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(Consolidated up to 119/2003)


Health Disciplines Act


Table of Contents

                1       Definitions

                2       Eligibility for registration

                3       Temporary registration

                4       Renewal of registration

                5       Training programs and examinations

                6       Register

                7       Use of title

                8       Practice of midwifery

                9       Autonomous practice and medical consultation

              10       Standards of conduct

              11       Practice Review

              12       Liability insurance

              13       Coming into force



1   In this Regulation,

                                 (a)    “Act” means the Health Disciplines Act;

                                 (b)    “assessment” means the gathering of information about the health status of the client, analysis and synthesis of that data, and the making of a clinical judgment or diagnosis;

                                 (c)    “Association” means the Alberta Association of Midwives;

                                 (d)    “Board” means the Health Disciplines Board;

                                 (e)    “Committee” means the Midwifery Health Discipline Committee established under section 9(1) of the Act;

                                  (f)    “midwife” means a person who is registered pursuant to this Regulation;

                                 (g)    “primary health care provider” means a person who

                                           (i)    is directly accessible to clients without referral from another health professional,

                                          (ii)    is authorized to provide health services within a defined scope of practice without supervision by a member of another health profession,

                                         (iii)    co‑ordinates health related services and makes referrals to other health professionals when appropriate, and

                                         (iv)    ensures continuity of care;

                                 (h)    “registrar” means the registrar of the designated health discipline of midwives.

AR 328/94 s1;251/2001

Eligibility for registration

2(1)  For the purposes of section 22(a) of the Act, a person is eligible to be registered as a midwife if that person

                                 (a)    has satisfactorily completed a program of studies approved by the Board,

                                 (b)    has satisfactorily completed an examination approved by the Board,

                                 (c)    has

                                           (i)    within the 2 years immediately preceding the date of application, met the requirements of clause (a),

                                          (ii)    within the one year immediately preceding the date of application, satisfactorily completed a refresher program approved by the Board, or

                                         (iii)    maintained competence by actively engaging in the practice of midwifery in accordance with criteria established by the Committee,

                                 (d)    has completed and submitted to the registrar the forms prescribed by the Minister, and

                                 (e)    has paid the application fee and registration fee prescribed by the Minister.

(2)  Notwithstanding subsection (1)(a), (b) and (c), a person is eligible to be registered as a midwife

                                 (a)    if the Committee is satisfied that the person has attained a level of competence equivalent to that required under subsection 1(a), (b) and (c) because of directly related training, examinations and practice, or

                                 (b)    if the person successfully completes any training or examinations, or consents to any terms, conditions or limitations on registration or practice, required by the Committee under section 23(5)(b) of the Act.

AR 328/94 s2;251/2001;27/2002

Temporary registration

3(1)  Notwithstanding section 2, for the purposes of section 22(a) of the Act, a person is eligible to be registered as a midwife on a temporary basis if the Committee is satisfied, on the basis of generally accepted criteria, that temporary registration is appropriate.

(2)  A person who is registered pursuant to subsection (1) may engage in the practice of midwifery under a type and level of supervision specified by the Committee and subject to any terms, conditions or limitations imposed by the Committee.

(3)  Temporary registration may be granted for a maximum period of one year and may, on application and at the discretion of the Committee, be extended for not more than one additional period of not more than one year.

AR 328/94 s 3;251/2001

Renewal of registration

4(1)  For the purposes of section 24(3)(a) and (b) of the Act, a midwife is eligible for an annual renewal of registration if the midwife has paid the renewal fee prescribed by the Minister and has

                                 (a)    within the 2 years immediately preceding the date of submission of the application for renewal of registration, met the requirements of section 2(1)(a),

                                 (b)    within the one year immediately preceding the date of submission of the application for renewal of registration, satisfactorily completed a refresher program approved by the Board, or

                                 (c)    maintained competence by actively engaging in the practice of midwifery in accordance with the criteria established by the Committee.

(2)  For the purposes of section 24(1) of the Act, the date for submission of an application for renewal of registration is May 1.

(3)  Notwithstanding subsection (1), a midwife is eligible for an annual renewal of registration

                                 (a)    if the Committee is satisfied that the midwife has maintained a level of competence equivalent to that required under subsection (1)(a), (b) or (c) because of directly related training or practice, or

                                 (b)    if the midwife successfully completes any training and examinations, or consents to any terms, conditions or limitations on registration or practice, required by the Committee under section 24(7) of the Act.

AR 328/94 s4;251/2001;27/2002

Training programs and examinations

5   For the purposes of section 23(5)(a) and 24(7)(a) of the Act, the training programs and examinations that the Committee may require are the following:

                                 (a)    a refresher program approved by the Board;

                                 (b)    the examination referred to in section 2(1)(b);

                                 (c)    all or part of a program of studies referred to in section 2(1)(a) as prescribed by the Committee or any other training the Committee considers appropriate.

AR 328/94 s5;251/2001


6(1)  The registrar shall enter in the register

                                 (a)    the name, mailing address, practice status and registration number of each midwife, and

                                 (b)    any terms, conditions or limitations imposed on a midwife’s practice by the Committee under section 2, 3 or 4 of this Regulation or Part 4 of the Act.

(2)  A midwife shall forthwith notify the registrar of any change in name, mailing address or practice status.

Use of title

7   A person registered pursuant to this Regulation may use the name “midwife”.

Practice of midwifery

8   A midwife may

                                 (a)    provide counselling and education related to childbearing,

                                 (b)    carry out assessments necessary to confirm and monitor pregnancies,

                                 (c)    advise on and secure the further assessments necessary for the earliest possible identification of pregnancies at risk,

                                 (d)    identify the conditions in the woman, fetus or newborn that necessitate consultation with or referral to a physician or other health professional,

                                 (e)    care for the woman and monitor the condition of the fetus during labour,

                                  (f)    conduct spontaneous vaginal births,

                                 (g)    examine and care for the newborn in the immediate postpartum period,

                                 (h)    care for the woman in the postpartum period and advise her and her family on newborn and infant care and family planning,

                                  (i)    take emergency measures when necessary,

                                  (j)    perform, order or interpret screening and diagnostic tests in accordance with Schedule 1,

                                 (k)    perform episiotomies and amniotomies and repair episiotomies and lacerations not involving the anus, anal sphincter, rectum and urethra,

                                  (l)    prescribe and administer drugs in accordance with Schedule 2, and

                                (m)    on the order of a physician relating to a particular client, administer any drugs by the route and in the dosage specified by the physician.

Autonomous practice and medical consultation

9(1)  In respect of normal pregnancy, a midwife may, in accordance with the guidelines approved by the Board,

                                 (a)    engage in the practice of midwifery as a primary health care provider, and

                                 (b)    provide services in a variety of settings.

(2)  If medical conditions exist or arise during the course of midwifery care that may require management by a physician, a midwife shall consult with a physician in accordance with the guidelines approved by the Board.

(3)  If the result of the consultation under subsection (2) is a determination that management by a physician is required, the midwife shall transfer primary responsibility for care, or aspects of care, to a physician and may engage in the practice of midwifery in collaboration with the physician, to the extent agreed to by the client, physician and midwife.

Standards of conduct

10   A midwife shall

                                 (a)    execute all duties in accordance with generally accepted standards of practice and professional ethics and be guided at all times by the welfare, best interests and informed consent of the client,

                                 (b)    work within, be limited by and inform clients regarding

                                           (i)    the midwife’s scope of practice and individual ability,

                                          (ii)    any terms, conditions or limitations on registration or practice imposed by the Committee, and

                                         (iii)    the practical limitations imposed by the environment or equipment at hand,

                                 (c)    maintain currency in knowledge and skill in the practice of midwifery and enhance knowledge and skill in accordance with new developments in procedures or equipment,

                                 (d)    work to encourage high standards of performance and research in the practice of midwifery,

                                 (e)    refer any incompetent, illegal or unethical professional conduct by colleagues or other health care personnel to the appropriate authorities,

                                  (f)    hold in confidence all client information unless the midwife is permitted by the client or required by the Act or any other enactment or by order of a court to disclose the information, and

                                 (g)    comply with government standards and reporting requirements.

Practice Review

11(1)  A Practice Review Committee is established consisting of

                                 (a)    3 midwives,

                                 (b)    2 consumer representatives, and

                                 (c)    one member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta

appointed by the Association, in accordance with the guidelines approved by the Board.

(2)  The Practice Review Committee may, on its own initiative, and shall, at the request of the Board, conduct a review of the practice of a midwife in accordance with guidelines approved by the Board.

(3)  After each review under subsection (2), the Practice Review Committee may provide advice and make recommendations to the midwife as to the practice of midwifery by that midwife.

(4)  If, in the course of a review of the practice of a midwife,

                                 (a)    the Practice Review Committee discovers conduct or competence problems it believes warrant disciplinary action, or

                                 (b)    the midwife does not co‑operate with the Practice Review Committee in carrying out the review,

the Practice Review Committee shall refer the matter to the Midwifery Committee and the referral shall be treated as a complaint under Part 4 of the Act.

(5)  The Practice Review Committee may inquire into, report to and advise the Midwifery Committee in respect of:

                                 (a)    the assessment and development of educational, experiential and practice standards that are conditions precedent to registration or renewal of registration under this Regulation,

                                 (b)    the evaluation of desirable standards of competence of midwives generally, and

                                 (c)    the practice of midwifery generally.

Liability insurance

12   A midwife shall carry professional liability insurance with an insurer acceptable to the Board and in an amount that is at least the minimum level of coverage required by the Board.

Coming into force

13(1)  This Regulation except for Schedule 2 comes into force on August 1, 1995.

(2)  Schedule 2 comes into force on the coming into force of an order of the Lieutenant Governor in Council under section 1(1)(v) of the Pharmaceutical Profession Act that authorizes midwives to prescribe drugs.

Schedule 1

1   A midwife may order, collect samples for and interpret the report of the following screening and diagnostic tests:

                                 (a)    for a woman:

                                           (i)    chemistry: blood glucose;

                                          (ii)    cytology: cervical smears (Pap smears);

                                         (iii)    haematology: haemoglobin, haematocrit, white blood cell count, differential, platelet count, red blood cell morphology, sickle cell solubility, Kleihauer;

                                         (iv)    microbiology:

                                                 (A)    cervical and vaginal cultures (including sensitivities where relevant) for group B streptococcus, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, yeasts, trichomonas, and gardenerella;

                                                  (B)    urine for culture and sensitivities; swabs for culture and sensitivities (eg. wounds, episiotomies);

                                                  (C)    viral swabs (herpes);

                                          (v)    serology/immunology: blood group and type with antibody screen, repeat antibody testing, hepatitis, human immunodeficiency virus antibody, rubella antibody, toxoplasmosis antibody, syphilis serology, cytomegalo virus antibody, maternal serum biochemical screening and varicella titre;

                                         (vi)    pregnancy tests (blood and urine);

                                        (vii)    urine: routine, microscopic urinalysis;

                                 (b)    for a newborn:

                                           (i)    haemoglobin, haematocrit, white blood cell count with differential, neonatal metabolic screen, glucose, direct coombs, direct antiglobulin test and bilirubin;

                                          (ii)    microbiology samples: cord and eye cultures;

                                         (iii)    serology/immunology: screen to evaluate possible congenital syphilis, rubella and herpes simplex; blood group and type with antibody screen.

2   A midwife may perform and interpret the results of the following screening and diagnostic tests:

                                 (a)    urine (dip stick urinalysis);

                                 (b)    pregnancy test (urine);

                                 (c)    blood glucose: adult and newborn (stix method).

3   A midwife may order and interpret the report of an ultra sound test: obstetrical for diagnostic purposes only.

4   A midwife may order and perform non‑stress tests and interpret the results of non‑stress tests.

AR 328/94 Sched.1;119/2003

Schedule 2

1      A midwife may prescribe and administer the following substances in accordance with the guidelines approved by the Board:

                                          Antibiotics for prophylactic treatment of

                                          Group B streptococcus and treatment of mastitis

                                          Antifungal agents considered safe in pregnancy

                                          and for newborns

                                          Calcium gluconate



                                          Diphenhydramine hydrochloride

                                          Doxylamine succinate‑pyridoxine hydrochloride


                                          Epinephrine hydrochloride

                                          Ergometrine maleate

                                          Erythromycin ophthalmic ointment

                                          Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin



                                          Intramuscular or intravenous oxytocin

                                          Intravenous fluids

                                          Lidocaine hydrochloride with or without epinephrine

                                          Magnesium Sulphate




                                          RhD immune globulin

                                          Therapeutic oxygen

2        A midwife may administer, prescribe or order any drug or substance that may lawfully be purchased or acquired without a prescription.

AR 328/94 Sched.2;82/98;119/2003

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