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(Consolidated up to 254/2006)


Health Disciplines Act


Table of Contents

                1       Definitions

                2       Initial registration

                3       Temporary registration

                4       Registration renewal

                5       Renewal date

                6       Register

                7       Permitted modes of practice

                8       Care and treatment

                9       Advice to patient

              10       Condition fails to improve

              11       Instruments

              12       Patient records

              13       Practice review

              14       Non‑delegated procedures

              15       Fees

              16       Standards of conduct

              17       Advertising limitations

              18       Advertisement contents

              19       Public liaison

              20       Coming into force


1   In this Regulation,

                                 (a)    “Act” means the Health Disciplines Act;

                                 (b)    “acupressure” means the stimulation of an acupuncture point by nominal pressure;

                                 (c)    “acupuncture” means the stimulation of an acupuncture point on or near the surface of the body by the insertion of needles to normalize physiological functions or the flow of Chi for the treatment of discomfort of the body and means the techniques of needle acupuncture, electro‑acupuncture, acupressure and moxibustion;

                                 (d)    “acupuncturist” means a person who is registered as a member of the designated health discipline of acupuncturist;

                                 (e)    “Committee” means the Acupuncture Committee established by the Minister under section 9(1) of the Act;

                                  (f)    “cupping” means the stimulation of acupuncture points by the application of a small jar or cup within which a vaccum has been created;

                                 (g)    “dentist” means a licensed member, professional corporation or registered practitioner as defined in the Dental Profession Act;

                                 (h)    “electro‑acupuncture” means the electrical stimulation of acupuncture points;

                                  (i)    “moxibustion” means the application of the heat generated by burning moxa wool to produce warming of the tissues in the vicinity of an acupuncture point;

                                  (j)    “needle acupuncture” means the stimulation of acupuncture points by the insertion of needles.

AR 42/88 s1;251/2001

Initial registration

2(1)  A person is eligible to be registered as a member of the designated health discipline of acupuncturist if the person

                                 (a)    has satisfactorily completed

                                           (i)    a program of studies that has been approved by the Board, or

                                          (ii)    a program of studies that is substantially equivalent to a program referred to in subclause (i),

                                 (b)    has satisfactorily completed an examination approved by the Board,

                                 (c)    has

                                           (i)    within the 2 years immediately preceding the date of application carried out the practice of acupuncture for at least 500 hours,

                                          (ii)    within the 1 year immediately preceding the date of application met the requirements of clause (a), or

                                         (iii)    within the 1 year immediately preceding the date of application satisfactorily completed additional training as required by the Committee,

                                 (d)    has completed and submitted to the Registrar the applicable forms prescribed by the Minister and has paid the applicable fees prescribed in section 15,

                                 (e)    has completed a personal interview with the Registrar or his designate, and

                                  (f)    provides evidence satisfactory to the Registrar of sufficient competence in and comprehension of the English language to be able to practice as an acupuncturist in Alberta.

(2)  Notwithstanding subsection (1)(f), a person may be eligible to be registered as a member of the designated health discipline of acupuncturist if the person meets the requirements of subsection (1)(a) to (e) and the Committee approves that the person may practice acupuncture under the supervision of an acupuncturist who meets the requirements of subsection (1)(f).

AR 42/88 s2

Temporary registration

3(1)  A person is eligible to be temporarily registered as a member of the designated health discipline of acupuncturist for a period of 2 years if the person

                                 (a)    completes the requirements of section 2(1)(a), (e) and (f),

                                 (b)    has within the 2 years immediately preceding the date of application practised as an acupuncturist for at least 500 hours but at least 250 of those hours must have been practised in Alberta within 1 year immediately preceding the date of the application, and

                                 (c)    has completed and submitted to the Registrar the applicable forms prescribed by the Minister, and has paid the applicable fees prescribed in section 15 prior to October 1, 1991.

(2)  A temporary registration cannot be renewed.

AR 42/88 s3;276/88

Registration renewal

4(1)  For the purposes of section 34 of the Act, the Registrar shall issue an annual certificate to an acupuncturist registered pursuant to section 2 who has submitted a completed renewal of registration form prescribed by the Minister, paid the applicable fees prescribed in section 15, and

                                 (a)    within the 2 years immediately preceding the date of submission of the application for renewal of registration, completed 50 hours of educational programs approved by the Committee and has, within the 2 years immediately preceding the date of application for renewal of registration, worked as an acupuncturist for at least 1360 hours, or

                                 (b)    if section 34(4) of the Act applies, satisfactorily completed, within the period of time specified by the Committee, the training program or examination, or both, prescribed by the Committee.

(2)  The training programs and examinations that the Committee may order an applicant for renewal to take or pass pursuant to section 34(4) of the Act are

                                 (a)    a period of practice under the supervision of an acupuncturist for a duration determined by the Committee;

                                 (b)    the examination referred to in section 2(1)(b);

                                 (c)    a period of additional training including all or a part of the program of studies referred to in section 2(1)(a) as determined by the Committee.

AR 42/88 s4;251/2001

Renewal date

5   The date for submission of an application for renewal of registration for the purposes of section 34 of the Act is January 1st of the year for which the renewed registration will be valid.

AR 42/88 s5;251/2001


6   The Registrar shall enter in the register the names, places of employment and registration numbers of persons to be registered as acupuncturists and shall issue each registered member a certificate of registration.

AR 42/88 s6

Permitted modes of practice

7   An acupuncturist may provide the services of acupuncture but in providing that service the only technical modes of practice that an acupuncturist may use are needle acupuncture, electro‑acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping and acupressure.

AR 42/88 s7

Care and treatment

8(1)  An acupuncturist shall not undertake the care and treatment of a person unless

                                 (a)    that person has already consulted with a physician or, in the case of dental pathology, a dentist about the condition for which he is seeking care and treatment,

                                 (b)    that person has informed the acupuncturist that he has consulted a physician or dentist about the condition, and

                                 (c)    the acupuncturist has completed the patient consultation form prescribed by the Minister.

(2)  An acupuncturist shall retain the form completed under subsection (1)(c) with the record referred to in section 12.

AR 42/88 s8

Advice to patient

9(1)  An acupuncturist shall not inform a patient by any form of communication that acupuncture cures diseases.

(2)  An acupuncturist shall not advise a patient to discontinue any treatment that has been prescribed by a physician or dentist.

AR 42/88 s9

Condition fails to improve

10   If after 6 months of providing the services of acupuncture to a patient the patient’s condition for which the services are being provided does not improve, the acupuncturist shall refer the person to a physician or in the case of dental pathology, to a dentist.

AR 42/88 s10


11(1)  The instruments that an acupuncturist may use in the examination of a patient are restricted to non‑invasive measuring equipment including thermometers, stethoscopes, electrical devices used for locating acupuncture points and measuring skin resistance, blood pressure and pulse rate monitors and flashlights.

(2)  When providing a needle‑acupuncture treatment, an acupuncturist may only use pre‑sterilized disposable needles that shall be disposed of by the acupuncturist as soon as they have been used.

AR 42/88 s11

Patient records

12(1)  An acupuncturist shall, in the English language, complete a record of management for each patient.

(2)  An acupuncturist shall, in records of patient management, use the acupuncture point numbering system that is set out in the Essentials of Chinese Acupuncture, first edition, 1980, compiled by the Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Nanjing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the Acupuncture Institute of the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine published by the Foreign Languages Press, Beijing, China and is available from the Alberta Acupuncture Society and from the Registrar.

(3)  The record of patient management referred to in subsection (1) shall be retained in the acupuncturist’s clinic for a period of at least 5 years after the patient receives treatment from or consults with the acupuncturist.

AR 42/88 s12

Practice review

13(1)  As a condition to providing services, the place where an acupuncturist conducts his practice of acupuncture may be inspected in accordance with subsections (2) and (3) by the Registrar or a person authorized in writing by the Registrar.

(2)  An inspection may be made during regular business hours to ascertain whether

                                 (a)    the requirements of this Regulation are met, and

                                 (b)    the acupuncturist has maintained adequate skill and knowledge as required by this Regulation.

(3)  A person authorized pursuant to subsection (1) shall, when carrying out an inspection, on demand show identification and proof of authorization in the form prescribed by the Minister.

AR 42/88 s13

Non‑delegated procedures

14   Unless authorized in writing by the Committee, an acupuncturist shall not delegate to any person, other than another acupuncturist, any of the following procedures:

                                 (a)    the taking of medical history from patients;

                                 (b)    the use of diagnostic instruments on patients;

                                 (c)    the insertion of acupuncture needles;

                                 (d)    the use of therapeutic devices on patients;

                                 (e)    the supervision of patients while they are receiving therapy;

                                  (f)    the removal of therapeutic instruments from patients.

AR 42/88 s14


15   The fee for

                                 (a)    an application for registration is $120;

                                 (b)    an initial registration is $180;

                                 (c)    an annual registration is

                                           (i)    $400 in the case of a complete application received by the Registrar prior to the date set out in section 5, and

                                          (ii)    $425 in the case of a complete application received by the Registrar on or after the date set out in section 5;

                                 (d)    a registration examination is $1000.

AR 42/88 s15;280/93;254/2006

Standards of conduct

16   An acupuncturist shall

                                 (a)    practise acupuncture in a safe and competent manner and shall be guided at all times by the patient’s welfare and best interests;

                                 (b)    attend to the health needs of all those seeking acupuncture services without discrimination based on race, religious belief, colour, sex, national or ethnic origin, or age;

                                 (c)    at all times practise acupuncture with all the knowledge and ability of which he is capable;

                                 (d)    not practise acupuncture under conditions that adversely affect the quality of his treatment of the patient;

                                 (e)    improve his knowledge and skill by constantly renewing his theoretical and clinical education and by adjusting to modern concepts of the practice of acupuncture;

                                  (f)    not mislead patients with respect to information, procedures, equipment or materials;

                                 (g)    consult with colleagues or with members of other professions when the consultation, in the acupuncturist’s professional judgment, is in the best interests of his patient and shall advise the patient when that consultation is necessary;

                                 (h)    keep in strict confidence information about a patient of a professional or personal nature that the acupuncturist acquires in the course of providing health services under this Regulation;

                                  (i)    when examining a patient, respect the honour, dignity and privacy of the patient;

                                  (j)    not offer any benefit, either direct or indirect, to any person in return for the referral of a patient by that person;

                                 (k)    not accept any benefit, either direct or indirect, from any person in return for the referral of a patient.

AR 42/88 s16

Advertising limitations

17(1)  An acupuncturist may advertise only in accordance with this Regulation.

(2)  Advertising by an acupuncturist shall be in good taste as determined by the Committee.

(3)  Advertising shall

                                 (a)    be truthful, accurate and not misleading to the public,

                                 (b)    maintain the dignity of the discipline of acupuncture, and

                                 (c)    not claim that the services of one acupuncturist are superior to those of another.

(4)  An acupuncturist may permit a person, whether directly or indirectly, to advertise on his behalf with respect to health services that the acupunturist provides under this Regulation only in accordance with this Regulation.

(5)  An acupuncturist may send a notice by letter or card of the opening of an office, a change of address or telephone number or the commencement of or change in a partnership or association to his current patients, other acupuncturists or members of any other health profession.

AR 42/88 s17

Advertisement contents

18(1)  Only the following information may be included by an acupuncturist in an announcement, business card, letterhead or an advertisement in any regularly published publication or on a sign:

                                 (a)    the name of the acupuncturist and the names of his partners and associates;

                                 (b)    the acupuncturist’s title, degree or graduate status from a university and membership in other professional societies approved by the Committee;

                                 (c)    the acupuncturist’s address, neighbourhood, telephone number and any telex or telecopier number;

                                 (d)    the acupuncturist’s office hours;

                                 (e)    languages the acupuncturist speaks;

                                  (f)    employment opportunities in the practice of acupuncture;

                                 (g)    a change in an address or telephone number;

                                 (h)    the opening of the acupuncturist’s office;

                                  (i)    the commencement or termination of a partnership or association;

                                  (j)    any change in a partnership or association;

                                 (k)    any other information specifically approved by the Committee.

(2)  An announcement referred to in subsection (1) shall not appear more than once a week in any 1 publication.

(3)  An advertisement or announcement in a publication shall not be more than 2 columns in width and 10 cm in depth.

(4)  An acupuncturist may place an advertisement in a telephone directory listing in accordance with the following requirements:

                                 (a)    a listing in the white pages of a telephone directory shall be in bold print with all listings uniform as to type, colour, size and form and may include only the name, address and telephone number of the acupuncturist;

                                 (b)    a listing in the yellow pages of a telephone directory shall be in the smallest print with all listings identical in type, colour, size and form and may include an alphabetical listing of acupuncturists practising under the same firm name stating only the name, address and telephone number of the acupuncturist;

                                 (c)    a listing in the yellow pages of a telephone directory shall state that the acupuncturist is registered as an acupuncturist or temporarily registered as an acupuncturist, as the case may be, with the Registrar of Health Disciplines and may state that the acupuncturist is a member of a professional association of acupuncturists;

                                 (d)    no logo, display or photographic material of any nature shall be included in a telephone directory.

(5)  Notwithstanding subsection (4)(b), a listing in the yellow pages of a telephone directory may have either the name of the acupuncturist or the firm name in bold type.

(6)  An acupuncturist’s name may appear on the letterhead or in the publications of a charitable organization along with any special designations.

(7)  An acupuncturist shall not, unless with prior consent of the Committee, use a sign in respect of his practice that has letters of more than 20 cm in height, that uses pulsing artificial illumination in any way or that is not affixed to a door, wall or window of the building in which he practises.

AR 42/88 s18

Public liaison

19(1)  An acupuncturist may participate in a program of health education offered to the public.

(2)  An acupuncturist shall not promote his practice nor that of an associate when the acupuncturist participates in a program described in subsection (1).

(3)  Any pamphlet, brochure, booklet, document or handout of any kind used to relay information to the public about the practice of acupuncture shall be approved by the Committee prior to its distribution by an acupuncturist.

(4)  An acupuncturist shall display and distribute to patients the information pamphlets received from the Committee for display and distribution purposes.

AR 42/88 s19

Coming into force

20   This Regulation comes into force on October 1, 1991.

AR 42/88 s20;276/88

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