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AgroClimatic Information Service (ACIS): Viewers Explained

 Quick Viewer | Climate Mapper | Weather Mapper | Station Viewer
Quick Viewer

The Quick Viewer includes hundreds of static, prebuilt maps, some dating back to 1901. Examples include drought maps, soil moisture maps, and the Agro-Climatic Atlas, which displays relevant climate elements like precipitation, heat units, solar radiation, temperature, and more.

Learn more about using the Quick Viewer by taking the tour.

You need Adobe's Flash Player to view the tour. If it's not already installed on your computer, download the Flash Player here.

Access the Quick Viewer here.

Climate Mapper

The Climate Mapper allows you to customize maps by selecting various measurements such as precipitation, mean, minimum or maximum temperature, relative humidity, radiation, and wind speed. Mapping information can be displayed based on a yearly, quarterly, monthly, or growing season basis. Information from 1901 to 2003 is available. You can also zoom in to smaller geographical areas for more detail.

Learn more about using the Climate Mapper by taking the tour.

You need Adobe's Flash Player to view the tour. If it's not already installed on your computer, download the Flash Player here.

Access the Climate Mapper here.

Weather Mapper

The Weather Mapper creates customized maps of near real time data of various measurements, such as precipitation, snow fall, frost severity/extent, corn heat units, and more. The data is current up to 24 hours the previous day, which makes this viewer ideal for monitoring growing conditions around the province.

Learn more about using the Weather Mapper by taking the tour.

You need Adobe's Flash Player to view the tour. If it's not already installed on your computer, download the Flash Player here.

Access the Weather Mapper here.

Station Viewer

The Station Viewer creates graphs displaying local weather data such as accumulated precipitation, air temperature, humidity, soil moisture, soil temperature, wind speed, and more. The weather data available varies between stations, with some stations displaying several weather elements, and others displaying a small number of elements. The data is current up to the previous day.

Access the Station Viewer here.

Back to ACIS Home
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Ralph Wright.
This document is maintained by Lisa Guenther.
This information published to the web on July 24, 2006.
Last Reviewed/Revised on August 2, 2006.

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