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 Location: Alberta Government > Environment > IRM Home Page
Last Review/Updated: March 8, 2005

Integrated Resource Management

Integrated Resource Management (IRM) can be defined as a way of using and managing the environment and natural resources to achieve sustainable development. Using an IRM approach means that environmental, social and economic issues are considered, while finding ways for all uses to exist together with less conflict.

How we manage or use one resource affects the management or use of other resources in an area. Managing each use or resource by itself is less effective than managing all of them in an integrated way.

IRM is based on: cooperation, communication, coordination, consideration of all values, and involvement of those potentially affected before action.

In keeping with Alberta's commitment to sustainable resource and environmental management, and the department's business plan, Alberta Environment is working with other government departments, industry, communities, and individual Albertans. Together, we are promoting IRM, developing regional strategies as the bridge between provincial policy and local or project planning, and sharing ideas and information on IRM projects.

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