prior written authority of the public body;

                                 (g)    that the person must ensure that no personal information will be used or disclosed in a form in which the individual to whom it relates can be identified without the written authority of the public body;

                                 (h)    that the person must ensure that identifiable personal information about an individual is not used for an administrative purpose directly affecting the individual;

                                  (i)    that the person must notify the public body in writing immediately if the person becomes aware that any of the conditions set out in the agreement have been breached;

                                  (j)    that, if a person fails to meet the conditions of the agreement, the agreement may be immediately cancelled and that the person may be guilty of an offence under section 92(1) of the Act.

AR 200/95 s8;251/2001;198/2003


9   Where an applicant is required to pay a fee for services, the fee is payable in accordance with sections 10, 11, 12 and 13.

Fees for non‑personal information

10(1)  This section applies to a request for access to a record that is not a record of the personal information of the applicant.

(2)  An applicant is required to pay

                                 (a)    an initial fee of $25 when a non‑continuing request is made, or

                                 (b)    an initial fee of $50 when a continuing request is made.

(3)  Processing of a request will not commence until the initial fee has been paid.

(4)  In addition to the initial fee, fees in accordance with Schedule 2 may be charged if the amount of the fees, as estimated by the public body to which the request has been made, exceeds $150.

(5)  Where the amount estimated exceeds $150, the total amount is to be charged.

(6)  A fee may not be charged for the time spent in reviewing a record.

AR 200/95 s10; 182/97

Fees for personal information

11(1)  This section applies to a request for access to a record that is a record of the personal information of the applicant.

(2)  Only fees for producing a copy of a record in accordance with items 3 to 6 of Schedule 2 may be charged if the amount of the fees as estimated by the public body to which the request has been made exceeds $10.

(3)  Where the amount estimated exceeds $10, the total amount is to be charged.

AR 200/95 s11;27/2006

Estimate of fees

12(1)  An estimate provided under section 93(3) of the Act must set out, as applicable,

                                 (a)    the time and cost to search for, locate and retrieve a record;

                                 (b)    the cost of computer processing and related charges to produce the record from an electronic record;

                                 (c)    the time and cost for computer programming to produce the record from an electronic record;

                                 (d)    the cost to produce a copy of the record;

                                 (e)    the time and cost for preparing and handling the record for disclosure;

                                  (f)    the time and cost to supervise an applicant who wishes to examine the original record;

                                 (g)    the cost of shipping the record or a copy of the record.

(2)  An estimate for access to a record of the personal information of the applicant need include only the cost of producing a copy of the record in accordance with section 11(2).

(3)  In the case of a continuing request, the estimate is to include the total fees payable over the course of the continuing request.

(4)  An applicant has up to 20 days to indicate if the fee estimate is accepted or to modify the request to change the amount of fees assessed.

AR 200/95 s12;182/97;216/99;251/2001;27/2006

Payment of fees

13(1)  Processing of a request ceases once a notice of estimate has been forwarded to an applicant and recommences immediately on the receipt of an agreement to pay the fee, and on the receipt

                                 (a)    of at least 50% of any estimated fee that exceeds $150, and

                                 (b)    in the case of a continuing request if the estimated fee for the entire request exceeds $150, of at least 50% of the portion of the estimate applicable to the delivery of the first instalment of the request.

(1.1)  Processing of any subsequent instalment of a continuing request commences only on the receipt of at least 50% of the portion of the estimate applicable to the delivery of that instalment.

(2)  The balance of any fee owing is payable at the time the information is delivered to the applicant.

(3)  Fees, other than an initial fee, or any part of those fees will be refunded if the amount paid is higher than the actual fees required to be paid.

(4)  Repealed AR 216/99 s6.

AR 200/95 s13;216/99

Notice of Disclosure

14   For the purposes of section 32(4) of the Act, the notice of disclosure must be in the form set out in Schedule 3.

AR 200/95 s14;251/2001

Acts, etc., to prevail

15(1)   The following provisions prevail despite the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act:

                                 (a)    repealed AR 200/95 s15;

                              (a.1)    Alcohol and Drug Abuse Act, section 9;

                                 (b)    repealed AR 200/95 s15;

                                 (c)    repealed AR 200/95 s15;

                                 (d)    repealed AR 200/95 s15;

                                 (e)    repealed AR 200/95 s15;

                              (e.1)    repealed AR 200/95 s15;

                                  (f)    repealed AR 235/2004 s5;

                                 (g)    Maintenance Enforcement Act, section 15(1);

                                 (h)    repealed AR 27/2006 s5;

                                  (i)    Statistics Bureau Act, section 8;

                                  (j)    Wills Act, section 52;

                                 (k)    section 8 of the Confidentiality Regulation (AR 38/99) made under the Ambulance Services Act.

(2)  Repealed AR 200/95 s15.

(3)  Repealed AR 161/2001 s2.

(3.1)  Repealed AR 235/2004 s5.

(3.2)  Subsection (1)(k) is repealed on December 31, 2006.

(3.3)  Repealed AR 235/2004 s5.

(3.4)  Repealed AR 27/2006 s5.

(4)  Repealed AR 235/2004 s5.

AR 182/97 s4;170/98;208/98;216/99;161/2001;251/2001;324/2002;

16   Repealed AR 198/2003 s5.

Regulations to prevail

17(1)  Subject to subsection (2), the following provisions prevail despite the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act:

                                 (a)    repealed AR 200/95 s17;

                                 (b)    repealed AR 235/2004 s6;

                                 (c)    repealed AR 27/2006 s6;

                                 (d)    repealed AR 235/2004 s6;

                                 (e)    Metallic and Industrial Minerals Exploration Regulation (AR 213/98), section 42(1);

                                  (f)    Metallic and Industrial Minerals Regulation (AR 66/93), section 15.1(1);

                                 (g)    Metis Settlements Land Registry Regulation (AR 361/91), sections 68(3) and 92(3);

                           (h), (i)    repealed AR 27/2006 s6;

                                  (j)    Student Evaluation Regulation (AR 177/2003), section 8(2)(c).

(2)  Subsection (1)(e) does not prevail with respect to information contained in a preliminary plan, final plan or assessment work report after one year has expired from the date that the plan or report was received by the Government.

(3)  Repealed AR 27/2006 s6.

AR 182/97 s4;161/2001;324/2002;235/2004;27/2006

Meeting in absence of the public

18(1)  A meeting of a local public body’s elected officials, governing body or committee of its governing body may be held in the absence of the public only if the subject‑matter being considered in the absence of the public concerns

                                 (a)    the security of the property of the local public body,

                                 (b)    personal information of an individual, including an employee of a public body,

                                 (c)    a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of property by or for a public body,

                                 (d)    labour relations or employee negotiations,

                                 (e)    a law enforcement matter, litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals affecting the local public body, or

                                  (f)    the consideration of a request for access for information under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act if the governing body or committee of the governing body is itself designated as the head of the local public body for the purposes of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act,

and no other subject‑matter is considered in the absence of the public.

(2)  Subsection (1) does not apply to a local public body if another Act

                                 (a)    expressly authorizes the local public body to hold meetings in the absence of the public, and

                                 (b)    specifies the matters that may be discussed at those meetings.

AR 161/98 s2


19   For the purpose of ensuring that this Regulation is reviewed for ongoing relevancy and necessity, with the option that it may be repassed in its present or an amended form following a review, this Regulation expires on June 30, 2008.

AR 161/2001 s5;251/2001;198/2003;235/2004

Schedule 1

All boards, committees and councils established under section 7 of the Government Organization Act whether or not they are included in the list of agencies, boards, commissions, corporations, offices or other bodies designated below as public bodies.

Any subsidiary of a public body designated below.

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development

Metis Settlements Appeal Tribunal

Northern Alberta Development Council

Advanced Education

Access Advisory Council

Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training Board

Alberta Council on Admissions and Transfer

Appeal Boards appointed under Part 4 of the Apprenticeship
   and Industry Training Act

Campus Alberta Quality Council

Committees established under section 4 of the Alberta
   Heritage Scholarship Act

Student Financial Assistance Appeal Committees

Students Finance Board

Agriculture, Food and Rural Development

Agriculture Financial Services Corporation

Alberta Agricultural Products Marketing Council

Alberta Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture Council

Alberta Grain Commission

Board of Trustees of the Wheat Board Money Trust

Farm Implement Board

Farmers’ Advocate

Hall of Fame Selection Committee

Irrigation Council

Marketing of Agricultural Products Act Appeal Tribunal

Meat Advisory Committee

Production Animal Medicine Advisory Committee

Childrens Services

Appeal Committees appointed under the Family Support for
   Children with Disabilities Act

Appeal Panels appointed under the Child, Youth and Family
   Enhancement Act

Appeal Panels appointed under the Social Care Facilities
   Licensing Act

Child and Family Services Authorities established under the
   Child and Family Services Authorities Act

           Calgary and Area CFSA

           Central Alberta CFSA

           East Central Alberta CFSA

           Edmonton and Area CFSA

           Metis Settlements CFSA

           North Central Alberta CFSA

           Northeast Alberta CFSA

           Northwest Alberta CFSA

           Southeast Alberta CFSA

           Southwest Alberta CFSA

Child and Youth Advocate

Premier’s Council on Alberta’s Promise

Social Care Facilities Review Committee

Community Development

Alberta Foundation for the Arts

Alberta Historical Resources Foundation

Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission

Alberta Palaeontological Advisory Committee

Alberta Sport, Recreation, Parks and Wildlife Foundation

Crowsnest Pass Historical Corridor Advisory Committee

Fort George ‑ Buckingham House Advisory Board
Francophone Secretariat

Government House Foundation

Head‑Smashed‑In Buffalo Jump Interpretive Centre Advisory


Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Education
   Fund Advisory Committee
Oil Sands Discovery Centre Advisory Committee

Provincial Archives of Alberta Advisory Board

Remington ‑ Alberta Carriage Centre Advisory Committee

Reynolds ‑ Alberta Museum Advisory Board

Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village Advisory Board

Victoria Settlement Advisory Committee

Wild Rose Foundation

Economic Development

Aboriginal Tourism Advisory Council

Alberta Economic Development Authority

Film Commission Advisory Council

Strategic Tourism Marketing Council


Alberta Teachers’ Retirement Fund Board

Attendance Board

Board of Reference

Certification Appeal Committee

Complainant Review Committee

Council on Alberta Teaching Standards

Practice Review Appeal Committee

Practice Review Panel

Small and Rural School Programming Advisory Committee

Special Needs Tribunal


Alberta Energy and Utilities Board

Alberta Petroleum Marketing Commission

Electric Utilities Act Advisory Committee

Freehold Mineral Rights Tax Appeal Board


Drainage Council

Environmental Appeals Board

Environmental Protection Advisory Committee

Natural Resources Conservation Board (common
   responsibility with Sustainable Resource Development)

Executive Council

Alberta Order of Excellence Council

Public Affairs Bureau


Alberta Capital Finance Authority

Alberta Government Telephones Commission

Alberta Insurance Council

Alberta Local Authorities Pension Plan Corp.

Alberta Pensions Administration Corporation

Alberta Securities Commission

Alberta Securities Commission Policy Advisory Committee

Alberta Treasury Branches

Appeal Panels formed under the Insurance Councils
(AR 126/2001)

ATB Investment Services Inc.

Audit Committee

Automobile Insurance Rate Board

Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation

Endowment Fund Policy Committee

Gainers Inc.

General Insurance Council

Insurance Adjusters’ Council

Investment Operations Committee

Life Insurance Council

Local Authorities Pension Plan Board of Trustees

Management Employees Pension Board

N.A. Properties (1994) Ltd. (amalgamates 354713 Alberta
   Ltd., 391760 Alberta Ltd. and S.C. Properties Ltd.) and

Provincial Judges and Masters in Chambers Pension Plan
   Advisory Committee

Public Service Pension Board

Special Forces Pension Board

Supplementary Retirement Plan for Public Service
   Managers Advisory Committee


Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission

Alberta Gaming Research Council

Appeal Tribunal appointed under section 23 of the
Horse Racing Alberta Act

Government Services

Alberta Funeral Services Regulatory Board

Alberta Motor Vehicle Industry Council

Appeal Boards appointed under the Cemeteries Act

Appeal Boards appointed under the Fair Trading Act

Appeal Boards appointed under the Funeral Services Act

Debtors’ Assistance Board

Personal Information Protection Act Advisory Committee

Health and Wellness

Acupuncture Board of Examiners

Acupuncture Committee

Alberta Advisory Committee on AIDS

Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission

Alberta College of Combined Laboratory and X‑ray

Alberta Expert Review Panel for Blood Borne Infections
   in Health Care Workers

Alberta Health Facilities Review Committee

Alberta Management Committee on Drug Utilization

Ambulance Advisory and Appeal Board

Ambulance Governance Advisory Committee

Ambulance Medical Review Committee

Board of Examiners in Podiatry

Dental Disciplines Advisory Committee

Expert Committee on Drug Evaluation and Therapeutics

Eye Care Disciplines Advisory Committee

Health Disciplines Board

Health Professions Advisory Board

Hospital Privileges Appeal Board

Mental Health Patient Advocate

Midwifery Health Disciplines Committee

MS Drug Review Panel

Out‑of‑Country Health Services Appeal Panel

Out‑of‑Country Health Services Committee

Physician Resource Planning Committee

Policy Advisory Committee on Blood Services

Premier’s Advisory Council on Health

Public Health Appeal Board

Review Panels appointed under the Mental Health Act

Rural Physician Action Plan Coordinating Committee

Human Resources and Employment

Appeal Board appointed under the Land Agents Licensing

Appeal Committee appointed under the Recovery,
   Administrative Penalties and Appeals Regulation
   (AR 381/2003)

Appeal Panels appointed under the Income and Employment
   Supports Act

Appeal Panels appointed under the Widows’ Pension Act

Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers’ Compensation

Board of Examiners for Mines

Classification Appeal Board

Health Benefits Review Committee under the Recovery,
   Administrative Penalties and Appeals Regulation
   (AR 381/2003)

Joint First Aid Training Standards Board

Labour Relations Board

Occupational Health and Safety Council

Personnel Administration Office

      Government of Alberta Dental Plan Trust

      Government Employees Group Extended Medical
        Benefits Plan Trust

Public Emergency Tribunal under the Burial of the Dead

Radiation Health Advisory Committee

Review Committee under the Recovery, Administrative
   Penalties and Appeals Regulation (AR 381/2003)

Umpires under the Employment Standards Code

Workers’ Compensation Board

Infrastructure and Transportation

Alberta Transportation Safety Board

Innovation and Science

Alberta Agricultural Research Institute

Alberta Energy Research Institute

Alberta Forestry Research Institute

Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research

Alberta Heritage Foundation for Science and Engineering

Alberta Information and Communications Technology

Alberta Life Sciences Research Institute

Alberta Science and Research Authority

           Alberta Research Council Inc.

           iCORE Inc.

Alberta Science and Research Authority International
   Expert Review Panel

Justice and Attorney General

Alberta Review Board

Appeal Panels appointed under the Civil Enforcement
(AR 276/95)

Fatality Review Board

Notaries Public Review Committee

Provincial Court Nominating Committee

Municipal Affairs

Municipal Government Board

Safety Codes Council

Special Areas Board

Restructuring and Government Efficiency

Fees and Charges Monitoring Committee

Information and Communications Technology (ICT)/
   SuperNet Advisory Committee

Regulatory Review Secretariat

Seniors and Community Supports

Alberta Aids to Daily Living and Extended Health Benefits
   Appeal Panels

Alberta Social Housing Corporation

Appeal Panels appointed under the Assured Income for the
   Severely Handicapped Act

Appeal Panels appointed under the Dependent Adults Act

Appeal Panels appointed under the Seniors Benefit Act

Persons with Developmental Disabilities

           Calgary Region Community Board

           Central Region Community Board

           Edmonton Region Community Board

           Northeast Region Community Board

           Northwest Region Community Board

           Provincial Board

           South Region Community Board

Premier’s Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities

Seniors Advisory Council for Alberta

Solicitor General and Public Security

Criminal Injuries Review Board

Law Enforcement Review Board

Victims of Crime Programs Committee

Youth Justice Committees sanctioned by the Solicitor
   General and Minister of Public Security through section
   18 of the Youth Criminal Justice Act (Canada)

Sustainable Resource Development

Land Compensation Board

Natural Resources Conservation Board (common
   responsibility with Environment)

Surface Rights Board

AR 200/95 Sched.1;96/96;182/97;161/98;170/98;15/99;216/99;


Schedule 2

Freedom of Information and Protection of
Privacy Act:  Fees Schedule

The amount of the fees set out in this Schedule are the maximum amounts that can be charged to applicants.


For searching for, locating and retrieving a record

$6.75 per 1/4 hr.


For producing a record from an electronic record



(a)   Computer processing and
        related charges

Actual cost to public body


(b)   Computer programming

Actual cost to public body up to $20.00 per 1/4 hr.


For producing a paper copy of a record:



(a)   photocopies and computer



    (i)   black and white up to
           8 1/2” x 14”

$0.25 per page


    (ii)  other formats

$0.50 per page


(b)   from microfiche or microfilm

$0.50 per page


(c)   plans and blueprints

Actual cost to public body


For producing a copy of a record by duplication of the following media:



(a)  microfiche and microfilm

Actual cost to public body


(b)  computer disks

$5.00 per disk


(c)  computer tapes

Actual cost to public body


(d)  slides

$2.00 per slide


(e)  audio and video tapes

Actual cost to public body


For producing a photographic copy (colour or black and white) printed on photographic paper from a negative, slide or digital image



(a)  4” x 6”



(b)  5” x 7”



(c)  8” x 10”



(d)  11” x 14”



(e)  16” x 20”



For producing a copy of a record by any process or in any medium or format not listed in sections 3 to 5 above

Actual cost to public body


For preparing and handling a record for disclosure

$6.75 per 1/4 hr.


For supervising the examination of a record

$6.75 per 1/4 hr.


For shipping a record or a copy of a record

Actual cost to public body

AR 200/95 Sched.2;27/2006

Schedule 3


   [third party’s name and address]                                                          

Notice of Disclosure of Information under the
Freedom of Information and Protection
of Privacy Act, section 32(4)

      [Name of public body]       has disclosed information that relates to you in compliance with the requirements of section 32 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.  This Act requires a public body to disclose:

                                 (1)    information about a risk of significant harm to the environment, to the health or safety of the public, of a group of people, or of a person, or

                                 (2)    information the disclosure of which is, for any other reason, clearly in the public interest.

The information disclosed is    [Explain the information.  Provide a copy of the record if a record exists.  Explain why section 32 applies to the information.]   .  This decision was made by     [name, job title]   .

Signed:      [name]      

                [phone number, address]                                                          

AR 200/95 Sched.;251/2001

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