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Chapter C‑2

Table of Contents

                1       Definitions

                2       Regulations Act

Part 1

                3       Financial assistance

                4       Alberta Cancer Board

                5       Board membership

                6       Location of hospitals

                7       Control of hospitals, clinics and programs

                8       Duties of board

                9       Programs for education and training

              10       Non‑cancerous diseases or conditions

              11       Chief executive officer

              12       Powers of board

              13       Delegation

              14       Information to Minister

              15       Management of hospitals

              16       Drug program

           16.1       Schedule of cancer drugs

              17       Pharmaceuticals

              18       Accounts

              19       Annual report

              20       Schedules of charges

              21       Agreements

              22       Regulations

              23       Advisory committees

              24       Special committees

              25       Facility committee

              26       Scientific committee

              27       Medical committee

              28       Board bylaws

              29       Hospitals Act

Part 2
Cancer Registry

              30       Definition

           30.1       Paramountcy

              31       Cancer registry

              32       Confidentiality

              33       Purposes of cancer registry

              34       Duty to report

              35       Agreements

              36       Use and disclosure of information

              37       Offences

              38       Regulations

Part 3
Alberta Cancer Foundation

              39       Definitions

              40       Establishment and composition

              41       Chair

              42       Bylaws and meetings

              43       Objects

              44       Transfer of property

              45       Transfer of board property

              46       Prohibition of dividends and remuneration

              47       Audit, fiscal year and annual report

              48       Trust corporation status

              49       Winding‑up

              50       Regulations

HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, enacts as follows:


1   In this Act,

                                 (a)    “board” means the Alberta Cancer Board;

                                 (b)    “hospital” means a provincial cancer hospital;

                                 (c)    “Minister” means the Minister determined under section 16 of the Government Organization Act as the Minister responsible for this Act;

                                 (d)    “out‑patient clinic” means a clinic for persons who are not in‑patients and who are suspected of having cancer or who have or have had cancer;

                                 (e)    “scientific staff” means the scientists appointed by the board in accordance with the bylaws to serve as scientific staff.

RSA 1980 cC‑1 s1;1982 c10 s3;1983 c81 s2;
1989 cD‑21.5 s13;1992 c11 s2

Regulations Act

2   The Regulations Act does not apply to

                                 (a)    the bylaws of the board or of the Alberta Cancer Foundation, or

                                 (b)    an order made by the Minister under section 16.1.

RSA 2000 cC‑2 s2;2003 c42 s3

Part 1

Financial assistance

3   The Lieutenant Governor in Council may provide financial assistance to promote and encourage programs and measures for the prevention of cancer or for cancer research.

RSA 1980 cC‑1 s2

Alberta Cancer Board

4(1)  The Provincial Cancer Hospitals Board is continued as a corporation with the name of Alberta Cancer Board, consisting of persons appointed as members under section 5.

(2)  The objects of the board are

                                 (a)    to establish and operate provincial cancer hospitals, out‑patient clinics and programs for

                                           (i)    the prevention, detection and diagnosis of cancer,

                                          (ii)    the treatment and care of cancer patients, and

                                         (iii)    cancer research;

                                 (b)    to co‑ordinate, in co‑operation with others, the planning, development and delivery of services for cancer patients;

                                 (c)    to educate persons about cancer.

RSA 1980 cC‑1 s4;1982 c10 s4;1983 c81 s2;1992 c11 s4

Board membership

5(1)  The board shall consist of not fewer than 7 and not more than 11 members appointed by the Minister.

(2)  The Minister, when appointing a member, shall prescribe the term of office of that member.

(3)  On the removal of a member or on the creation of a vacancy on a board by resignation or death, the Minister may appoint a person to fill the vacancy.

(4)  The Minister shall appoint one of the members of the board as its chair and shall prescribe the member’s term of office as chair.

RSA 1980 cC‑1 s5;1992 c11 s5

Location of hospitals

6   With the approval of the Minister, the board may establish one or more hospitals at any place or places in Alberta it considers advisable.

RSA 1980 cC‑1 s6

Control of hospitals, clinics and programs

7(1)  Subject to subsection (2), the board has full control of and responsibility for its hospitals, out‑patient clinics and programs and all matters pertaining to the operation of them.

(2)  If an out‑patient clinic is located in a hospital that is not a provincial cancer hospital or in a facility that is not operated by the board, the board and the board of the other hospital or facility shall enter into an agreement respecting the operation of the out‑patient clinic.

1992 c11 s6

Duties of board

8(1)  Subject to any order, regulation or agreement made pursuant to section 21, the board shall

                                 (a)    hold, administer and manage the property and assets of the board;

                                 (b)    operate hospitals for the detection and diagnosis of cancer, the treatment and care of cancer patients and cancer research;

                                 (c)    operate out‑patient clinics for the detection and diagnosis and treatment of cancer in conjunction with the hospitals and at other places in Alberta;

                                 (d)    operate programs for the detection and diagnosis of cancer and the treatment and care of cancer patients;

                                 (e)    provide equipment for the operation of the hospitals and out‑patient clinics;

                                  (f)    employ medical and surgical personnel and other health service personnel, scientific personnel and administrative and clerical staff for the operation of its hospitals, out‑patient clinics and programs;

                                 (g)    provide facilities for medical attendance, nursing, food and medicine;

                                 (h)    provide for the remuneration of all employees of the board and prescribe their duties;

                                  (i)    establish a schedule of fees for payment of authorized services provided by physicians.

(2)  Subject to section 9, the board may use a hospital, out‑patient clinic or program for the purpose of educating persons about cancer.

RSA 1980 cC‑1 s7;1983 c81 s2;1992 c11 s7

Programs for education and training

9   The board may, with the approval of and subject to any conditions prescribed by the Minister, provide professional and technical education and training programs for the prevention, detection and diagnosis of cancer and for the treatment and care of cancer patients.

1992 c11 s8

Non-cancerous diseases or conditions

10   The board may allow a hospital or out‑patient clinic to be used for the examination, diagnosis and treatment of persons who have any non‑cancerous disease or condition if the examination, diagnosis or treatment requires the specialized equipment or expertise available at the hospital or out‑patient clinic.

1992 c11 s8

Chief executive officer

11(1)  The board shall, with the approval of the Minister, appoint a chief executive officer.

(2)  The board shall establish the duties of the chief executive officer.

RSA 1980 cC‑1 s8;1992 c11 s9

Powers of board

12(1)  In addition to its powers under any other Act, the board may

                                 (a)    acquire and hold real property,

                                 (b)    accept subscriptions, donations, devises and bequests, whether of real or personal property,

                                 (c)    pay a member of the board an amount determined by the Minister for each meeting of the board attended by the member, and necessary travelling expenses, and

                                 (d)    do all other things that may be necessary to carry out the objects of the board.

(2)  The board, with the approval of the Minister and to the extent permitted by the Minister, may from time to time borrow money from any person or treasury branch for the purpose of meeting its obligations as they become due, and give any security for repayment in any manner that the board considers proper.

RSA 1980 cC‑1 s9;1983 c81 s2;1992 c11 s10


13(1)  Subject to subsection (2), the board may delegate any of its powers and duties to any of its employees or staff, to any person on the medical, scientific or professional staff of its hospitals or out‑patient clinics or to any committee established by the board.

(2)  The board may not delegate the power to make bylaws.

1981 c64 s2;1984 c10 s3;1992 c11 s11;1994 c19 s3;
1996 c6 s13

Information to Minister

14(1)  The board shall send a copy of the minutes of its meetings to the Minister.

(2)  The board shall, in accordance with the regulations, prepare a budget for each fiscal year and send a copy of the budget to the Minister.

(3)  The board shall, in accordance with the regulations, provide the Minister with the information that the Minister requires on any matter relating to the board’s operations.

1992 c11 s12

Management of hospitals

15(1)  The board may make bylaws governing the management, control and operation of its hospitals.

(2)  The board shall send to the Minister a copy of the bylaws made under subsection (1), including any amendments to or repeal of them.

(3)  The board may, with the approval of the Minister, fix a schedule of charges from time to time for special or extra services that are provided by hospitals and out‑patient clinics.

RSA 1980 cC‑1 s10;1992 c11 s13

Drug program

16   The board may, subject to the regulations, provide drugs specified by the Minister under section 16.1 for the treatment of cancer patients.

RSA 2000 cC‑2 s16;2003 c42 s3

Schedule of cancer drugs

16.1   The Minister may by order establish a schedule of cancer drugs specifying drugs for the treatment of cancer patients and the conditions of the use of those drugs.

2003 c42 s3


17   The board may, with the approval of and subject to any conditions prescribed by the Minister, establish and operate facilities for the manufacture, purchase or sale of pharmaceuticals or radio‑pharmaceuticals for use in research, diagnosis, treatment or care.

RSA 1980 cC‑1 s11;1982 c10 s5;1992 c11 s15


18(1)  The accounts of the board shall be made up to March 31 of each year or at any other times that may be required by the Minister.

(2)  Whenever the accounts are made up there shall be prepared a statement of revenue and expenditure and a statement of assets and liabilities for the fiscal year of the Government immediately preceding, and the statements shall be submitted through the board for audit by the Auditor General.

(3)  All books and records pertaining to the work carried on by the board under this Part are subject at all times to examination and audit by the Auditor General.

(4)  The Minister may prescribe the form of any accounts to be kept by the board relating in any way to the matters dealt with by this Part.

RSA 1980 cC‑1 s13;1984 c10 s4

Annual report

19(1)  The board shall make a report annually to the Minister for the 12 months ending on March 31 of each year.

(2)  The report shall contain the audited financial statements and any other reports that may be required pursuant to any Act of the Legislature.

RSA 1980 cC‑1 s14

Schedules of charges

20   The Minister may, from time to time, fix a schedule of approved charges for treatment and care provided to patients in hospitals and to persons attending at out‑patient clinics.

RSA 1980 cC‑1 s15


21   The Minister may enter into agreements binding on the board respecting the operation or administration of any hospital  out‑patient clinic or program established by the board.

RSA 1980 cC‑1 s16;1992 c11 s17


22   The Minister may make regulations

                                 (a)    respecting the objects of the board under section 4(2);

                                 (b)    respecting the board’s budget for the purposes of section 14(2);

                                 (c)    respecting the provision of information to the Minister under section 14(3);

                                 (d)    respecting the provision of drugs by the board under section 16;

                              (d.1)    respecting the patient concerns resolution process that is to be provided by the board;

                                 (e)    providing for any matter or thing that the Minister considers necessary to carry out the purposes of this Part.

RSA 2000 cC‑2 s22;2003 c30 s15

Advisory committees

23(1)  The board may establish one or more advisory committees for any purpose specified by the board.

(2)  The board may appoint any person it considers appropriate to be a member of an advisory committee.

(3)  The members of an advisory committee appointed under this section

                                 (a)    may be paid fees by the board for their services at the rates prescribed by the bylaws of the board, and

                                 (b)    may be paid by the board their reasonable travelling and living expenses while absent from their ordinary places of residence and in the course of their duties as members of the committee, in accordance with the bylaws of the board.

RSA 1980 cC‑1 s18;1984 c10 s4;1992 c11 s19

Special committees

24(1)  The board shall by bylaw establish for each hospital

                                 (a)    a facility committee,

                                 (b)    a scientific committee, and

                                 (c)    a medical committee.

(2)  The bylaws establishing the committees shall deal with the composition of the committees and the appointment of their members.

(3)  The bylaws have no effect until approved in writing by the Minister.

RSA 1980 cC‑1 s19;1982 c10 s6;1992 c11 s20

Facility committee

25   A facility committee is responsible to the board for

                                 (a)    the clinical and scientific practice of the hospital,

                                 (b)    the professional practices of the treatment team of the hospital,

                                 (c)    the hospital’s quality of care,

                                 (d)    the utilization of the hospital, and

                                 (e)    providing advice to the board on any matter referred to it by the board.

1992 c11 s20

Scientific committee

26   A scientific committee is responsible for providing advice to the board on

                                 (a)    the appointment, reappointment, suspension or termination of scientific staff of the hospital, and

                                 (b)    any matter referred to it by the board.

1992 c11 s20

Medical committee

27   A medical committee is responsible for providing advice to the board on

                                 (a)    the appointment, reappointment, suspension or termination of medical staff and the delineation of hospital privileges of the medical staff of the hospital, and

                                 (b)    any matter referred to it by the board.

1992 c11 s20

Board bylaws

28(1)  The board shall make bylaws

                                 (a)    governing the organization and conduct of the medical, scientific and other professional staff practising at its hospitals and out‑patient clinics;

                                 (b)    governing conflict of interest in respect of members of the board, agents of the board and senior officers and employees of the board;

                                 (c)    establishing a procedure for the medical committee to provide advice to the board on the appointment, reappointment, suspension or termination of medical staff and the delineation of hospital privileges of the medical staff;

                                 (d)    establishing a procedure for the review of recommendations made by the medical committee or decisions made by the board affecting the privileges of the medical staff;

                                 (e)    establishing a procedure to ensure that all applications for appointment to the medical staff reach the board in the time prescribed in the bylaws, whether or not the appointment is recommended by the medical committee;

                                  (f)    establishing a procedure for notice to be given by the board to an applicant for appointment to the medical staff within a reasonable time of the decision of the board as to whether the application has been accepted.

(2)  The bylaws have no effect until approved in writing by the Minister.

1992 c11 s20;2000 cH-3.3 s32

Hospitals Act

29(1)  Parts 2 and 3 of the Hospitals Act, except for sections 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 22, 23 and 34, apply to

                                 (a)    a provincial cancer hospital, whether or not it is an approved hospital under the Hospitals Act, and

                                 (b)    an out‑patient clinic.

(2)  Section 24 of the Hospitals Act also applies to the programs of the board.

RSA 1980 cC‑1 s20;1984 c10 s4;1992 c11 s21

Part 2
Cancer Registry


30   In this Part, “reportable cancer” means a cancer specified by the regulations as a reportable cancer.

1992 c11 s22


30.1   If there is an inconsistency or conflict between this Part and the Health Information Act, this Part prevails.

RSA 2000 cH‑5 s111

Cancer registry

31(1)  The board shall, subject to the regulations, establish a cancer registry.

(2)  The cancer registry must contain the information respecting reportable cancers obtained under section 34.

(3)  The cancer registry may, subject to any directions specified in the regulations, contain information

                                 (a)    obtained under section 22(5) of the Alberta Health Care Insurance Act,

                                 (b)    obtained under the Hospitals Act from a hospital that is not a provincial cancer hospital,

                                 (c)    obtained from the board’s hospitals, out‑patient clinics and programs, and

                                 (d)    obtained from any other source specified by the Minister.

1992 c11 s22


32(1)  The information in the cancer registry is private and confidential.

(2)  Section 24 of the Hospitals Act does not apply to information in the cancer registry.

1992 c11 s22

Purposes of cancer registry

33   The information in the cancer registry is to be used for the following purposes:

                                 (a)    to assess and improve the standards of treatment and care provided to cancer patients;

                                 (b)    to assist in the treatment and care of the person who is the subject of the information;

                                 (c)    to assist in cancer research, education and prevention;

                                 (d)    to compile statistics on cancer;

                                 (e)    any other purpose specified by the Minister.

1992 c11 s22

Duty to report

34(1)  A physician who knows or has reason to believe that a patient under the physician’s care or supervision has a reportable cancer shall, as soon as practicable, provide the board with the information prescribed by the regulations.

(2)  A person who is responsible for a laboratory in which an examination of a specimen from a human body is conducted that reveals a reportable cancer shall, as soon as practicable, provide the board with the information prescribed by the regulations.

(3)  After receiving information under subsection (1) or (2), the board may request the physician or person responsible for the laboratory to provide any additional information that the board considers necessary respecting the reportable cancer, the person who has cancer or the examination.

(4)  No action or other proceeding for damages lies against a physician or person responsible for a laboratory for providing information to the board under this section.

1992 c11 s22


35(1)  The Minister or the board with the approval of the Minister may enter into an agreement with the Government of Canada or the government of a province or territory or with any person that relates to the disclosure of information in the cancer registry.

(2)  An agreement under subsection (1) shall require that the information disclosed remain confidential.

1992 c11 s22

Use and disclosure of information

36(1)  The board may use the information in the cancer registry for the purposes referred to in section 33.

(2)  The board shall disclose information in the cancer registry

                                 (a)    to the Minister in the manner and form specified by the Minister,

                                 (b)    to any person specified by the Minister where the Minister believes it is in the public interest that the information be disclosed to that person, and

                                 (c)    to any person when required by law.

(3)  The board may disclose the information in the cancer registry

                                 (a)    to the person who is the subject of the information or to that person’s designate or legal representative;

                                 (b)    in statistical form if the person who is the subject of the information is not revealed or made identifiable;

                                 (c)    to a person conducting bona fide research or a medical review if the disclosure is made in a manner that ensures the confidentiality of the information;

                                 (d)    to a person authorized to receive the information under an agreement referred to in section 35;

                                 (e)    to a person or class of persons authorized to receive the information by the regulations.

1992 c11 s22


37(1)   No person shall disclose information in the cancer registry to a person unless disclosure of information to that person is authorized under section 36.

(2)  No person shall review or examine the information in the cancer registry unless disclosure of the information to that person is authorized under section 36.

(3)  A person who contravenes subsection (1) or (2) is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of not more than $10 000.

1992 c11 s22


38   The Minister may make regulations

                                 (a)    prescribing a list of cancers or adopting a published list of cancers in whole or in part as reportable cancers;

                                 (b)    respecting the information to be provided to the board under section 34;

                                 (c)    respecting the establishment and operation of the cancer registry, including regulations requiring the board to enter certain information in the cancer registry;

                                 (d)    authorizing the board to disclose information in the cancer registry to a person or class of persons.

1992 c11 s22

Part 3
Alberta Cancer Foundation


39   In this Part,

                                 (a)    “Foundation” means the Alberta Cancer Foundation established by section 40;

                                 (b)    “trustees” means the trustees of the Foundation.

1984 c10 s5

Establishment and composition

40(1)  There is hereby created a corporation named the “Alberta Cancer Foundation”.

(2)  The Foundation consists of the following, who are the trustees of the Foundation:

                                 (a)    the chair of the board,

                                 (b)    2 other persons who are members of and are appointed trustees by the board, and

                                 (c)    at least 2 but not more than 7 persons who

                                           (i)    are residents of Alberta,

                                          (ii)    are not members of the board, and

                                         (iii)    are appointed trustees by the board.

1984 c10 s5;1992 c11 s23


41   The trustees shall appoint a chair of the Foundation from among themselves.

1984 c10 s5;1992 c11 s24

Bylaws and meetings

42(1)  The trustees may make bylaws governing the procedure and business of the Foundation, including the expenses referred to in section 46(2).

(2)  Notwithstanding subsection (1), the trustees shall meet at least once a year on a date that, unless fixed by the bylaws, shall be fixed by the chair of the trustees.

1984 c10 s5;1992 c11 s25


43   The objects of the Foundation are

                                 (a)    to solicit and receive by gift, bequest, devise, transfer or otherwise, property of every nature and description, and

                                 (b)    subject to any prior trust conditions imposed on the use of the property, to hold, use and administer the property for advancing the objects of the board, and generally for advancing

                                           (i)    the prevention, detection and diagnosis of cancer,

                                          (ii)    the treatment and care of cancer patients, and

                                         (iii)    cancer research.

1984 c10 s5

Transfer of property

44   The Foundation may, subject to any prior trust conditions, transfer any of its property to the board on any terms that it considers expedient.

1984 c10 s5

Transfer of board property

45   Except as provided by regulation, the board may not transfer any of its property to the Foundation.

1985 c32 s2

Prohibition of dividends and remuneration

46(1)  The payment of any dividend or remuneration out of the funds of the Foundation to any of the trustees is prohibited.

(2)  Trustees may be reimbursed out of the funds of the Foundation for the travelling and living expenses provided for in the bylaws that are necessarily incurred by them in the performance of their duties.

1984 c10 s5;1992 c11 s26

Audit, fiscal year and annual report

47(1)  The Auditor General is the auditor of the Foundation.

(2)  The fiscal year of the Foundation is April 1 to the following March 31.

(3)  At the end of the fiscal year, the Foundation shall prepare and submit to the Minister an annual report that shall include the audited financial statements and any other statements and reports that the Minister may require.

1984 c10 s5

Trust corporation status

48   Notwithstanding anything in the Loan and Trust Corporations Act, the Foundation shall not be considered to be a trust corporation for the purposes of that Act.

1984 c10 s5;1991 cL‑26.5 s335(8)


49(1)  In the event of the winding‑up of the Foundation, the property of the Foundation shall be used

                                 (a)    first, in the payment of any costs incurred in the winding‑up of the Foundation,

                                 (b)    second, in the discharge of all liabilities of the Foundation, and

                                 (c)    third, to give effect, as far as possible, to any outstanding applicable trust conditions,

and the balance, if any, shall be disposed of in accordance with the regulations.

(2)  A regulation under subsection (1) must not be inconsistent with any trust or condition under which the property is held.

1984 c10 s5;1985 c32 s2


50   The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations

                                 (a)    respecting the types and amounts of property that the board may transfer to the Foundation and the circumstances under which that property may be transferred;

                                 (b)    subject to section 49, governing the winding‑up of the Foundation.

1984 c10 s5

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