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(Consolidated up to 239/98)


Health Disciplines Act


1   In this Regulation,

                                 (a)    “Act” means the Health Disciplines Act;

                                 (b)    “College” means the Alberta College and Association of Respiratory Therapy designated under section 4.2(b) of the Act;

                                 (c)    “direct supervision” means continuous and visual observation and supervision by a physician who is present with the patient while a health service is being provided;

                                 (d)    “hospital” means an approved hospital as defined in the Hospitals Act;

                                 (e)    “hospital board” means the board of an approved hospital as defined in the Hospitals Act;

                                  (f)    “registered member” means a person who is registered as a member of the designated health discipline of Respiratory Therapists under section 2 or 4;

                               (f.1)    “Registrar” means the Registrar appointed under section 7.4(1) of the Act;

                                 (g)    “supervision of a physician” means a written order or instruction by a physician to a registered member to provide or assist in the provision of health services.

AR 328/85 s1;508/87;195/89;239/98

2   A person is eligible to be registered as a registered member if

                                 (a)    he has satisfactorily completed a program of studies

                                           (i)    that has been approved by the Board,

                                          (ii)    that is, in the opinion of the Board, substantially equivalent to a program referred to in subclause (i), or

                                         (iii)    that was taught before the establishment of a program referred to in subclause (i) if the Registration Committee considers the program to be standard for that time,

                                 (b)    he has satisfactorily completed an examination approved by the Board,

                                 (c)    he has within the 18 months immediately preceding the date of application

                                           (i)    met the requirements of clause (a),

                                          (ii)    been employed as a respiratory therapist for at least 240 working hours, or

                                         (iii)    satisfactorily completed a refresher program approved by the Board,

                                 (d)    he has submitted the required forms prescribed by the Minister, and

                                 (e)    he has paid the fee prescribed in the by‑laws of the College.

AR 328/85 s2;508/87;195/89;239/98

3(1)  For the purposes of section 16 of the Act, the Registrar shall issue an annual certificate to a person registered under section 2 who

                                 (a)    has, within the year immediately preceding the date of submission of the application for renewal of registration, met the requirements of section 2(a),

                                 (b)    has, within the 2 years immediately preceding the date of submission of the application for renewal of registration, been employed as a respiratory technologist for at least 320 working hours, or

                                 (c)    where the Registration Committee makes an order under section 16(4)(a), (b) or (c) of the Act, satisfactorily completes within the period of time specified by the Registration Committee the training program or examination, or both, prescribed by the Registration Committee.

(2)  For the purposes of section 16 of the Act, the date for submission of an application for renewal of registration is March 31.

(3)  An application for renewal of registration shall be in the form prescribed by the Minister and be accompanied by a fee prescribed in the by‑laws of the College.

(4)  The training programs and examinations that the Registration Committee may order an applicant for renewal to take or pass pursuant to section 16(4) of the Act are the following:

                                 (a)    a refresher program approved by the Board;

                                 (b)    the examination referred to in section 2(b);

                                 (c)    all or part of a training program referred to in section 2(a) as prescribed by the Registration Committee.

AR 328/85 s3;508/87;195/89;239/98

4(1)  Notwithstanding section 2, the Registrar may issue a temporary registration to a person who complies with section 2(a), (c) and (d) and is eligible to take the examination referred to in section 2(b), and the holder of such a temporary registration may provide the same health services a person registered under section 2 may provide, subject to the same conditions and limitations.

(2)  A person registered pursuant to subsection (1) shall be registered as a registered member of the designated health discipline of Respiratory Therapists.

(3)  A temporary registration shall be issued for a maximum period of 18 months and may not be renewed.

AR 328/85 s4;508/87

5(1)  The Registrar shall enter in the register

                                 (a)    the names, places of employment and registration numbers of registered members, and

                                 (b)    where the registered member is the holder of a temporary registration, a statement to that effect and the date of expiry of the temporary registration.

(2)  A registered member shall forthwith inform the Registrar of any change in name, home address, place of employment or employment status.

AR 328/85 s5

6(1)  A registered member may provide or assist in the provision of the following health services:

                                 (a)    patient evaluation;

                                 (b)    cardiopulmonary resuscitation and support;

                                 (c)    mechanically augmented ventilation;

                                 (d)    patient transport;

                                 (e)    aerosol therapy;

                                  (f)    humidity therapy;

                                 (g)    distribution of anaesthetic agents and gases;

                                 (h)    distribution and administration of medical gas supplies;

                                  (i)    airway management;

                                  (j)    blood gas analysis;

                                 (k)    non‑invasive cardiopulmonary testing and monitoring;

                                  (l)    transcutaneous monitoring;

                                (m)    arterial and capillary punctures;

                                 (n)    maintenance of equipment used in the provision of any of the health services referred to in clauses (a) to (m);

                                 (o)    research and education in any of the health services referred to in clauses (a) to (m);

                                 (p)    administration or supervision of programs involving the provision of any of the health services referred to in clauses (a) to (m).

(2)  A registered member may assist in management plan development related to respiratory therapy.

(3)  Subject to section 7, no registered member shall provide any of the health services referred to in subsection (1) or (2) except under the supervision of a physician.

AR 328/85 s6;508/87;195/89

7(1)  No registered member shall provide any of the following health services except with the consent of the hospital board and under the supervision of a physician who is available to assess the quality and result of the procedure:

                                 (a)    neonatal transport;

                                 (b)    endotracheal intubation;

                                 (c)    arterial line sampling;

                              (c.1)    arterial line insertion;

                                 (d)    specialized pulmonary diagnostic techniques and evaluation procedures;

                                 (e)    airway provocation studies;

                                  (f)    long term pacemaker programming and evaluation;

                                 (g)    hemodynamic monitoring.

(2)  In addition to the requirements of subsection (1), a registered member who provides the health services referred to in subsection (1)(c.1), (e), (f) or (g) shall ensure that a physician is readily available to render assistance if necessary.

(3)  No registered member shall provide any of the following health services except with the consent of the hospital board and under direct supervision:

                                 (a)    cardiac tolerance testing;

                                 (b)    assisting in pacemaker implantation and evaluation;

                                 (c)    assisting in bronchoscopy techniques;

                                 (d)    assisting in anaesthesia;

                                 (e)    intraoperative autologous transfusion.

(4)  A hospital board may give its consent under subsection (1) or (3) if it is satisfied that the registered member has received adequate training in the health service to be provided.

(5)  Where a hospital board gives its consent under subsection (1) or (3), the registered member to whom the consent relates shall forthwith forward to the Registration Committee a notification containing

                                 (a)    his name,

                                 (b)    a description of the training he has received, and

                                 (c)    a description of the health services under subsection (1) or (3) that the consent authorizes him to provide.

AR 328/85 s7;195/89;334/91

8   A registered member shall

                                 (a)    conduct himself so as to gain the respect and confidence of his patients, his colleagues and other health care personnel;

                                 (b)    work within his scope of practice and capability, and within any applicable limitations or conditions placed on the provision of health services by him;

                                 (c)    execute his duties in a competent manner being guided at all times by the welfare and best interests of his patients;

                                 (d)    keep in confidence all personal and privileged information concerning his patients;

                                 (e)    refer incompetent, illegal, or unethical conduct of his colleagues or other health care personnel to the appropriate authority;

                                  (f)    maintain currency in the practice of respiratory therapy and upgrade his knowledge and skills with the development of new procedures and equipment;

                                 (g)    work in cooperation with his colleagues and other health care personnel.

AR 328/85 s8;508/87

9   A registered member may use the name “Registered Respiratory Technologist” or “Registered Respiratory Therapist” or the initials “R.R.T.”.

AR 328/85 s9

9.1   The governing body of the College shall be an executive consisting of

                                 (a)    the person appointed by the Minister under section 7.3(1)(b) of the Act, and

                                 (b)    not fewer than 4 registered members.

AR 195/89 s7;239/98

9.2   There is hereby established a Registration Committee consisting of not fewer than 3 registered members.

AR 195/89 s7

9.3   There is hereby established a Conduct and Competency Committee consisting of not fewer than 3 registered members.

AR 195/89 s7

9.4   The date on or before which a report under section 7.8 of the Act must be submitted is March 31.

AR 195/89 s7

10   This Regulation comes into force on March 31, 1986.

AR 328/85 s10

Schedule   Repealed AR 508/87 s9.

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