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Chapter H‑3

Table of Contents

                1       Definitions

                2       Committee established

                3       Subcommittees

                4       Remuneration and expenses

                5       Staff

                6       Meetings

                7       Visiting hospital

                8       Investigation of hospital

                9       Entry of hospital

              10       Inspection of hospital records

              11       Exemption

              12       Persons acting on behalf of Committee

              13       Complaint officer

              14       Powers of Committee members

              15       Court order

              16       Annual report

              17       Act binds Crown

HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, enacts as follows:


1   In this Act,

                                 (a)    “Committee” means the Alberta Health Facilities Review Committee and includes a subcommittee established under section 3;

                                 (b)    “hospital” means

                                           (i)    an approved hospital under the Hospitals Act,

                                          (ii)    any other hospital, institution or other facility for the treatment and care of persons that is owned and operated by the Government of Alberta, except those operated under the administration of the Minister of Children’s Services or the Minister of Human Resources and Employment or those that receive their current operating funds or part of them from a supply vote that is under the administration of a member of the Executive Council other than the Minister,

                                         (iii)    a hospital under the jurisdiction of a provincial health board under the Regional Health Authorities Act,

                                         (iv)    a nursing home as defined in the Nursing Homes Act;

                                 (c)    “Minister” means the Minister determined under section 16 of the Government Organization Act as the Minister responsible for this Act.

RSA 1980 cH‑4 s1;1981 c72 s10;1985 cN‑14.1 s38;
1986 cD‑27.1 s13;1988 cM‑13.1 s55;1989 cD‑21.5 s13;
1989 c10 s7;1994 cA‑30.1 s39(6);1994 cR‑9.07 s25(14)

Committee established

2(1)  There is hereby established a committee called the “Alberta Health Facilities Review Committee” consisting of not more than 12 members appointed by the Minister.

(2)  The members of the Committee may include members of the Legislative Assembly who are not members of the Executive Council.

(3)  An order appointing a member of the Committee may provide for the member’s term of office but in the absence of that provision, the term of office of a member is one year from the effective date of the member’s appointment and afterwards until the member’s successor is appointed.

(4)  The Minister shall designate one of the members of the Committee as chair and another as a vice‑chair and, unless the order otherwise provides, the term of office of a chair or vice‑chair so designated is one year from the effective date of the designation and afterwards until their respective successors are designated.

(5)  The vice‑chair is the acting chair of the Committee in the event of the absence or inability to act of the chair or a vacancy in the office of chair.

RSA 1980 cH‑4 s2;1983 c81 s4


3(1)  The Committee may

                                 (a)    establish one or more subcommittees to perform those duties and functions and exercise those powers of the Committee prescribed by the Committee, and

                                 (b)    appoint as members of a subcommittee not fewer than 3 members of the Committee.

(2)  When a subcommittee is established, the Committee shall designate a member of a subcommittee to preside over the subcommittee.

(3)  A member of the Committee may be appointed to more than one subcommittee.

(4)  A majority of the members appointed to a subcommittee constitutes a quorum of the subcommittee.

(5)  A decision or other action made or taken by a subcommittee at which its quorum is present is the decision or action of the Committee and binds all members of the Committee.

(6)  Two or more subcommittees may act simultaneously.

(7)  If a subcommittee is performing a duty or function or exercising its powers and one or more members of the subcommittee are absent during a portion of the time that the subcommittee is performing a duty or function or exercising a power, the remaining members of the subcommittee that are present may, if they constitute a quorum of the subcommittee, perform the duty or function and exercise the power of the subcommittee.

(8)  Notwithstanding that a subcommittee is established under this section, the Committee may also perform any duty or function or exercise any power that it prescribed the subcommittee to perform or exercise.

RSA 1980 cH‑4 s3

Remuneration and expenses

4   The Minister

                                 (a)    may prescribe the rates of remuneration payable to members of the Committee other than those who are employees of the Government or members or employees of an agency of the Government, and

                                 (b)    may authorize the payment of travelling and living expenses for members of the Committee while outside their normal place of residence in the course of performing their duties.

RSA 1980 cH‑4 s4;1983 c81 s4


5(1)  The Minister may appoint an employee of the Government who is under the Minister’s administration as the Executive Director of the Committee who shall under the direction of the chair of the Committee assist the Committee in carrying out its duties and functions and exercising its powers.

(2)  The Minister shall provide to the Committee the services of employees of the Government who are under the Minister’s administration and supplies for the purpose of carrying out secretarial, clerical and related work that the Committee may reasonably require to enable it to carry out its duties and functions and exercise its powers.

RSA 1980 cH‑4 s5


6   The Committee may, with the approval of the Minister, make rules governing the calling of its meetings, the quorum required at its meetings, the procedure at its meetings, and any other matter relating to the conduct of its business and affairs.

RSA 1980 cH‑4 s6;1983 c81 s4

Visiting hospital

7(1)  The Committee shall from time to time visit all hospitals for the purpose of reviewing and inspecting them and the manner in which they are operated.

(2)  The Minister may from time to time request the Committee to conduct a visit to a hospital for the purposes of reporting to the Minister on any matter that the Minister specifies in the Minister’s request.

RSA 1980 cH‑4 s7

Investigation of hospital

8   If a complaint is made to the Committee by or on behalf of a patient in a hospital, the Committee shall investigate the care and treatment and the standards of accommodation received by that patient or any other patient in the hospital.

RSA 1980 cH‑4 s8

Entry of hospital

9   For the purpose of carrying out a visit or an investigation under this Act, the Committee may enter a hospital at any reasonable hour.

RSA 1980 cH‑4 s9

Inspection of hospital records

10(1)  The Committee, with respect to a visit or an investigation under this Act, is entitled to access to the records of the hospital for the purpose of inspecting them, making copies of them or taking extracts from them.

(2)  Subsection (1) does not apply to

                                 (a)    the financial records of the hospital that relate to the operation of the hospital, or

                                 (b)    records containing individually identifying health information within the meaning of the Health Information Act unless the patient or the patient’s guardian consents to those records being inspected.

RSA 2000 cH‑3 s10;RSA 2000 cH‑5 s115


11   Nothing in this Act shall be construed as empowering the Committee or other person acting under this Act to inquire into the financial affairs of the hospital that relate to the operation of the hospital.

RSA 1980 cH‑4 s11

Persons acting on behalf of Committee

12(1)  The Committee may authorize

                                 (a)    a member of the Committee to carry out a visit or investigation on behalf of the Committee, or

                                 (b)    subject to the approval of the Minister, an employee of the Government who is under the Minister’s administration to carry out a specific inquiry on behalf of the Committee in respect of a visit or investigation.

(2)  When a member of the Committee or other person has carried out a visit, investigation or specific inquiry on behalf of the Committee, that member or person shall report the member’s or person’s findings to the Committee.

RSA 1980 cH‑4 s12

Complaint officer

13(1)  The Committee may designate

                                 (a)    a member of the Committee, or

                                 (b)    with the approval of the Minister, an employee of the Government who is under the Minister’s administration,

as a complaint officer.

(2)  The complaint officer shall on behalf of the Committee

                                 (a)    make preliminary inquiries, or

                                 (b)    if directed to do so by the chair of the Committee, make investigations

into complaints received under section 8 and report the results of the inquiry or investigation to the Committee.

(3)  Members of the Committee at the request of the chair of the Committee may assist the complaint officer in the carrying out of the complaint officer’s duties.

RSA 1980 cH‑4 s13

Powers of Committee members

14   A member of the Committee or an employee of the Government carrying out a visit, investigation or other matter on behalf of the Committee has the same powers that the Committee would have if it were carrying out the visit, investigation or other matter.

RSA 1980 cH‑4 s14

Court order

15(1)  If the Committee, a member of the Committee or an employee of the Government acting on behalf of the Committee is refused entry to a hospital for the purposes of conducting a visit or an investigation, the chair of the Committee or a person designated by the chair may apply to the Court of Queen’s Bench by originating notice for an order permitting the Committee, member or employee to

                                 (a)    enter the hospital at any reasonable hour and conduct the visit or investigation, and

                                 (b)    require the production of any records of the hospital, other than those referred to in section 10(2).

(2)  An application under subsection (1) may be made ex parte, if the Court considers it proper to do so in the circumstances.

RSA 1980 cH‑4 s15

Annual report

16(1)  As soon as possible after the end of each year, the Committee shall prepare and submit to the Minister a report summarizing its activities in that year.

(2)  On receiving a report under subsection (1), the Minister shall lay a copy of the report before the Legislative Assembly if it is then in session, and if not, within 15 days after the commencement of the next session.

RSA 1980 cH‑4 s16

Act binds Crown

17   This Act binds the Crown.

RSA 1980 cH‑4 s17

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