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Agriculture and Climate Information Viewer (ACIS)


This viewer is designed to present climatic information of importance to the agriculture industry in Alberta and to make that information easily available to the farming industry, agribusiness, and researchers.

Browser Requirements

The recommended browser for this viewer is Microsoft’s Internet Explorer - versions 5.5 and higher. Other browsers may work but the display characteristics and behavior might be unpredictable.

Map Drawing times

When viewing maps in the Quick Viewer, users can expect display times similar to that of any other images viewed on the web.

When viewing maps using the Climate Mapper, display times will vary greatly depending upon the criteria selected. There are approximately 250 million records that may be searched on a given selection and therefore display/map drawing times can be from a minimum of 5 seconds up to a minute or longer. Users are urged not to change a selection until the current map drawing has been completed!

When viewing maps using the Weather Mapper, display times will vary depending on the criteria selected. Users with a high-speed connection can expect maps to display in less than 10 seconds.

Quick Viewer

The Quick Viewer consists of series of static maps (beginning as far back as the year 1901) and is available several categories. Some of the categories are:
  • An Agro-climatic Atlas, which describes the climate elements relevant to agriculture in Alberta and presents 29 sets of maps of agro-climatic characteristics.
  • A series of Drought Maps, which were created to monitor that status of growing conditions for crops.
  • And a series of Soil Moisture maps, which shows data that could be used to monitor drought potential for the upcoming growing season.
More detailed information on Quick Viewer maps is available under the “related information tab” of this viewer.

Climate Mapper

The Climate Mapper is a tool that allows users to create customized maps. The maps display climate conditions as recently as 2003 and as far back as 1901. Users can select various measurements that have been gathered from weather stations throughout the province and then graphically overlay the result on the map of Alberta. The measurements that can be obtained currently are: precipitation, mean temperature, minimum temperature, maximum temperate, relative humidity, radiation, and wind speed. These primary selections can then be refined to display mapping information based on a yearly, quarterly, monthly, or growing season basis. Map coloring defaults are provided but these defaults and the corresponding map labels can be user customized. As well, users have the ability to zoom in to smaller geographical areas in more detail.

More detailed information on the Climate Mapper is available under the “related information tab” of this viewer.

Weather Mapper

The Weather Mapper is a tool that allows users to create customized maps of Near-real time data. The near-real time data is available upto 24:00h of the previous day. Users can select various measurements that have been gathered from weather stations throughout the province and then graphically overlay the result on the map of Alberta. Any date range can be selected by the drop-down menus on the query tab. Map coloring defaults are provided but these defaults and the corresponding map labels can be user customized. As well, users have the ability to zoom in to smaller geographical areas in more detail.

More detailed information on the Weather Mapper is available under the “related information tab” of this viewer.

Contact Information

For information and issues concerning the maps and the corresponding map data please contact:
Ralph Wright -Drought Modeller @ 780-427-3556, email
For information and issues concerning the Ropin’ the Web site and the functions of the viewers please contact:
Gerard Vaillancourt – Branch Manager – Ropin’ the Web @ 780-422-6796, email