Premier Ralph Klein
Government of Alberta



Clean Energy

You know, when I visit other places across Canada, people often say, “you’re so lucky in Alberta… lucky to have all those resources, and the strong economy to go with them.” Well, we are lucky. But luck is only part of the equation. Albertans have used their creativity, bold thinking and decisive action to transform our natural resources into leading edge products marketed around the world.

In our second century, we won’t rely on our continued good luck, and high oil and gas prices to fuel our success. We will build on our knowledge and skills, create new products, and provide services that compete with the best in the world. From agriculture to manufacturing, high tech and biotechnology, we will forge new opportunities and build an even stronger economy for the future.

  Clean Coal  

Dr. David Lewin, Canadian Clean Power Coalition
"It is critical that Alberta continues to demonstrate leadership in the global search for environmentally clean energy sources. Here in Alberta we have a one-thousand-year’s supply of coal just beneath our feet. Clean coal technology has the potential to turn that resource into a long-term supply of affordable and reliable power.

Canadian Clean Power Coalition’s research and development into clean coal technology is one of our most promising opportunities. The intent is to invest in the development of a commercial scale power plant to demonstrate this technology. The process known as gasification will transform coal into synthetic natural gas, and capture the emissions of NOCs, SO2, particulates, mercury, and carbon dioxide before they reach the atmosphere. The synthetic natural gas will then be used to generate electricity. The clean coal process can also produce hydrogen, giving us a reliable and affordable supply of what some have called “fuel of the future.” Globally, our clean coal technology could be one of the most important tools in reducing greenhouse gas emissions."


Clean coal has a big role to play in Alberta’s energy future. The coal beneath our feet contains twice the energy of Alberta’s conventional crude, natural gas, and bitumen, combined. To make the most of this massive resource, we’ll need to use the same Alberta ingenuity that turned the oil sands into a source of long-term prosperity.

We already use clean coal to meet more than half of our electricity needs. But we can do so much more.

The government is supporting some excellent clean coal research in Alberta, and we’re committed to building on that work. Alberta’s best minds and industry leaders have the knowledge and the innovation needed to unlock coal’s massive potential. A new day is dawning for coal… and it’s dawning here, in Alberta.