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Regional Health Authorities Act



1   In this Regulation,

                                 (a)    “Act” means the Regional Health Authorities Act;

                                 (b)    “community health council” means a community health council established in accordance with the Community Health Councils Regulation.

Remuneration of members of community health councils

2   Members of a community health council are not entitled to remuneration for acting as members, but the regional health authority that established the council may authorize the payment of expenses incurred by a member of the council in the course of acting as a member that in the opinion of the regional health authority are reasonable.

Community health council annual report

3(1)  A community health council shall provide to the regional health authority that established it an annual report of its activities for the previous fiscal year.

(2)  The regional health authority may require the community health council to submit the annual report

                                 (a)    in the form,

                                 (b)    containing the information, and

                                 (c)    by the date

specified by the regional health authority.

(3)  A regional health authority that receives an annual report under subsection (1) shall make the report available to the public.

Winding up or disestablishing a council

4(1)  The regional health authority that establishes a community health council shall, if it wishes to disestablish the council, submit to the Minister a proposal for the disestablishment of the council and the winding‑up of the council’s affairs.

(2)  When the proposal has been approved by the Minister, the regional health authority shall pass a by‑law to disestablish the community health council in accordance with the approved proposal.

(3)  The regional health authority shall submit to the Minister a copy of each by‑law disestablishing a community health council.

(4)  No by‑law under subsection (2) has effect until it is approved by the Minister.

(5)  On receiving a by‑law under subsection (3), the Minister may

                                 (a)    approve the by‑law as submitted, or

                                 (b)    refer the by‑law back to the regional health authority to take further action as directed by the Minister and to re‑submit the by‑law.

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