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(Consolidated up to 251/2001)


Hospitals Act


Table of Contents

                1       Purpose

                2       Powers unaffected

Part 1
Application of Act

                3       Hospitals Act applies

Part 2
Application of Regulations

                4       Regulations under Hospitals Act

                5       Alta. Reg. 243/90

                6       Alta. Reg. 244/90

                7       Alta. Reg. 319/84

                8       Alta. Reg. 247/90


1   This Regulation is made for the purposes of section 2 of the Hospitals Act.

AR 161/95 s1;251/2001

Powers unaffected

2   Nothing in this Regulation detracts from the power and authority given a regional health authority under the Regional Health Authorities Act.

Part 1
Application of Act

Hospitals Act applies

3(1)  Except to the extent that it is made inapplicable or its application is varied by this Regulation, the Hospitals Act applies in respect of health regions and regional health authorities, and for that purpose

                                 (a)    a reference in the Act (except section 2) to “hospital district” or “district” shall be interpreted as if it were a reference to “health region”;

                                 (b)    a reference in the Act (except section 2) to “board” when used with respect to a hospital district or with respect to an approved hospital that is owned or operated by a district board, and a reference to “district board” shall be interpreted as if they were references to “regional health authority”;

                                 (c)    a reference in the Act to “non‑district hospital” shall be interpreted as if it were a reference to a hospital other than a hospital owned or operated by a regional health authority.

(2)  In addition to the interpretation changes made by subsection (1), the following applies:

                                 (a)    section 8(2)(d) shall be deemed to read as follows:

                                          (d)    construct, operate, maintain, manage and control one or more hospitals or nursing homes in the health region,

                                 (b)    section 8(2.1) shall be deemed to read as follows:

(2.1)  In addition to the powers referred to in subsection (2), a regional health authority has the powers referred to in the Nursing Homes Act in relation to the nursing homes in the health region.

                                 (c)    section 14(a), (b), (c), (d) and (f) shall be interpreted as if “district boards and” were deleted;

                                 (d)    section 14(g) shall be deemed to read as follows:

                                          (g)    prescribe procedures with respect to the submission of requisitions by regional health authorities to municipalities and the powers and duties of municipalities and regional health authorities in connection therewith;

                                 (e)    section 18(1), (2) and (3) shall be interpreted as if “budget” read “requisition”;

                                  (f)    section 32(2) shall be interpreted as if “the appropriate officer of the medical staff and of” were deleted.

(3)  The following provisions of the Act do not apply:

                                          sections 2 to 7;

                                          section 8(1), (2)(a) and (b), (2.2), (4) and (5);

                                          section 9(2);

                                          section 10;

                                          section 14(a.1);

                                          section 18(1.1);

                                          section 23;

                                          section 25;

                                          section 29;

                                          section 30;

                                          section 32(3)(e);

                                          section 39(1) and (2);

                                          section 41;

                                          section 44(1)(e);

                                          section 51;

                                          section 62(k.1), (k.2) and (k.3);

                                          sections 68 to 79.

AR 161/95 s3;251/2001

Part 2
Application of Regulations

Regulations under Hospitals Act

4   Except to the extent that they are made inapplicable or their application is varied by this Regulation, the regulations under the Hospitals Act apply in respect of health regions and regional health authorities.

Alta. Reg. 243/90

5(1)  The Hospital Districts Regulation (Alta. Reg. 243/90) applies, and for that purpose

                                 (a)    section 1(b) shall be interpreted as if the references to “district board” were references to “regional health authority”, and

                                 (b)    section 19 shall be interpreted as if the references to “non‑district hospital” were references to a hospital other than a hospital owned or operated by a regional health authority.

(2)  Sections 2 to 18 of that Regulation do not apply.

Alta. Reg. 244/90

6(1)  Subject to subsection (2), the Hospitalization Benefits Regulation (Alta. Reg. 244/90) applies, and for that purpose section 23 shall be interpreted as if the references to “non‑district hospital” were references to a hospital other than a hospital owned or operated by a regional health authority.

(2)  Sections 1.1, 17 and 18 of that regulation do not apply.

Alta. Reg. 319/84

7   The Hospital Foundations Regulation (Alta. Reg. 319/84) does not apply.

Alta. Reg. 247/90

8(1)  Subject to subsection (2), the Operation of Approved Hospitals Regulation (Alta. Reg. 247/90) applies, and for that purpose a reference to “board” when used with respect to an approved hospital shall be deemed to be a reference to the regional health authority that owns or operates the hospital.

(2)  Sections 2.1, 3, 4(8), 5, 8, 12(1), 28 and 30 of that regulation do not apply.

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