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(Consolidated up to 251/2001)


Opticians Act


Table of Contents

                1       Definitions

                2       Number of Board meetings

                3       Calling a Board meeting

                4       Notice of Board meeting

                5       Board quorum

                6       Apprenticeship in spectacle dispensing

                7       Transfer of training agreement

                8       Eligibility for practical exam in eye glasses dispensing

                9       Completion of apprenticeship in spectacle dispensing

              10       Certificate of competency

              11       Apprenticeship in contact lens dispensing

              12       Transfer of training agreement

              13       Contact lens dispensing by apprentice

              14       Apprentices record of contact lens fits

              15       Contact lens dispensing education program exam

              16       Eligibility for practical exam in contact lens dispensing

              17       Completion of apprenticeship in contact lens dispensing

              18       Special certificate

              19       Ophthalmic dispensers standards of practice

              20       Contact lens dispensers standards of practice

              21       Ophthalmic appliances

              22       Offence

              23       Repeal



1   In this Regulation,

                                 (a)    “Act” means the Ophthalmic Dispensers Act;

                                 (b)    “certificate of competency” means the certificate of competency referred to in section 52(1) of the Act;

                                 (c)    “contact lens dispenser” means a person who holds a special certificate;

                                 (d)    “special certificate” means the special certificate of competency in dispensing contact lenses referred to in section 34(2) of the Act.

AR 69/86 s1;251/2001

Number of Board meetings

2   The Board shall meet no fewer than 4 times each year.

AR 69/86 s2

Calling a Board meeting

3(1)  Meetings of the Board shall be at the call of the chairman and, in his absence, at the call of the acting chairman.

(2)  The Board shall meet at the request of the Guild within 60 days of the request.

AR 69/86 s3

Notice of Board meeting

4   The chairman shall give at least 14 days’ notice to each member of the Board stating the time and place of any meeting of the Board.

AR 69/86 s4

Board quorum

5   A quorum of a meeting of the Board is 4 members.

AR 69/86 s5

Apprenticeship in spectacle dispensing

6(1)  A person is eligible to be an apprentice in spectacle dispensing if

                                 (a)    he has completed and submitted Form 1 of Schedule 3 to the Guild,

                                 (b)    he and his supervisor have completed and submitted a training agreement in Form 2 of Schedule 3 to the Guild that has been approved by the Board and the Guild,

                                 (c)    he has completed Alberta grade 12 or its equivalent,

                                 (d)    he is registered with the Board and the Guild,

                                 (e)    he has paid the fee prescribed in Schedule 2, and

                                  (f)    he is engaged in full time employment with a practice or business that supplies and dispenses spectacles and that provides him with the direct supervision of an ophthalmic dispenser or an optometrist who

                                           (i)    is the supervisor referred to in clause (b),

                                          (ii)    displays his certificate of registration under the Act or under the Optometry Profession Act, as the case may be, at the work location,

                                         (iii)    is directly and personally involved in the work of the apprentice,

                                         (iv)    spends at least 3/4 of his working day at the same work location as the apprentice, and

                                          (v)    is responsible for the supervision of apprentices at only 1 work location.

(2)  An apprentice in spectacle dispensing shall pay the annual renewal fee prescribed in Schedule 2 on or before September 1st of each year.

(3)  Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (2), a person who

                                 (a)    is not registered on September 1st of each year in a spectacle education program approved by the Board, or

                                 (b)    has not completed a spectacle dispensing education program approved by the Board

is not eligible to continue as an apprentice in spectacle dispensing.

AR 69/86 s6

Transfer of training agreement

7   If the training agreement referred to in section 6(1)(b) is transferred to another supervisor, the transfer must be

                                 (a)    approved by the Guild and the Board, and

                                 (b)    registered with the Board and the Guild

within 30 days of the transfer.

AR 69/86 s7

Eligibility for practical exam in eye glasses dispensing

8(1)  A person is eligible to take the practical examination in spectacle dispensing if he has paid the fee prescribed in Schedule 2, he and his supervisor referred to in section 6(1)(b) or 7, as the case may be, have completed and submitted Form 4 of Schedule 3 to the Board, the Board has received a satisfactory Form 3 of Schedule 3 on behalf of the person, and

                                 (a)    he has been employed as an apprentice ophthalmic dispenser for 2 years during which time he has worked a minimum of 2400 hours under supervision of his supervisor referred to in section 6(1)(b) or 7, and he has, in the opinion of the Board, successfully passed an education program in spectacle dispensing approved by the Board, or

                                 (b)    he holds a licence from another province to practise ophthalmic dispensing.

(2)  Notwithstanding subsection (1)(a), a person is not eligible to take the practical examination or continue as an apprentice more than 3 1/2 years after he started his apprenticeship program unless he has the written permission of the Board.

AR 69/86 s8

Completion of apprenticeship in spectacle dispensing

9   An apprentice in spectacle dispensing is considered to have successfully completed the apprenticeship program if he has successfully passed the practical examination in spectacle dispensing referred to in section 8.

AR 69/86 s9

Certificate of competency

10   Pursuant to section 52(1) of the Act, a certificate of competency may be issued in Form 5 of Schedule 3 to a person who has satisfactorily passed the practical examination in spectacle dispensing referred to in section 8.

AR 69/86 s10;251/2001

Apprenticeship in contact lens dispensing

11(1)  A person is eligible to be an apprentice in contact lens dispensing if

                                 (a)    he holds a certificate of competency,

                                 (b)    he has completed and submitted Form 6 of Schedule 3 to the Guild,

                                 (c)    he and his supervisor have completed and submitted a training agreement in Form 7 of Schedule 3 to the Guild that has been approved by the Board and the Guild,

                                 (d)    he is registered with the Board and the Guild,

                                 (e)    he has paid the fee prescribed in Schedule 2, and

                                  (f)    he is employed in a practice or business that supplies and dispenses contact lenses and that provides him with the direct supervision of an optometrist, an ophthalmologist or an ophthalmic dispenser who is licensed to fit contact lenses, and is the supervisor referred to in clause (c).

(2)  An apprentice in contact lens dispensing shall pay the annual renewal fee prescribed in Schedule 2 on or before September 1st of each year.

(3)  Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (2), a person who

                                 (a)    is not registered on September 1st of each year in a contact lens dispensing education program approved by the Board, or

                                 (b)    has not completed a contact lens dispensing education program approved by the Board

is not eligible to continue as an apprentice in contact lens dispensing.

AR 69/86 s11

Transfer of training agreement

12   If the training agreement referred to in section 11(1)(c) is transferred to another supervisor, the transfer must be

                                 (a)    approved by the Board and Guild, and

                                 (b)    registered with the Board and Guild

within 30 days of the transfer.

AR 69/86 s12

Contact lens dispensing by apprentice

13(1)  An apprentice in contact lens dispensing shall not measure, fit, adjust or adapt a contact lens unless he is being directly supervised by his supervisor who must be in the work location each time a service is being provided to a client.

(2)  A contact lens supervisor shall personally check all contact lens fittings performed by the contact lens apprentice.

AR 69/86 s13

Apprentices record of contact lens fits

14(1)  An apprentice in contact lens dispensing shall maintain a record of the fits he performs on Form 8 of Schedule 3.

(2)  The supervisor of an apprentice in contact lens dispensing shall initial Form 8 of Schedule 3 if a fit referred to in subsection (1) meets the requirements of this Regulation and the training agreement referred to in sections 11(1)(c) and 12.

AR 69/86 s14

Contact lens dispensing education program exam

15   An apprentice in contact lens dispensing may not write the examination with respect to the education program approved by the Board unless he submits to the Board or the Guild, as the case may be, a completed Form 8 of Schedule 3 on the day of the examination.

AR 69/86 s15

Eligibility for practical exam in contact lens dispensing

16(1)  A person is eligible to take the practical examination in contact lens dispensing if he holds a certificate of competency, he has paid the fee prescribed in Schedule 2, he and his supervisor referred to in section 11(1)(c) or 12, as the case may be, have completed and submitted Form 9 of Schedule 3 to the Board, and

                                 (a)    he has completed 2 years of training as an apprentice, he has completed a minimum of 300 fittings during the apprenticeship, and he has, in the opinion of the Board, successfully completed the education program approved by the Board and the examination referred to in section 15, or

                                 (b)    he holds a licence in another province to practise as a contact lens dispenser and his training in contact lens dispensing, in the opinion of the Board, is equivalent to that of the training program approved by the Board.

(2)  Notwithstanding subsection (1)(a), a person is not eligible to take the practical examination or continue as an apprentice more than 3 1/2 years after he started his apprenticeship program unless he has the written permission of the Board.

AR 69/86 s16

Completion of apprenticeship in contact lens dispensing

17   An apprentice in contact lens dispensing is considered to have successfully completed his apprenticeship program in contact lens dispensing if he has successfully passed the practical examination in contact lens dispensing referred to in section 16.

AR 69/86 s17

Special certificate

18   Pursuant to section 52(2) of the Act, a special certificate of competency in dispensing contact lenses may be issued in Form 10 of Schedule 3 to a person who has satisfactorily passed the practical examination in contact lens dispensing referred to in section 16.

AR 69/86 s18;251/2001

Ophthalmic dispensers standards of practice

19(1)  An ophthalmic dispenser shall

                                 (a)    dispense spectacles only in accordance with a prescription from an optometrist or medical practitioner or from a prescription he develops from an existing pair of spectacles,

                                 (b)    notwithstanding clause (a), advise a patient that it is in his interest to have his eyes examined if the prescription is more than 3 years old, and

                                 (c)    give a copy of a patient’s prescription to him on his request.

(2)  An ophthalmic dispenser shall not measure the ocular refractive error, determine its correction nor diagnose conditions of the eye.

AR 69/86 s19

Contact lens dispensers standards of practice

20(1)  A member of the Guild who dispenses contact lenses

                                 (a)    may only dispense contact lenses subject to the direction of and under the supervision of an optometrist or ophthalmologist,

                                 (b)    may dispense contact lenses only

                                           (i)    in accordance with a complete prescription for contact lenses that is less than 1 year old, and

                                          (ii)    with the prior approval of the optometrist or ophthalmologist who wrote the prescription,

                                 (c)    shall inform the patient that he does not do all follow‑up evaluation,

                                 (d)    shall assess the performance and movement of the contact lens and, in the case of toric or bifocal lenses, indicate the location of the reference marks,

                                 (e)    shall, if extended wear, toric or bifocal lenses are being considered, consult with the prescriber prior to dispensing them,

                                  (f)    shall at the time of dispensing observe and record the patient’s reaction to the contact lenses,

                                 (g)    shall immediately on dispensing provide the prescriber with a copy of the specifications relating to the contact lens prescription, the recommended wearing schedule and the recommended care system,

                                 (h)    shall immediately on dispensing contact lenses write to the prescriber to request him to arrange the follow‑up schedule with the patient,

                                  (i)    shall direct the patient to return to the person who prescribed the contact lenses,

                                  (j)    shall instruct the patient on matters relating to the handling, cleaning and sterilizing of the contact lenses,

                                 (k)    shall instruct the patient on a suitable wearing schedule for the contact lenses,

                                  (l)    shall advise the patient on what to do in the event of a complication or other contingency,

                                (m)    shall, after the patient has been evaluated by the prescriber, make any changes the prescriber considers necessary after consultation with the dispenser,

                                 (n)    shall, if appropriate, use fluorescein to help determine the lens/cornea relationship,

                                 (o)    shall have the following minimum equipment in good working order in the office where he dispenses contact lenses:

                                           (i)    ophthalmometer,

                                          (ii)    slip lamp/biomicroscope,

                                         (iii)    lensometer,

                                         (iv)    radiuscope,

                                          (v)    thickness gauge,

                                         (vi)    adjusting equipment,

                                        (vii)    hard and soft lens trial diagnostic sets,

                                       (viii)    measuring magnifier, and

                                         (ix)    equipment for sterilization of trial lenses,

                                 (p)    shall arrange appointments for the patient to return to him for a minimum of 4 follow‑up evaluation visits all within 4 months after the contact lenses are dispensed,

                                 (q)    shall maintain a written record including all pertinent information of a patient’s case for at least 5 years, and

                                  (r)    shall maintain accurate records of follow‑up evaluations including present corneal measurements and slit lamp or biomicroscopic evaluation.

(2)  A member of the Guild who dispenses contact lenses shall not

                                 (a)    dispense contact lenses from a prescription that was developed from an existing pair of spectacles,

                                 (b)    determine or attempt to determine in any way the refractive status of a patient, nor

                                 (c)    dispense contact lenses for extended wear without the express knowledge and authority of an optometrist or an ophthalmologist.

AR 69/86 s20

Ophthalmic appliances

21   All ophthalmic appliances used by a member of the Guild or an apprentice under this Regulation shall meet the standards prescribed in Schedule 1.

AR 69/86 s21


22   A person who contravenes section 13, 19, 20, or 21 is guilty of an offence.

AR 69/86 s22


23   The Ophthalmic Dispensers Examining Board Regulation (Alta. Reg. 113/81) is repealed.

AR 69/86 s23

Schedule 1

Ophthalmic Appliances Standards

1   Surface curvature:

                                 (a)    within " 0.50 D of the design specifications of the lens in the principal meridians of the lens.

2   Refractive powers:

                                 (a)    sphere and cylinder

Table 1

Prescribed Power

Maximum Tolerance



    Over 0.00 up to 6.00


    Over 6.00 up to 12.00


    Over 12.00


                                 (b)    cylinder axis

Table 2

Prescribed Power

Maximum Tolerance

0.12 to 0.37


Over 0.37 to 1.00


Over 1.00


3   Surface defects:

                                 (a)    no waves, pits, scratches, watermarks or grayness visible to naked eye as inspected by grazing an incidence of beam of light from a R40 type bulb.

4   Imperfections:

                                 (a)    no bubbles, aberrations, striae.

5   Prism power and optical center location:

                                 (a)    prism as measured at MRP within 0.25 prism diopter for each lens (horizontally and vertically);

                                 (b)    total horizontal imbalance within 0.25 prism diopters to the prescription;

                                 (c)    total vertical imbalance within 0.25 prism diopters to the prescription.

6   Impact resistance:

                                 (a)    dress eyewear:

                                           (i)    heat tempered dress eyewear must have a minimum thickness of 2.0 " 0.2 mm;

                                 (b)    safety eyewear:

                                           (i)    glass lenses must be tempered;

                                          (ii)    minimum thickness = 3.0 " 0.2 mm (until impact resistance of various materials of various thicknesses are documented).

7   Multifocal prescriptions:

                                 (a)    segment power:

                                           (i)    within " .090 D of the prescription;

                                 (b)    segment size:

                                           (i)    within " 0.5 mm of the prescription;

                                          (ii)    the pair must be symmetrical on visual inspection;

                                 (c)    segment location:

                                           (i)    within " 0.5 mm of the prescription.

AR 69/86 Sched.1

Schedule 2


1   The registration fee for the apprenticeship program in contact lens dispensing or spectacle dispensing is $100.

2   The annual apprenticeship renewal fee is $50.

3   The examination fee for the practical examination in spectacle dispensing is $125.

4   The examination fee for the practical examination in contact lens dispensing is $275.

AR 69/86 Sched.2

Schedule 3

Form 1

Application for Spectacle Dispensing
Apprenticeship Program

The Alberta Guild of Ophthalmic Dispensers





Given Name(s)

Maiden Name (if applicable)

Date of Birth


Postal Code


          Canadian               Other (Please Specify)


Highest Grade Completed in School

      Matriculation         Business Education

      High School           Vocational


Ophthalmic Dispensing School, College or Course(s), including home Study and Correspondence Course Taken

                                                                                            Diploma or

Name                  Address         From           To                     No.





Occupation of Supervisor

           Licensed Ophthalmic Dispenser              Optometrist


Supervisor’s Name

License Number (if applicable)

Company Name (if applicable)

Address                                                                                  Postal Code


I hereby declare that the information provided in the foregoing application is complete and true in all respects.

Declared this         day of                A.D. 20   

                                                                               (Declarant’s Signature)

                                          PLEASE FORWARD ALL DOCUMENTATION TO:

                 The Secretary

                 The Alberta Guild of Ophthalmic Dispensers

                 #306 - 10240 - 124 Street

                 Edmonton, Alberta

                 T5N 3W6

Form 2

Training Agreement in

Spectacle Dispensing


THIS CONTRACT, made this         day of              20     Between
                                                        hereinafter called the Supervisor

- AND -

                                                              hereinafter called the Apprentice

To serve as an Apprentice to the said Supervisor in Spectacle Dispensing, in accordance with the Ophthalmic Dispensing Regulation, effective date                                                                 20   .

(Effective date of registration is the date this agreement is received by the Guild and Board.)


1.       That the Supervisor agrees to accept and train the Apprentice in all areas of the trade so far as his facilities and the availability of his work permit.  The Supervisor further agrees to provide the Ophthalmic Dispensers Examining Board with such information regarding the Apprentice as requested from time to time.

2.       That the Apprentice of his own free will agrees to work as an Apprentice and be trained in the trade by the said Supervisor for the term approved by the Ophthalmic Dispensers Examining Board.  The Apprentice further agrees to provide the Ophthalmic Dispensers Examining Board with such information regarding this Apprenticeship as requested from time to time.

3.       That both parties agree that the Apprentice be employed for a minimum period of 2 years during which time he shall be employed a minimum of 2400 hours.

4.       That both parties agree that the Apprentice will be under the direct supervision of the Supervisor and, further, that the Supervisor will:

                                          (a)    be directly and personally involved in the work of the Apprentice;

                                          (b)    spend at least 3/4 of his normal working day on the training premises where the Apprentice is employed;

                                          (c)    display his certificate of registration on the training premises where the Apprentice is employed;

                                          (d)    be responsible for the work of an Apprentice at one location only.

5.       That all parties, each for themselves, are further agreed to be subject to and to carry out the provisions of the Act and regulations as they apply to Ophthalmic Dispensing.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties to this agreement have hereunder set their hands the day and year aforesaid.

                 As Witnesses:




Registered at the office of the Ophthalmic Dispensers Examining Board this         day of            20    .


                                                                                                  Secretary of
                                                                                   The Alberta Guild of
                                                                              Ophthalmic Dispensers

Form 3

Character Reference for
Practical Examination




The above named person has applied for a Certificate of Competency in Spectacle Dispensing.  It would be appreciated if you could assist us by providing a character reference and returning it as soon as possible directly to:

                     The Secretary

                     Ophthalmic Dispensers Examining Board

                     Department of Solicitor General

                     Professions and Occupations Bureau

                     9th Floor, John E. Brownlee Bldg.

                     10365 - 97 Street

                     EDMONTON, Alberta

                     T5J 3W7

How long have you known the applicant?                                             .

In what capacity                                            .  Would you rehire this applicant?         Yes        No

Please comment on the following points:



Interest in and attitude towards work:                                                    

Personal habits and conduct:                                                                   


Please add any additional comments (e.g. tact, ability to work with others, etc.)


        (Date)                                                                 (Signature)                

        (Position)                                                            (Address)                

Form 4

Application for Examination



I hereby apply to take the next practical examination in spectacle dispensing.



City:                                                               Postal Code:                          

Date of completion of two years supervised employment:                  

Apprentice’s Supervisor:                                                                          

Date of completion of the education program:                                      


Certificate of Supervision

I,                   , the supervisor of the above named applicant hereby certify to the Board and the Guild that the said applicant has duly completed a minimum of 2 years of employment under supervision as required by the Ophthalmic Dispensers Act and the Ophthalmic Dispensing Regulation, during which time he has worked a minimum of 2400 hours.

Certified this               day of            , 20   

                                                                    (Signature of Supervisor)       

Form 5


Certificate of
Competency in Spectacle Dispensing

The Ophthalmic Dispensers Examining Board by virtue of the

authority vested in it by the Legislature of the Province

of Alberta hereby certifies that


has qualified for a certificate of competency pursuant to

the Ophthalmic Dispensers Act, being chapter O-8 of the

Revised Statutes of Alberta 1980, and is deemed eligible

for registration with The Alberta Guild of Ophthalmic Dispensers

for the purpose of practising Ophthalmic Dispensing in Alberta

    (Date)                                                                               (Chairman)      

Form 6

Application for Contact Lens
Dispensing Apprenticeship Program






Given Name(s)

Maiden Name (if applicable)

Date of Birth


Postal Code


                             Canadian                  Other (Please Specify)



Contact Lens School, College or Course(s), including Home Study and Correspondence Course taken

                                                                                                   Diploma or

        Name          Address         From                  To                   No.





Occupation of Supervisor

      Contact Lens Dispenser       Optometrist         Ophthalmologist

Supervisor’s Name

License Number (if applicable)

Company Name (if applicable)


Address                                                                                   Postal Code



I hereby declare that the information provided in the foregoing application is complete and true in all respects.

Declared this              day of               A.D. 20     

                                                                          (Declarant’s Signature)     


                            The Secretary

                            The Alberta Guild of Ophthalmic Dispensers

                            #306 - 10240 - 124 Street

                            Edmonton, Alberta

                            T5N 3W6

Form 7

Training Agreement in
Contact Lens Dispensing



THIS CONTRACT, made this           day of                 20    

Between                                           hereinafter called “the Supervisor”

- AND -

                                                             hereinafter called "the Contact Lens Apprentice” to serve as a Contact Lens Apprentice to the said Supervisor in Contact Lens Dispensing in accordance with the Ophthalmic Dispensing Regulation, effective date           , 20   .

(Effective date of registration is the date this agreement is received by the Guild and Board.)


1.       That the Supervisor agrees to accept and train the Contact Lens Apprentice in all areas of the trade so far as his facilities and availability of his work permit.  The Supervisor further agrees to provide the Ophthalmic Dispensers Examining Board with such information regarding the Contact Lens Apprentice as requested from time to time.

2.       That the Contact Lens Apprentice of his own free will agrees to work as a Contact Lens Apprentice and be trained in the trade by the said Supervisor for the term approved by the Ophthalmic Dispensers Examining Board.  The Contact Lens Apprentice further agrees to provide the Ophthalmic Dispensers Examining Board with such information regarding this Apprenticeship as requested from time to time.

3.       That both parties agree that the Contact Lens Apprentice be employed 37 hours per week or more and complete a minimum of 300 fittings during the term of this agreement.

4.       That both parties agree that the Contact Lens Apprentice will be under the direct supervision of the Supervisor and, further, that the Supervisor will:

                                          (a)    be directly and personally involved in the work of the Contact Lens Apprentice;

                                          (b)    spend at least 3/4 of his normal working day on the training premises where the Contact Lens Apprentice is employed;

                                          (c)    display his certificate of registration on the training premises where the Contact Lens Apprentice is employed;

                                          (d)    be responsible for the work of a Contact Lens Apprentice at one location only.

5.       That all parties, each for themselves, are further agreed to be subject to and to carry out the provisions of the Act and regulations as they apply to Ophthalmic Dispensing.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties to this agreement have hereunder set their hands the day and year aforesaid.

As Witnesses:


                                                                        (Contact Lens Apprentice)



Registered at the office of The Alberta Guild of Ophthalmic Dispensers this               day of             20    .


                                                                                                  Secretary of
                                                                                   The Alberta Guild of
                                                                              Ophthalmic Dispensers


Form 8

Record of Contact Lens Fitting

Name of Apprentice                                                                                     

Name of Supervisor                                                                                      







Prescription & Keratometry

















Office Location








Name of Supervisor








Referring Doctor

Signature of Qualified Supervisor who verified this student fitting to meet acceptable standards




















Please indicate new fitting delivery assessment and rigid or soft lenses

If assessment, indicate remedial action if any, i.e. adjustments or advice.  If delivery indicate thermal or chemical disinfection used


































































Form 9

Application for Examination

(Contact Lens)



I hereby apply to take the next practical examination in contact lens dispensing.



CITY:                                     POSTAL CODE:                                          

Date of Completion of two years Supervised employment:                 

Apprenticeship Supervisor:                                                                      

Date of Completion of the Educational Program:                                  


Certificate of Supervision

I,                                                       , the supervisor of the above named applicant hereby certify to the Board and to the Guild that the said applicant has duly completed a minimum of 2 years of training as an apprentice contact lens dispenser as required by the Ophthalmic Dispensers Act and the Ophthalmic Dispensing Regulation, during which time he has completed a minimum of 300 contact lens fittings.

Certified this                day of               , 20    

                                                                         (Signature of Supervisor)  

Form 10

Special Certificate of Competency in
Dispensing Contact Lenses

The Ophthalmic Dispensers Examining Board by virtue of the authority vested in it by the Legislature of the Province
of Alberta hereby certifies that


has qualified for a Special Certificate of Competency
in dispensing Contact Lenses in Alberta pursuant to the
Ophthalmic Dispensers Act, being chapter O-8 of the
Revised Statutes of Alberta 1980.

               (Date)                                                                 (Chairman)         

AR 69/86 Sched.3

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