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(Consolidated up to 3/2005)


Podiatry Act


1   The by‑laws of the Alberta Podiatry Association registered as Alberta Regulations 390/57 are hereby rescinded and the following substituted.

AR 195/65 s1

2   By‑laws of the Alberta Podiatry Association:

I  Purpose:

The purpose of this Association shall be in accordance with the Podiatry Act, being chapter 69 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1964, and listed hereunder:

                                 (a)    the government, discipline and welfare of its members;

                                 (b)    the management of its property;

                                 (c)    the maintenance of the Association by levying contributions or otherwise;

                                 (d)    all such other purposes as may be deemed necessary or convenient for the working or management of the Association or the advancement of the profession of podiatry; and

                                 (e)    for the payment of fees by members of the Association.

II  Membership:

                                 (a)    The membership of the Association, in accordance with section 6(1) of the Podiatry Act shall consist of all persons holding certificates of registration as a podiatrist.

                                 (b)    The membership of the Association shall be subdivided into the following classes:

                                           (i)    Active Members:

                                                  Podiatrists duly qualified for admission and registered with the Association, whose dues are paid to date plus any additional levies or contributions levied upon the membership, and residing and practising within the province.

                                                  These members shall be the only class of members accorded voting privileges in the Association concerning the Association’s purposes listed in section 2(I) of the by‑laws.

                                          (ii)    Inactive Members: 

                                                  Podiatrists duly qualified for admission and registered with the Association, and who have been former practising members, in good standing with the Association, but not residing or practising within the province.

                                         (iii)    Honorary Members:

                                                  Honorary memberships may be conferred upon distinguished practitioners of any organized branch of medicine, or any person who has performed a distinguished service to the profession, at an annual meeting, by two‑thirds vote of the membership, provided the nomination has been made at a previous annual meeting.

                                                  Nothing in this section shall deprive an active member who is normally a voting member and is subsequently voted an honorary membership from his rights as a voting member.

                                         (iv)    Life Members:

                                                  Life membership may be conferred by the Association on any person retired from active practice who shall have reached the age of sixty years or who has been a member of the Association for fifteen years and who through illness or for any other reason approved by the Council shall be deemed worthy of this consideration.

                                          (v)    Temporary Membership: 

                                                  To any duly qualified and licensed podiatrist outside the Province of Alberta, who meets the Association’s standards of admission, in order to permit him to be called in for consultation with a client, or request, or to conduct a surgical seminar or other type of clinical seminar which requires the examination and treatment of a patient.

III  Fees and Fiscal Year:

                                 (a)    The following fees may be fixed by the Council:

                                           (i)    annual membership fees;

                                          (ii)    the fee for issuing a certificate of registration.

                                 (b)    The fee for an interim license or temporary membership for each quarter of the fiscal year is to be set at 35% of the annual fee set out in clause (a)(i).

                                 (c)    Fees are payable to the secretary‑treasurer of the Association.

                                 (d)    The fiscal year for the Association is January 1 to December 31.

IV  Registration and Certification:

                                 (a)    In accordance with section 6(2) of The Podiatry Act the Registrar of the Association shall register every candidate qualifying under section 7(5) of The Podiatry Act:

                                           (i)    who produces satisfactory evidence that he is 21 years of age, of good moral character and that his name is not erased from the register of any Podiatry Association;

                                          (ii)    to whom the Board of Examiners has issued a Certificate of Competency;

                                         (iii)    who pays the prescribed fees;

                                         (iv)    all certificates issued by the Registrar shall be numbered and recorded in a register kept by the Registrar for that purpose and when requested to do so the Registrar shall provide the Minister with a roll of all the members.

                                          (v)    The Registrar shall transfer to the inactive list any member who retires from practice or moves out of the province to practise elsewhere.

                                         (vi)    A member who has been on the inactive list for 3 years or longer and applied through reinstatement to the active list shall be obliged to meet the Board of Examiners demands and inquiries with respect to the applicant’s qualifications and continuing professional education.

                                        (vii)    Upon being approved for reinstatement by the Board of Examiners, the members shall then be assessed the full current year’s membership fees, and upon payment, be registered as a member on the active list.

V  Code of Ethics:

                                 (a)    Members must govern themselves in accordance with the Code of Conduct of the Alberta Podiatry Association as approved by the Association on January 20, 2001.

VI  Administration:

                                 (a)    In accordance with section 4(1) of The Podiatry Act there shall be a Council of Management consisting of the following officers elected from the active members:

                                           (i)    a President;

                                          (ii)    a Vice‑President;

                                         (iii)    a Secretary‑Treasurer (hereinafter referred to as the Secretary);

                                         (iv)    two Councillors.

                                 (b)    In accordance with sections 4(1) and 12(1) of The Podiatry Act the Council in addition to such other powers as may be conferred upon it by the Association may discipline the members of the Association and may suspend or expel any member thereof for professional misconduct or for failure to comply with any by‑law of the Association imposing suspension or expulsion as a penalty for the breach thereof.

                                 (c)    The Council shall cause minutes of its meetings to be made in a book for that purpose.

                                 (d)    A resolution signed by all the members of the Council shall have the force and effect as though passed at a regular meeting of the Council.

                                 (e)    The Secretary shall receive such compensation for his services as the Council may determine.

                                  (f)    The Council shall cause true accounts to be kept at the head office of the Association which shall be the office of the Secretary.

                                 (g)    The President may appoint and direct any committee as he deems necessary.  Any such committee shall have a chairman appointed by the President and such chairman shall make a report verbally or in writing, as the President directs at the next general meeting.

                                 (h)    For purposes of convenience, where the Council so directs, the Secretary may also serve and act as the Registrar of the Association.

VII  Seal:

                                 (a)    The Seal of the Association shall read “The Alberta Podiatry Association”.

                                 (b)    The seal is to be used only on authority of the Council and at all times must be accompanied by the personal signature of the President and/or the Secretary (or Registrar).

                                 (c)    The seal is to be kept in the custody of the Secretary.

VIII  Meetings:

                                 (a)    The annual general meeting of the Association must be held not later than twelve months following the previous general meeting.

                                 (b)    The date, time and place of the meeting is to be set by the Council.

                                 (c)    Special general meetings may be called at the discretion of the Council or in special circumstances by the President.

                                 (d)    All members are to be notified of any general meeting of the Association at least 15 days prior to the date of such meeting.

                                 (e)    For purposes of notification of a general meeting the Secretary shall direct such notices to the members’ office or usual place of business as filed with the post office and the Association.

                                  (f)    All meetings shall be conducted according to parliamentary procedure and Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings.

                                 (g)    The President shall call a meeting of the Council at the request of two members of the Council.

                                 (h)    The President shall call a meeting of the Association at the written request of three members of the Association.

IX  Quorum:

                                 (a)    At any meeting of the Council, the majority, or in case of an even number, one‑half of the members of the Council shall constitute a quorum.

                                 (b)    At any general meeting of the Association, the majority, or in case of an even number, one‑half of the membership shall constitute a quorum for all business other than that of a financial nature.

                                 (c)    For any business of a financial nature at least two‑thirds of the active members must be present to constitute a quorum.

                                 (d)    Any active member who is absent for either a general or financial meeting by virtue of being ill, or for any other justifiable cause, may exercise his franchise by executing a formal proxy and coding this proxy to some other active member to vote on his behalf.

X  Duties of the Officers of the Council:

                                 (a)    The President:

                                           (i)    Shall preside at all meetings, attest all minutes of the meeting, jointly sign all cheques with the Secretary, appoint all committees and do such other things as usually devolve upon a President.

                                          (ii)    May approve expenditures in excess of $25.00 (twenty‑five dollars) but not exceeding $50.00 (fifty dollars).

                                 (b)    The Vice‑President, in the absence of the President, shall perform all his duties and assume such tasks as the President may assign to him.

                                 (c)    The Secretary:

                                           (i)    Shall keep a record of all proceedings of the Association and Council, conduct all correspondence, send out notices of meetings and reports received, receive all moneys due to the Association and deposit them in a chartered bank to the credit of the Association, sign all cheques jointly with the President.

                                          (ii)    Shall make a detailed report of property and finances at the annual general meeting and perform such other duties as devolve upon a Secretary.  The Secretary may approve the expenditure of any sum up to but not exceeding $25.00 (twenty‑five dollars).

                                         (iii)    Where the Secretary has been appointed to act as Registrar of the Association he shall examine and notify the Council of all applications received for registration, together with the applicant’s qualifications, and upon direction of the Council shall inscribe in the Association’s Register the names of all approved Podiatrists and when such names have been directed to be suspended or expunged shall so indicate in the said Register together with the cause and date of the order of the Council.

                                                  The Secretary when acting as the Registrar, or the Registrar if it be some other person, shall notify the Minister of all persons registered.  In the event of suspension or expulsion of a member, the Registrar shall briefly advise the Minister the reason for such action of the Council.

                                         (iv)    The Secretary when acting as the registrar or the registrar if it be some other person, shall prescribe all forms and procedures to be followed by applicants for registration and shall be responsible for directing all applicants for registration upon the proper procedures to be followed by the applicant.

XI  Publication:

The Secretary shall forward to the Minister a copy of these by‑laws and any subsequent amendments in order that they may be published in the Alberta Gazette.

XII  Amendments:

These by‑laws may be altered or amended at any general meeting of the Association by an affirmative vote to two‑thirds of the membership present at a meeting provided that the notice of motion of the proposed alteration has been given with the notice calling the meeting.

XIII  Adoption:

These by‑laws shall become effective immediately upon approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council and publication in the Alberta Gazette. Any future additional by‑laws or amendments to by‑laws shall become effective upon approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council and publication in the Alberta Gazette or upon such later date as may be specified in the by‑laws.

AR 195/65 s2;310/75;235/2002;3/2005


The Alberta Podiatry Association by virtue of the authority vested in it by the Legislature of the Province of Alberta, certifies that


who has complied with all the requirements of the law regarding the practice of Podiatry and has been adjudged qualified to practise Podiatry, is a duly registered member of the said Association, and thereby entitled to practise Podiatry in Alberta.

In witness whereof, we, the undersigned officers of the Association have hereunto signed our names and affixed the corporate seal of the Association this              day of              , one thousand nine hundred and                   , at the City of Edmonton, in the Province of Alberta.






AR 195/65

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