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Chapter M‑11

Table of Contents

                1       Definitions

                2       College of Physicians and Surgeons continued

Part 1
The Council

                3       Council of College

                4       Voters

                5       Persons eligible for election to council

                6       Bylaws re elections

                7       Destruction of ballots

                8       Petition against election

                9       New election

              10       Appointed members of the council

              11       Election and appointment of officers

              12       Executive committee

              13       Appointment of committees

              14       Bylaws re meetings

              15       Conduct of meetings

              16       Fees for attendance

              17       Confidentiality

Part 2

              18       Alberta Medical Register

              19       Duties of registrar

              20       Entries in register

              21       Qualifications for registration

              22       Conduct of examinations

              23       Special Register

              24       Courtesy Register

              25       Educational Register

              26       Conditions of registration

              27       Temporary registration

              28       Review panel

              29       Annual fee

        30,31       Bylaws

              32       Special fund

Part 3
Physician Achievement Review Program

              33       Physician Performance Committee established

              34       Purpose and objectives of Performance Committee

              35       Powers and duties of Performance Committee

              36       Individual assessment

              37       Mandatory compliance with Part

              38       Appeal from Performance Committee direction

              39       Membership of Performance Committee and subcommittees

              40       Conduct of Committee

              41       Confidentiality

              42       Bylaws

              43       Review by council

Part 4

              44       Unbecoming conduct

              45       Application of Part

              46       Investigation chair

              47       Evidence at preliminary investigation

              48       Procedure after preliminary investigation

              49       Procedure after Complaints Committee report

              50       Complainants right of appeal

              51       Proceedings before investigating committee

              52       Investigation of former members

              53       Interim suspension

              54       Right to counsel

              55       Investigating committee

              56       Continuation as committee member

              57       Place of meetings

              58       Notice of committee meetings

              59       Witnesses and documents

              60       Failure to attend to give evidence

              61       Decision of investigating committee

              62       Costs

              63       Report to council

              64       Procedure leading to hearing by council

              65       Consideration of report by council

              66       Punishment of registered practitioner

              67       Striking name off register

              68       Appeal

              69       Material in an appeal

              70       Procedure in appeal

              71       Courts powers on appeal

              72       Practice prohibited

              73       Failure to comply with conditions of registration

Part 5
Professional Corporations

              74       Practice by corporation

              75       Permit

              76       Termination of permit

              77       Liability of shareholders and employees

              78       Voting agreements with non‑members prohibited

              79       Application of Act and bylaws

              80       Preservation of doctor‑patient relationship

              81       Application of Act and rules

              82       Discipline proceedings

              83       Right to sue

              84       Bylaws

              85       Transitional

Part 6

              86       Penalty for practice by non‑registered person

              87       Persons deemed to practise

              88       Exceptions

              89       Specialist recognition

              90       Fines

              91       Penalty for misrepresentation

              92       Use of title

              93       Penalty for using name, etc.

              94       Commencement of prosecution

Part 7

              95       Medical register

              96       Evidence of registration

              97       Protection from liability

              98       Evidence

              99       Right to practise

            100       Municipal licence

            101       Notice to the public

            102       Appointment in public service

            103       Assessment of medical facilities

            104       Religious beliefs

            105       Legal assistance

            106       Returns

            107       Bylaws re fees


HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, enacts as follows:


1   In this Act,

                                 (a)    “Appeal Committee” means the Appeal Committee established by section 38;

                                 (b)    “College” means the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the Province of Alberta;

                                 (c)    “council” means the council of the College;

                                 (d)    “district” means a medical electoral district established pursuant to this Act;

                                 (e)    “medical” includes surgical and obstetrical;

                                  (f)    “medicine” includes surgery and obstetrics, but does not include osteopathy or veterinary surgery or veterinary medicine;

                                 (g)    “Minister” means the Minister determined under section 16 of the Government Organization Act as the Minister responsible for this Act;

                                 (h)    “Performance Committee” means the Physician Performance Committee established by section 33;

                                  (i)    “permit” means a permit issued pursuant to Part 5;

                                  (j)    “professional corporation” means a holder of a subsisting permit;

                                 (k)    “register” means the Alberta Medical Register mentioned in section 18;

                                  (l)    “registered practitioner” means a person registered in the Alberta Medical Register or who is temporarily registered under section 27;

                                (m)    “registrar” means the registrar of the College appointed under section 11;

                                 (n)    “university” means a university that has a medical or osteopathic department in connection with it, and has the power to grant medical or osteopathic degrees.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s1;RSA 1980 cH‑5.1 s37;1984 c55 s30;

1998 c21 s2

College of Physicians and Surgeons continued

2   The College of Physicians and Surgeons of the Province of Alberta previously constituted and the registered members of it are continued as a corporation under the same name with power to acquire, hold and dispose of real and personal property for the purpose of the College.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s2

Part 1
The Council

Council of College

3(1)  There is to be a council of the College consisting of not more than 25 members elected or appointed in the manner provided in this Act.

(2)  The council shall provide from time to time to the members of the College direction and regulation of the practice of medicine and osteopathy and, subject to the bylaws, shall control and direct registration, licensing and discipline of the members of the College.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s3


4(1)  The persons entitled to vote at elections of members of the council are the persons who are registered practitioners in good standing at the time of the election.

(2)  The registrar shall, at least 2 months before the date on which the election is to be held, prepare an alphabetical list of the registered practitioners showing the district in which each resides and is entitled to vote.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s4

Persons eligible for election to council

5   No person is eligible to be elected a member of the council who is not entitled to vote at elections of members of the council.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s5

Bylaws re elections

6(1)  The council may make bylaws governing elections of members to council and those bylaws may

                                 (a)    provide the procedure for the nomination of candidates;

                                 (b)    provide for the division of Alberta into medical electoral districts and prescribe the number of council members to be elected from each medical electoral district;

                                 (c)    provide for the appointment or designation of presiding officers for the election;

                                 (d)    prescribe the forms to be used;

                                 (e)    prescribe the procedure to be used for the holding of the elections and for determining the persons elected as members of the council;

                                  (f)    prescribe the term of office of members of the council.

(2)  An election of members to the council shall be conducted with the use of secret ballots.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s6

Destruction of ballots

7   The ballots used at an election must not be destroyed until after all petitions under section 8 in respect of the elections have been decided but shall be retained until then by the registrar, together with all other papers in connection with the election.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s7

Petition against election

8(1)  A registered practitioner may petition the council against the election of a member by filing the petition with the registrar within 15 days after the election.

(2)  The petition shall contain a statement of grounds on which the election is disputed.

(3)  A copy of the petition shall be served on the member whose election is disputed.

(4)  When a petition is filed concerning the election of a member to the council, the council shall hold an inquiry and ratify the election of the member or, if the election is found to be illegal, order a new election.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s8

New election

9(1)  The registrar

                                 (a)    in case of failure in an election to elect the required number of members of the council, or

                                 (b)    in case of a vacancy occurring from the death or resignation of a member of the council or from any other cause,

shall hold a new election as soon as possible for the purpose of filling the vacancy or vacancies.

(2)  When a new election is held under subsection (1), the election shall be conducted in the same manner as an election of the full council and the term of office for the vacated council position shall be the unexpired term remaining in that position.

(3)  Notwithstanding subsection (1), if a vacancy occurs for any reason within 6 months before the date of an election of members to the council, the council shall appoint a registered practitioner resident in the medical electoral district in which the vacancy occurred to be a member of the council for the unexpired portion of the term.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s9

Appointed members of the council

10   In accordance with the bylaws, the elected members of the council shall appoint an additional 5 members to the council consisting of

                                 (a)    2 registered practitioners, one of whom shall be nominated by the Faculty of Medicine of The University of Alberta and the other by the Faculty of Medicine of The University of Calgary, and

                                 (b)    3 persons who are not registered practitioners, appointed from the general public,

all of whom are full voting members of the council.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s10

Election and appointment of officers

11(1)  The council shall elect annually from its members a president, a vice‑president and any other officers it considers necessary.

(2)  The council shall appoint a registrar, who need not be a member of the council or the College, at the salary or other remuneration and for the term of office that the council decides.

(3)  The council may appoint a deputy registrar and one or more assistant registrars, who need not be members of the council or the College, at the salary or other remuneration and for the term of office the council determines to assist the registrar and, in the event of the registrar’s absence or inability to act, to exercise and perform all powers and duties of the registrar.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s11

Executive committee

12(1)  There is to be an executive committee of the council that shall consist of the president, the vice‑president and one other member of the council to be appointed annually by the council.

(2)  The executive committee shall meet at the call of the registrar and shall deal with

                                 (a)    all matters that are delegated to it by the council,

                                 (b)    all matters that require attention between meetings of the council, and

                                 (c)    the duties assigned to the executive committee by this Act.

(3)  Two members of the executive committee constitute a quorum.

(4)  The executive committee has no power to alter, repeal or suspend any bylaw of the council.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s12

Appointment of committees

13   The council may appoint annually any committees that the council considers necessary to assist it in carrying out its duties under this Act.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s13;1996 c28 s29

Bylaws re meetings

14(1)  The council may make bylaws with regard to the times and places of meetings of the council and the mode of calling the meetings.

(2)  In the absence of any bylaw governing the calling of meetings of the council, the president, or in the event of the president’s  absence or a vacancy in the office, the vice‑president or the registrar, may by a circular letter to be mailed to each member, call a meeting of the council at a time and place that seems fit to the president, vice‑president or registrar, as the case may be.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s14

Conduct of meetings

15(1)  If the president is absent from a meeting, the vice‑president, or in the vice-president’s absence some other member to be chosen from the members present, shall preside at that meeting.

(2)  A quorum of the council may be fixed by bylaw but in no case shall the quorum be less than 1/2 the number of council members.

(3)  The member presiding at a meeting of the council has, in the event of an equal number of votes being given for and against any resolution, a 2nd or casting vote in addition to the vote to which that member is entitled as a member of the council.

(4)  A resolution signed by not less than 75% of the members of the council has the same force as a resolution duly passed at a regularly convened meeting of the council.

(5)  The signatures of the members to the resolution may be on one or more sheets of paper.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s15

Fees for attendance

16   There shall be paid to members of the council any fees for attendance and any reasonable travelling expenses that may be fixed by bylaw or resolution passed by the council.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s16


17(1)  Subject to the provisions of this or any other Act or of the bylaws, all matters coming before the council in respect of any individual member of the College or of any individual patient or other person shall be treated by the members of the council as private and confidential information and that information shall not be published, released or disclosed in any manner that might be detrimental to the personal interests, reputation or privacy of the member, patient or other person without the consent of the member, patient or other person.

(2)  A person who knowingly publishes, releases or discloses information contrary to subsection (1) is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of not more than $500 and in default of payment to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 30 days.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s17

Part 2

Alberta Medical Register

18(1)  The registrar shall keep a register to be known as the “Alberta Medical Register”, which shall be divided into 2 parts, namely,

                                 (a)    Part 1, which shall contain the name of every person authorized to practise as a medical practitioner under this Act, and

                                 (b)    Part 2, which shall contain the name of every person authorized to practise as a practitioner of osteopathy under this Act.

(2)  Only those persons whose names are inscribed in the register and who are not under suspension by the council are entitled to practise as hereinafter provided.

(3)  The register shall, during the business hours of the College, be open and subject to inspection by any person.

(4)  Part 1 of the register may contain a separate section for the registration of non‑resident members.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s18

Duties of registrar

19   The registrar shall

                                 (a)    maintain the register correctly in accordance with this Act and the bylaws,

                                 (b)    make all necessary alterations in the addresses or qualifications of the persons registered under this Act, and

                                 (c)    perform any other duties imposed on the registrar by the council.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s19

Entries in register

20(1)  The registrar shall enter in the appropriate part of the register the name and address of every person who

                                 (a)    proves to the satisfaction of the registrar that the person is qualified for registration under section 21 or produces a certificate of qualification issued under section 22,

                                 (b)    provides to the registrar a registration information form, as prescribed in the bylaws, completed to the satisfaction of the registrar,

                                 (c)    satisfies the registrar that the person is of good character and reputation and that the person’s name has not been struck from the register of any college of physicians and surgeons and that the person is not and has not been suspended by any college of physicians and surgeons, or by any council or similar body in Canada or elsewhere, and

                                 (d)    pays to the registrar the prescribed registration fee and the annual fee for the year in which the person becomes registered.

(2)  If the registrar is not satisfied with respect to any of the matters referred to in subsection (1)(a), (b) and (c), the registrar  shall refer the application to the council and

                                 (a)    if the council is satisfied with respect to those matters, it shall direct the registrar to register the person, or

                                 (b)    if the council is not satisfied with respect to any of those matters, it shall direct the registrar not to register the person and shall give the person written notice of that direction, giving the reasons for it.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s20;1995 c22 s2

Qualifications for registration

21   An applicant for registration who has not previously been registered in Part 1 of the Alberta Medical Register is qualified to be registered if the applicant

                                 (a)    holds a certificate of registration from the Medical Council of Canada, and

                                 (b)    has met the education and training requirements set out in the bylaws.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s21;1994 c27 s5

Conduct of examinations

22(1)  The Universities Co‑ordinating Council shall examine the fitness to practise and qualifications of every applicant for the practice of osteopathy and if satisfied that the applicant has proven the applicant’s fitness to practise and qualifications, it shall issue to the applicant a certificate of qualification.

(2)  Before issuing a certificate of qualification to an applicant, the Universities Co‑ordinating Council may require the applicant to pass any examinations or pursue any further studies and training, or both, that the Universities Co‑ordinating Council considers necessary for the granting of a certificate of qualification.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s22

Special Register

23(1)  The council may establish and maintain a register to be known as the “Special Register”.

(2)  The registrar may register in the Special Register any person who

                                 (a)    meets the requirements set out in the bylaws, and

                                 (b)    provides to the registrar a registration information form, as prescribed in the bylaws, completed to the satisfaction of the registrar.

(3)  The persons registered in the Special Register are entitled to practise medicine, surgery and midwifery and are deemed to be registered practitioners only for the period, in the manner, to the extent, and subject to the conditions, limitations and restrictions set out in the bylaws applicable to those persons.

(4)  On any person so registered ceasing to comply, either as a result of circumstances or default, with the terms of the bylaws applicable, the registrar shall remove the name of the person from the Special Register.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s23;1995 c22 s3

Courtesy Register

24(1)  The council may establish and maintain a register to be known as the “Courtesy Register”.

(2)  The registrar may register in the Courtesy Register any person who

                                 (a)    is the holder of a degree in medicine and is entitled to practise as a physician or surgeon in a jurisdiction outside Alberta, and

                                 (b)    desires registration solely for the purpose of

                                           (i)    presenting a graduate or undergraduate training course, or

                                          (ii)    conducting or engaging in a clinical presentation or research program or an educational treatment program of limited duration.

(3)  The registrar

                                 (a)    shall, in registering a person in the Courtesy Register, show the purpose for which that person is registered and the period of duration of that person’s registration, and

                                 (b)    may from time to time, on application, extend the period of duration of that person’s registration and amend the Courtesy Register accordingly.

(4)  Notwithstanding subsection (3), the registrar shall cancel the registration of a person in the Courtesy Register when directed to do so by the council.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s24

Educational Register

25(1)  The council may establish and maintain a register to be known as the “Educational Register”.

(2)  The council may register in the Educational Register any person

                                 (a)    who is serving a period of postdoctoral training required by a university and approved by the council or the period of training required by the Medical Council of Canada,

                                 (b)    who desires registration solely for the purpose of undertaking post‑graduate training and who in the opinion of the council should be granted that registration,

                                 (c)    who is a senior undergraduate desiring registration solely for the purpose of undertaking training experience of limited duration in Alberta,

                                 (d)    who is an undergraduate enrolled in a Faculty of Medicine in Alberta and is classified by that Faculty as a student intern, or

                                 (e)    who is taking a period of training in Alberta required by the council with respect to obtaining or maintaining registration as a medical practitioner.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s25

Conditions of registration

26   When the council is of the opinion that in the interest of the public a medical practitioner’s registration should be limited or restricted in any way, the council may by order, at the time of registration, attach any conditions to the medical practitioner’s  registration that it considers advisable, and may designate a hospital or hospitals in Alberta to provide at the council’s request

                                 (a)    training for an applicant for registration, or

                                 (b)    assessment of and training for a registered practitioner for the purpose of maintaining the practitioner’s registration.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s27

Temporary registration

27   On payment of any fee that the council may require, the council may grant to any person who is qualified for registration temporary registration for a period not exceeding 30 days in each calendar year.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s28

Review panel

28(1)  A person who, by order of the council,

                                 (a)    is refused registration pursuant to section 20(2), or

                                 (b)    has limitations or conditions imposed on the person’s registration pursuant to section 26,

may apply for a review of the council’s decision by an application in writing to the Minister made within 30 days after the date of the order of the council.

(2)  For the purposes of subsection (1)(a), if the registrar has neither registered nor refused to register a person within 60 days from that person having applied for registration, the application is deemed to have been refused.

(3)  On receipt of an application under subsection (1), the Minister shall appoint a review panel of 3 persons, none of whom were involved in making the decision appealed from, to review the council’s decision.

(4)  If the applicant resides outside Alberta, a review panel may, before undertaking the review, require the applicant to deposit with the Minister a reasonable amount of money as security for payment of the costs of the review by the applicant in the event of an order to that effect.

(5)  Testimony may be adduced before a review panel in any manner that the panel considers proper and the panel is not bound by the rules of law concerning evidence applicable to judicial proceedings.

(6)  The Administrative Procedures Act applies to proceedings of the review panel.

(7)  The review panel may confirm, reverse or vary the council’s decision and the decision of the review panel is final and binding on the applicant and the council.

(8)  On the review, the panel may make any order as to the costs of the review as it considers just and may apply any money deposited pursuant to subsection (4) in satisfaction of those costs.

(9)  At the conclusion of the review, the Minister shall refund to the applicant the amount of the applicant’s deposit less any costs assessed under subsection (8).

(10)  A person in whose favour an order for costs is made under subsection (8) may recover the amount of the costs by action.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s29

Annual fee

29(1)  Each registered practitioner shall pay an annual fee in an amount to be determined by bylaw of the council to the registrar or to any person authorized by the registrar to accept payment of it.

(2)  Each registered practitioner shall provide annually to the registrar a registration information form, as prescribed in the bylaws, completed to the satisfaction of the registrar.

(3)  A registered practitioner who fails to pay the annual fee on or before January 1 in each year shall, as of that date, stand suspended as a registered practitioner.

(4)  A registered practitioner who fails to provide the registrar with a registration information form in accordance with subsection (2) on or before January 1 in each year shall, as of that date, stand suspended as a registered practitioner.

(5)  The council may by resolution waive any annual fee or any portion of an annual fee due to the College by a registered practitioner.

(6)  A registered practitioner suspended under subsection (3) shall be reinstated in good standing in the register in respect of that suspension on payment to the registrar of the annual fee for that year.

(7)  A registered practitioner suspended under subsection (4) shall be reinstated in good standing in the register on providing the registrar with a registration information form in accordance with subsection (2).

(8)  A registered practitioner may make written application to the registrar to have that practitioner’s name removed from the register and the registrar shall remove the name accordingly.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s30;1995 c22 s4


30   The council may make bylaws for

                                 (a)    the conduct of the affairs of the council;

                                 (b)    the promotion of medical knowledge;

                                 (c)    the disposition of the funds of the College;

                                 (d)    the discharge of the duties and obligations imposed on the council or any of its committees under this Act;

                                 (e)    the regulation of the practice of medicine and the governing of the affairs of the profession.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s31;1998 c21 s3


31(1)  The council may make bylaws governing

                                 (a)    the manner of proof as to matters required to be proven by an applicant for registration or by a registered practitioner;

                                 (b)    the conduct of any hearing or investigation authorized by this Act;

                                 (c)    the educational and training requirements of an applicant for registration or for maintaining a registered practitioner’s registration;

                                 (d)    the persons or classes of persons who may be registered in the Special Register, the qualifications to be required of those persons and the conditions, limitations and restrictions applicable to those persons;

                                 (e)    registration in the Courtesy Register;

                                  (f)    registration in the Educational Register;

                                 (g)    the form of a registration information form, which may request information relating to any of the following matters but must not request information relating to any other matter:

                                           (i)    the registered practitioner’s practice profile, including the location of the practice and the services and activities provided by the registered practitioner;

                                          (ii)    the registered practitioner’s practice affiliations, including service agreements, hospital privileges and university appointments;

                                         (iii)    the registered practitioner’s education credentials and continuing competency activities;

                                         (iv)    demographic information about the registered practitioner.

(2)  A bylaw passed under subsection (1) does not come into force until it has been approved by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

(3)  The council

                                 (a)    shall make bylaws respecting the type and amount of liability insurance or other protection against professional liability that a partnership must have for the purposes of registration as a limited liability partnership under Part 3 of the Partnership Act, and

                                 (b)    may make bylaws governing eligibility requirements that a partnership must meet in order to be registered as a limited liability partnership under Part 3 of the Partnership Act.

(4)  A bylaw under subsection (3)(a) does not come into force unless it is approved by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

(5)  Where the Minister considers that bylaws made under subsection (3)(a) do not provide sufficient protection against professional liability, the Minister may, by notice in writing to the council, request the council to amend the bylaws in the manner specified in the notice within the time set out in the notice.

(6)  Where the council fails to amend the bylaws in accordance with the notice, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations respecting the matters referred to in subsection (3)(a) and, to the extent that there is any inconsistency between those regulations and the bylaws, those regulations prevail.

(7)  Subsections (3) to (6) do not apply if there is a bylaw under subsection (8) in effect.

(8)  The council may make a bylaw providing that, notwithstanding Part 3 of the Partnership Act, no person may practise medicine in a limited liability partnership under that Act.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s32;RSA 1980 cH‑5.1 s37;1983 c37 s37;
1995 c22 s5;1998 c21 s4;1999 c27 s11

Special fund

32(1)  The council may make bylaws

                                 (a)    establishing a special fund into which shall be paid

                                           (i)    any portion of the money of the College that may be designated from time to time by the council, or

                                          (ii)    any portion of the revenues of the College that may be designated from time to time by the council,

                                 (b)    governing the application of the special fund to the relief of aged, infirm or disabled members of the College and the dependants of deceased members, and

                                 (c)    governing the administration of the special fund.

(2)  When the council has created a special fund under this section, the council in its discretion may at any time discontinue the special fund in whole or in part and may on discontinuing the special fund transfer the balance of the special fund to the general funds of the College.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s33

Part 3
Physician Achievement
Review Program

Physician Performance Committee established

33   There is hereby established the Physician Performance Committee, the members of which are appointed by the council.

1998 c21 s5

Purpose and objectives of Performance Committee

34   The purpose of the Physician Performance Committee is to establish, develop and administer a program

                                 (a)    to assess the standard of medical care provided by registered practitioners for their patients, and

                                 (b)    to enhance the performance of registered practitioners in the practice of medicine.

1998 c21 s5

Powers and duties of Performance Committee

35(1)  The Performance Committee may, in accordance with the bylaws, conduct a general assessment of the professional performance of each registered practitioner once every 5 years.

(2)  Within 90 days after completing a general assessment of a registered practitioner, the Performance Committee shall prepare a report containing its findings and direct that

                                 (a)    no further specified action be taken,

                                 (b)    the registered practitioner participate in an individual assessment of competence or performance, or

                                 (c)    the registered practitioner undertake further specified action.

(3)  An individual assessment or further specified action under subsection (2)(b) or (c) must be carried out in accordance with the bylaws.

1998 c21 s5

Individual assessment

36(1)  If the Performance Committee directs an individual assessment under section 35(2)(b), the members of the Performance Committee may at any reasonable time

                                 (a)    enter and inspect any place of the registered practitioner where the practice of medicine is carried on, and

                                 (b)    require the registered practitioner to produce any books, records, papers and other documents or things relating to patient care in the possession or control of the registered practitioner.

(2)  The members of the Performance Committee may not enter a private dwelling place or any part of a place that is designed to be used and is being used as a permanent or temporary private dwelling place except with the consent of the occupant of the place.

(3)  Within 90 days after completing an individual assessment of a registered practitioner, the Performance Committee shall prepare a report containing its findings and

                                 (a)    direct that no further specified action be taken,

                                 (b)    direct that the registered practitioner undertake further specified action, or

                                 (c)    refer the matter to the investigation chair.

(4)  A further specified action under subsection (3)(b) must be carried out in accordance with the bylaws.

(5)  The Performance Committee shall refer a matter to the investigation chair when the Performance Committee is of the opinion that the registered practitioner

                                 (a)    may be guilty of unbecoming or criminal conduct, whether in a professional capacity or otherwise,

                                 (b)    may be incapable of practising or unfit to practise medicine or osteopathy or may be suffering from an ailment, either organic or mental, which might, if the registered practitioner continues to practise, constitute a danger to the public,

                                 (c)    displays a lack of skill or judgment in the practice of medicine or osteopathy that cannot be or has not been remedied by participation in a program established under this Part, or

                                 (d)    has contravened a requirement under this Part.

1998 c21 s5

Mandatory compliance with Part

37   A registered practitioner shall comply with this Part.

1998 c21 s5

Appeal from Performance Committee direction

38(1)  There is hereby established the Appeal Committee, the members of which are appointed by the council in accordance with the bylaws.

(2)  A registered practitioner who receives a direction from the Performance Committee under section 35(2) or 36(3) may appeal to the Appeal Committee by filing a notice of appeal with the registrar within 30 days after the date of service of the direction on the registered practitioner.

(3)  A notice of appeal under subsection (2) must

                                 (a)    be in writing, and

                                 (b)    set out the grounds for the appeal.

(4)  On receipt of a written notice of appeal forwarded from the registrar, the Performance Committee shall prepare a report and shall forward to the Appeal Committee the report and a statement of any directions given to the registered practitioner.

(5)  Section 65(1) applies, with all necessary modifications, to the proceedings of the Appeal Committee under this section.

(6)  The Appeal Committee may

                                 (a)    confirm, reverse or vary the direction appealed and make any direction that the Performance Committee could have made, and

                                 (b)    make any further order the Appeal Committee considers necessary for the purposes of carrying out the direction.

(7)  The registered practitioner shall comply with a direction or any further order of the Appeal Committee under subsection (6).

1998 c21 s5

Membership of Performance Committee and sub-committees

39(1)  The Performance Committee shall have at least 5 members and not more than 9 members consisting of

                                 (a)    members from the classes of registered practitioners prescribed under the bylaws, and

                                 (b)    one member of the public who is not a physician.

(2)  The council shall designate annually a member of the Performance Committee to act as chair.

(3)  Where the Performance Committee establishes a subcommittee under section 40(2) to conduct an individual assessment under section 35(2)(b), at least one member of the subcommittee must possess medical knowledge respecting the area of medical practice under assessment.

1998 c21 s5

Conduct of Committee

40(1)  The Performance Committee may adopt the bylaws of the council for the conduct of its business or, with the approval of the council, establish its own rules and procedures.

(2)  The Performance Committee may establish one or more subcommittees consisting of one or more persons who are not members of the Performance Committee to perform any duties and functions and exercise any powers of the Performance Committee.

(3)  Any decision or other action made or taken under this Part by a subcommittee of the Performance Committee is the decision or action of the Performance Committee.

(4)  Members of the Performance Committee or a subcommittee established under subsection (2) shall be paid fees for attendance and reasonable travelling expenses in accordance with the bylaws.

(5)  The Performance Committee may from time to time appoint one or more persons having special technical or other knowledge to inquire into and report to the Performance Committee in respect of any matter.

1998 c21 s5


41(1)  A member of the Performance Committee, its subcommittees or the Appeal Committee, or the investigation chair or any person appointed under section 40(5) shall not publish, release or disclose in any manner information obtained in the course of carrying out any powers, duties and functions under this Part except as is necessary to carry out those powers, duties and functions.

(2)  Information obtained by a registered practitioner under this Part shall not be published, released or disclosed by the registered practitioner in any manner unless the information is

                                 (a)    published, released or disclosed in accordance with a direction of the Performance Committee, or

                                 (b)    released or disclosed to the legal representative of the registered practitioner in connection with proceedings under this Part.

(3)  Notwithstanding subsection (1), the investigation chair may release or disclose to an investigating committee the following information obtained from the Performance Committee:

                                 (a)    the name of the registered practitioner;

                                 (b)    the grounds for referral under section 36(5).

(4)  Notwithstanding subsection (1), information obtained by the Performance Committee under this Part may be provided or published by the Performance Committee in summarized or statistical form if the information is provided or published in such a manner that it is not possible to relate the information to any particular identifiable person.

(5)  A person who knowingly publishes, releases or discloses information contrary to this section is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of not more than $10 000.

1998 c21 s5


42   The council may make bylaws

                                 (a)    governing the appointment of members to the Performance Committee and the Appeal Committee, including, without limitation, the designation of classes of members, the method of appointment of members, the terms of office of members and the filling of vacancies and the remuneration to which members are entitled;

                                 (b)    respecting the proceedings of the Performance Committee and the Appeal Committee and the powers and duties of those Committees;

                                 (c)    respecting the development, implementation and administration of a program for the assessment of registered practitioners;

                                 (d)    governing the conduct of a general assessment or an individual assessment of a registered practitioner;

                                 (e)    specifying the types of and the manner of carrying out further action for the purposes of section 35(3) or 36(4);

                                  (f)    respecting the contents of a report prepared by the Performance Committee under section 38(4);

                                 (g)    respecting the costs that may be attributed to proceedings under this Part, and the powers and duties of the Performance Committee or the Appeal Committee, as the case may be, in making orders under this Part against a registered practitioner for the payment of all or part of those costs.

1998 c21 s5

Review by council

43(1)  By June 18, 2001, the council must conduct a review of the program established by the Performance Committee under this Part.

(2)  The council must, in a form and manner that the council considers appropriate, consult with the public as part of the review.

(3)  After the review, the council must make a report of its findings and forward the report to the Minister.

(4)  The Minister must make the report available to the public in a form and manner satisfactory to the Minister.

1998 c21 s5

Part 4

Unbecoming conduct

44(1)  For the purposes of this Act,

                                 (a)    unbecoming conduct, whether in a professional capacity or otherwise, or

                                 (b)    the determination as to whether a registered practitioner has displayed a lack of skill or judgment in the practice of medicine or osteopathy or is incapable or unfit to practise medicine or osteopathy,

is a question of fact for the sole and final determination of the investigating committee, the council or the Court of Appeal.

(2)  Any matter, conduct or thing that in the judgment of the investigating committee, the council or the Court of Appeal, is such as to be inimical to the best interests of the public or the profession, whether or not the act or conduct is disgraceful or dishonourable, is unbecoming conduct on the part of a registered practitioner.

(3)  A registered practitioner shall not be found guilty of unbecoming conduct or be found to be incapable or unfit to practise medicine or osteopathy solely on the basis that the registered practitioner employs a therapy that is non‑traditional or departs from the prevailing medical practices, unless it can be demonstrated that the therapy has a safety risk for that patient unreasonably greater than the prevailing treatment.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s34;1996 c27 s2

Application of Part

45   The provisions of this Part relating to registered practitioners apply to persons registered in the Courtesy Register, the Educational Register, the Special Register and the Professional Medical Assistant Register.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s35

Investigation chair

46(1)  The council shall appoint annually from among its members an investigation chair.

(2)  The investigation chair shall review any matter brought to the chair’s attention by the registrar or in any other manner, whether a complaint is made or not, where a registered practitioner

                                 (a)    either before or after the registered practitioner is registered has been convicted of an offence punishable by more than one year’s imprisonment,

                                 (b)    is alleged to be guilty of unbecoming or criminal conduct, whether in a professional capacity or otherwise,

                                 (c)    is alleged to be incapable or unfit to practise medicine or osteopathy or to be suffering from an ailment, either organic or mental, which might, if the registered practitioner continues to practise, constitute a danger to the public,

                                 (d)    is alleged to display a lack of skill or judgment in the practice of medicine or osteopathy, or

                                 (e)    is alleged to have contravened a requirement under Part 3.

(3)  On completing the investigation chair’s review, the investigation chair shall

                                 (a)    direct that no further action be taken,

                                 (b)    direct that a preliminary investigation be held by the registrar or the registrar’s appointee into the matter, or

                                 (c)    direct that the matter be dealt with by an investigating committee.

(4)  In the case of a review under subsection (2)(e), on completing the review the investigation chair shall

                                 (a)    direct that no further action be taken, or

                                 (b)    direct that the matter be dealt with by an investigating committee.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s36;1998 c21 s6

Evidence at preliminary investigation

47(1)  Notwithstanding any other Act,

                                 (a)    the council,

                                 (b)    an investigating committee, or

                                 (c)    on the direction of the investigation chair, a person conducting a preliminary investigation,

may require the registered practitioner concerned and any other registered practitioner or person to produce to the council, investigating committee or person conducting the preliminary investigation any books, records, papers and other documents or things in the registered practitioner’s or person’s possession or control and may require the attendance at the investigation of the registered practitioner concerned and any other registered practitioner or person.

(2)  The College may summarily apply ex parte to a judge of the Court of Queen’s Bench for an order directing the registered practitioner concerned or any other registered practitioner or person to produce to the council, an investigating committee or the person conducting a preliminary investigation any books, records, papers and other documents or things in the registered practitioner’s or other person’s possession or under the registered practitioner’s or other person’s control, when the registered practitioner or other person has failed to produce them when required under subsection (1) or when the judge is of the opinion that the issue of such an order is just and appropriate in the circumstances.

(3)  A person making a preliminary investigation into a matter concerning the conduct or capability or fitness to practise medicine or osteopathy of a registered practitioner may investigate any other matter concerning the conduct or capability or fitness to practise medicine or osteopathy of the registered practitioner that arises in the course of the investigation.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s37

Procedure after preliminary investigation

48(1)  On the conclusion of a preliminary investigation, the investigation chair on receipt of the report shall either

                                 (a)    direct that no further action be taken,

                                 (b)    direct that the matter be dealt with by a Complaints Committee composed of not less than 3 members of the council which shall report to the investigation chair for the investigation chair’s decision at the conclusion of its deliberations, or

                                 (c)    direct that the matter be dealt with by an investigating committee.

(2)  The Complaints Committee shall not hear any evidence but may review all documents and written submissions obtained during the preliminary investigation and at the conclusion of its deliberations the Complaints Committee shall make any recommendations to the investigation chair that it considers appropriate.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s38

Procedure after Complaints Committee report

49   The investigation chair may, in the investigation chair’s  discretion, on receipt of the recommendations of the Complaints Committee, direct the matter to be dealt with by an investigating committee or direct that no further action be taken.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s39

Complainants right of appeal

50(1)  When a matter regarding the conduct or capability or fitness to practise medicine of a registered practitioner is brought to the attention of the investigation chair as a result of a complaint, the complainant shall be advised as to the ultimate disposition of the complainant’s complaint, but not as to any punishment imposed and when the investigation chair has directed pursuant to section 46, 48 or 49 that no further action be taken with respect to the complaint, the complainant may appeal the investigation chair’s direction to the council, which may make any direction regarding it that the investigation chair could have made.

(2)  Nothing in subsection (1) precludes any member of the council from acting as a member of an investigating committee or a Complaints Committee with respect to the complaint.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s40

Proceedings before investigating committee

51(1)  The council or the executive committee shall from time to time, on the request of the investigation chair, appoint from among the members of the council an investigating committee consisting of not less than 3 members.

(2)  When the investigation chair directs that a matter regarding the conduct or capability or fitness to practise medicine or osteopathy of a registered practitioner is to be dealt with by an investigating committee, the investigation chair shall

                                 (a)    direct the registrar to serve on the registered practitioner a notice of the matter to be investigated containing reasonable particulars, and

                                 (b)    direct the investigating committee to conduct an investigation into the matter.

(3)  Proceedings before an investigating committee shall be held in private.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s41

Investigation of former members

52   When it appears that a former registered practitioner has been guilty of unbecoming conduct while the former registered practitioner was a registered practitioner, an investigating committee hearing may be held with respect to the former registered practitioner’s conduct at any time within one year from the date the former registered practitioner  ceased to be a registered practitioner in the same manner as if the former registered practitioner were still a registered practitioner.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s42

Interim suspension

53(1)  Notwithstanding anything in this Part, the investigation chair may, at the investigation chair’s discretion, direct the registrar to suspend a registered practitioner pending an investigation by the investigating committee.

(2)  Notice of a suspension under subsection (1) shall be served on the practitioner together with the notice to be served under section 58(1).

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s43

Right to counsel

54(1)  The College and the registered practitioner who is subject to discipline proceedings under this Part may be represented by counsel or agent.

(2)  The council and the investigating committee may, in their discretion, retain counsel to be present at the hearing and to independently advise them during the course of the hearing.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s44

Investigating committee

55(1)  The investigating committee shall investigate the facts relevant to the conduct or capability to practise of the registered practitioner concerned.

(2)  The investigating committee may also investigate any other matter concerning the conduct or capability or fitness to practise medicine of the registered practitioner that arises in the course of the investigation, but in that event the committee shall declare its intention to investigate and report on the new matter and shall permit the registered practitioner sufficient opportunity to prepare the registered practitioner’s answer to the new matter.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s45

Continuation as committee member

56   A member of a committee appointed from the council pursuant to this Part may continue to act as a member of that committee for the purpose of completing and reporting on an investigation or proceeding begun while the member was a member of the council notwithstanding that the member is no longer a member of the council.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s46

Place of meetings

57   Meetings of an investigating committee or of the council, when held for the purpose of taking evidence or otherwise ascertaining the facts, shall be held at any convenient place decided on by the committee or the council, as the case may be.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s47

Notice of committee meetings

58(1)  At least 2 weeks before the meeting of an investigating committee held for the purpose of taking evidence or otherwise ascertaining the facts, a notice shall be served on the person whose conduct or capability or fitness is the subject of inquiry

                                 (a)    containing reasonable particulars of the matter to be investigated, and

                                 (b)    specifying the time and place of the meeting.

(2)  Testimony may be adduced before an investigating committee in any manner the committee considers proper and the committee is not bound by the rules of law concerning evidence applicable to judicial proceedings, but no registered practitioner’s name shall be struck off the register on affidavit evidence alone.

(3)  Any member of the investigating committee is empowered to administer an oath to any witness who is to give evidence before it.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s48

Witnesses and documents

59(1)  The registered practitioner whose conduct or capability or fitness is being investigated is a compellable witness in any proceedings under this Part.

(2)  A witness may be examined on oath on all matters relevant to the proceeding and is not to be excused from answering any question on the ground that the answer

                                 (a)    might tend to incriminate the witness,

                                 (b)    might subject the witness to punishment under this Act, or

                                 (c)    might tend to establish the witness’s liability

                                           (i)    to a civil proceeding at the instance of the Crown or of any person, or

                                          (ii)    to prosecution under any statute,

but the answer so given, if it is such as tends to incriminate the witness or to establish the witness’s liability to a civil proceeding, shall not be used or received against the witness in any civil proceedings, in a prosecution under this Act or in any proceeding under any other Act, except in a prosecution for or proceedings in respect of perjury or the giving of contradictory evidence.

(3)  A notice to enforce

                                 (a)    the attendance of a witness, and

                                 (b)    the production of books, papers and other documents,

before an investigating committee may be issued by the registrar, deputy registrar or any assistant registrar of the College under the seal of the College stating the time and place at which the witness is to attend and the documents, if any, the witness is required to produce.

(4)  The registrar shall, without charge, on the written request of the registered practitioner whose conduct or capability or fitness is being investigated or the registered practitioner’s solicitor or agent, issue and deliver to the registered practitioner all notices that the registered practitioner may require for enforcing the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents.

(5)  A witness, other than the registered practitioner whose conduct or capability or fitness is being investigated, who is served with a notice to attend or to produce documents, is entitled to demand and to be paid the usual fees payable to witnesses in an action in the Court of Queen’s Bench.

(6)  A witness

                                 (a)    who fails

                                           (i)    to attend before an investigating committee, or

                                          (ii)    to produce any books, records, papers or other documents or things, in obedience to a notice issued under this section,

                                 (b)    who fails in any other way to comply with a notice issued under this section, or

                                 (c)    who refuses to be sworn or to answer any question allowed by the investigating committee,

is liable to attachment on application to a judge of the Court of Queen’s Bench.

(7)  For the purpose of obtaining the testimony of a witness who is outside Alberta, a judge of the Court of Queen’s Bench on an application ex parte by the College may direct the issuing of a commission for the obtaining of the evidence of the witness and the commission shall be issued and evidence taken pursuant to the Alberta Rules of Court, which apply with all necessary modifications.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s49;1985 c15 s24

Failure to attend to give evidence

60(1)  If the registered practitioner whose conduct or capability or fitness is the subject of an investigation does not attend the inquiry, the investigating committee may, on proof of personal service of the notice to attend, proceed with the subject‑matter of the inquiry in the registered practitioner’s absence and make its report under section 63 without further notice to the registered practitioner.

(2)  The non‑attendance or refusal to testify by a registered practitioner whose conduct or capability or fitness is the subject of the inquiry may be held to be unbecoming conduct.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s50

Decision of investigating committee

61(1)  If the investigating committee finds that the registered practitioner is guilty of unbecoming conduct or is incapable or unfit to practise medicine or osteopathy, the committee may recommend to the council that

                                 (a)    the name of the registered practitioner be struck off the register,

                                 (b)    the registered practitioner be suspended for a stated period of time not exceeding 3 years,

                                 (c)    the registered practitioner be reprimanded, or

                                 (d)    any conditions or restrictions that the committee in its discretion considers necessary be imposed on the registered practitioner’s registration.

(2)  In addition to a recommendation under subsection (1), the investigating committee may recommend

                                 (a)    that the registered practitioner pay, for each allegation proved against the registered practitioner, a penalty of not more than $1000 to the College, within the time fixed by the committee;

                                 (b)    that the registered practitioner pay all or any portion of

                                           (i)    the costs of the investigation,

                                          (ii)    the costs of the proceedings before the investigating committee, or

                                         (iii)    both the costs of the investigation and the costs of the proceedings before the investigating committee

                                          in an amount and within the time fixed by the investigating committee;

                                 (c)    that the registered practitioner be suspended in default of paying any penalty or costs ordered to be paid until the penalty or costs are paid.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s51;1996 c28 s29


62(1)  Costs that may be levied against a registered practitioner by the council under section 66(2)(b) include all or any portion of the expenses incurred by the council, including the following:

                                 (a)    legal representation of the council or the investigating committee, or both;

                                 (b)    travelling expenses and a per day allowance, as determined by the council, for the members of the council or the members of the investigating committee.

(2)  Costs as levied by the council are a debt due to the College and are recoverable by action.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s52;1996 c28 s29

Report to council

63(1)  The investigating committee shall give a report containing its findings and recommendations and the reasons for its recommendations to the investigation chair and the registrar.

(2)  The registrar shall obtain a copy of the evidence adduced before the committee with copies of exhibits attached and those  documents shall be known as “the record”.

(3)  At the conclusion of the investigating committee hearing, the investigating committee may suspend the registered practitioner whose conduct is being investigated until such time as its report and the record of the hearing are considered at a meeting of the council.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s53

Procedure leading to hearing by council

64   On receiving a copy of the report of the investigating committee and the record of the proceedings before it, the registrar shall

                                 (a)    furnish the registered practitioner concerned or the registered practitioner’s counsel or agent with a copy of both the report and the record, inform the registered practitioner of the time and place at which they are to be considered by the council, and inform the registered practitioner that the registered practitioner may appear before the council at that time in person or by counsel or agent, and

                                 (b)    furnish each member of council with a copy of the report and the record.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s54

Consideration of report by council

65(1)  The council shall consider the report and record and shall hear any representations the registered practitioner or the registered practitioner’s counsel or agent wishes to make respecting the report and record and the council shall further hear representations of counsel representing the committee which filed the report before the council.

(2)  No member of the investigating committee, a Complaints Committee, if involved, or the investigation chair shall take part in the deliberations of the council in regard to the report of the investigating committee.

(3)  The council may

                                 (a)    grant adjournments of the proceedings to, or reserve the determination of the matters before it for, a future meeting of the council,

                                 (b)    on granting special leave for the purpose, receive further evidence in the same manner and subject to the same rules and with the same powers as are provided for in this Act with respect to hearings before an investigating committee,

                                 (c)    draw inferences of fact and make any determination or finding that, in its opinion, ought to have been made by the committee, or

                                 (d)    order the matter to be referred back to the investigating committee for further consideration.

(4)  The council shall, at or within a reasonable time after the conclusion of all proceedings before it, issue its decision.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s55

Punishment of registered practitioner

66(1)  When a registered practitioner is found by the council to be guilty of unbecoming conduct or to be incapable or unfit to practise medicine or osteopathy, the council may

                                 (a)    order the name of the registered practitioner to be struck off the register,

                                 (b)    order that the registered practitioner be suspended for a period not exceeding 3 years,

                                 (c)    reprimand the registered practitioner, or

                                 (d)    order that any conditions or restrictions that the council in its discretion considers necessary be imposed on the registered practitioner’s registration.

(2)  The council may, in addition to an order under subsection (1), make all or any of the following orders:

                                 (a)    that the registered practitioner pay, for each allegation proved against the registered practitioner, a penalty of not more than $1000 to the College, within the time fixed by the order;

                                 (b)    that the registered practitioner pay, in an amount and within the time fixed by the council, all or a portion of any or all of the following:

                                           (i)    the costs of the investigation;

                                          (ii)    the costs of the proceedings before the investigating committee;

                                         (iii)    the costs of the proceedings before the council;

                                 (c)    that the registered practitioner be suspended in default of paying any penalty or costs ordered to be paid until the penalty or costs are paid.

(3)  The council may at any time direct that the execution of an order under subsection (1) or (2) or any portion of the order be stayed on any terms and conditions that the council in its discretion may impose, including imposition of restrictions on the registered practitioner’s registration.

(4)  When the council has directed an order under subsection (1) or (2) or a portion of the order be stayed, the council may, after hearing representations in regard to it, at any time

                                 (a)    call the registered practitioner before it and vacate its direction granting a stay of the order or portion of the order, or

                                 (b)    terminate its order under subsection (1) or (2).

(5)  A registered practitioner in respect of whom an order has been stayed as provided in this section may continue to practise the registered practitioner’s profession subject to the conditions and restrictions, if any, imposed on the registered practitioner by the council.

(6)  When the council has ordered that the registered practitioner’s name be struck off the register, the council may at any time order that the practitioner’s name be reinstated on the register but no application for the reinstatement of a name to the register shall be considered until one year from the date when the name was struck off the register unless the applicant has complied to the satisfaction of the council with any conditions prescribed by the council.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s56;1996 c28 s29;1998 c21 s7

Striking name off register

67(1)  The council may, after a hearing, order the registrar to strike off the register the name of any person who is proven to the satisfaction of the council

                                 (a)    to be improperly registered, or

                                 (b)    to have procured registration by means of any false or fraudulent representation or declaration, either oral or written.

(2)  The provisions of this Part relating to procedures for an investigating committee and appeal to the Court of Appeal apply with all necessary modifications to a hearing held by the council pursuant to this section.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s57


68(1)  A registered practitioner who is subject to an order of the council under this Part may, within 30 days after the date of the service of the order on the registered practitioner or the registered practitioner’s counsel or agent, appeal to the Court of Appeal.

(2)  The appeal shall be commenced by

                                 (a)    filing a notice of appeal with the Registrar of the Court at Edmonton or Calgary, and

                                 (b)    serving a copy of the notice of appeal on the registrar of the College,

within 30 days after the date of service of the order on the registered practitioner, the registered practitioner’s counsel or agent.

(3)  The registered practitioner may, after commencing the appeal and on notice to the registrar of the College, apply to the council or to a judge of the Court of Queen’s Bench for an order suspending the imposition of any punishment imposed by the council pending disposition of the appeal.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s58

Material in an appeal

69(1)  The appeal is to be founded on a copy of the report of the committee, a copy of the record, a copy of the findings and order, if any, of the council and a copy of the evidence, if any, received by the council, all of which shall be certified by the registrar.

(2)  The registrar, on being paid the sum of $25 together with any disbursements and expenses in connection with it, shall on request furnish to the appellant or to the appellant’s solicitor or agent the number of copies of the documents mentioned in subsection (1) so requested but not exceeding 9 in any case.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s59

Procedure in appeal

70   The procedure in an appeal shall, with all necessary modifications, be the same as that provided in the Alberta Rules of Court for appeals from a judgment of a judge of the Court of Queen’s Bench to the Court of Appeal.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s60

Courts powers on appeal

71(1)  The Court, on hearing the appeal, may

                                 (a)    make any other findings that in its opinion ought to have been made,

                                 (b)    quash or confirm the finding that the practitioner has been guilty of unbecoming conduct or is incapable or unfit to practise medicine or osteopathy,

                                 (c)    confirm or vary the punishment imposed or order a different punishment, or

                                 (d)    refer the matter back to the council for further consideration by it.

(2)  The Court may make any award as to costs that it considers just in the circumstances.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s61

Practice prohibited

72(1)  When, pursuant to this Part,

                                 (a)    the name of a person is struck off the register, or

                                 (b)    a registered practitioner is under suspension,

the person or registered practitioner shall not practise medicine or osteopathy under this Act or be directly or indirectly associated in practice with any registered practitioner.

(2)  No registered practitioner shall be associated in the practice of medicine or osteopathy directly or indirectly

                                 (a)    with a person whose name is struck off the register or with a registered practitioner who is under suspension, or

                                 (b)    with any person who is not a registered practitioner or a professional medical assistant.

(3)  Any person who contravenes subsection (1) or (2) is guilty of unbecoming conduct.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s62

Failure to comply with conditions of registration

73   A registered practitioner who fails to comply with the conditions imposed by the council pursuant to section 26 is guilty of unbecoming conduct.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s63

Part 5
Professional Corporations

Practice by corporation

74(1)  Notwithstanding anything in this Act, a corporation to which a permit is issued under this Part may practise medicine in its own name.

(2)  Notwithstanding subsection (1), no corporation may be enrolled as a registered practitioner.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s64


75(1)  The registrar shall issue a permit to any corporation that fulfils the following conditions:

                                 (a)    files an application in the form prescribed by the council;

                                 (b)    pays all the fees prescribed by the council;

                                 (c)    satisfies the registrar that it is a company limited by shares that is in good standing with the Registrar of Companies under the Companies Act or that it is in good standing with the Registrar as defined in the Business Corporations Act;

                                 (d)    satisfies the registrar that the company, by law or by virtue of its incorporating documents, has the capacity to carry on the business and exercise the powers set out in the Schedule to this Act;

                                 (e)    satisfies the registrar that the name of the company is in accordance with the bylaws of the council and contains the words “Professional Corporation”;

                                  (f)    satisfies the registrar that the legal and beneficial ownership of all the issued shares of the company is vested in one or more registered practitioners and that all of the directors of the company are registered practitioners;

                                 (g)    satisfies the registrar that the persons who will carry on the practice of medicine on behalf of the company are registered practitioners.

(2)  A permit expires on December 31 of the year for which it was issued.

(3)  A permit may be revoked or its renewal withheld by the council when any of the conditions specified in subsection (1) no longer continue to exist.

(4)  For the purposes of subsection (1)(g), the practice of a registered practitioner shall not be deemed to be carried on by clerks, secretaries, nurses and other assistants employed by the corporation to perform services that are not usually and ordinarily considered by law, custom and practice to be services that may be performed only by a registered practitioner.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s65;1981 cB‑15 s284(17);1983 c42 s4

Termination of permit

76   If a professional corporation ceases to fulfil any condition specified in section 75 by reason only of

                                 (a)    the death of a registered practitioner,

                                 (b)    the striking off or other removal from the register of the name of a registered practitioner, or

                                 (c)    the suspension of a registered practitioner by the College,

who is a shareholder of the corporation, the professional corporation has a period of 90 days from the date of death, striking off or other removal or the suspension, as the case may be, in which to fulfil the condition failing which the permit is automatically terminated effective on the expiration of the 90‑day period without the necessity of an order of the council.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s66

Liability of shareholders and employees

77(1)  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Companies Act or the Business Corporations Act, every person who is a shareholder

                                 (a)    of a corporation during the time that it is the holder of a permit, or

                                 (b)    of a corporation during the time that it acts in contravention of section 86(1),

is liable to the same extent and in the same manner as if the shareholders of the corporation were during that time carrying on the business of the corporation as a partnership or, where there is only one shareholder, as an individual practising medicine.

(2)  The liability of a person in carrying on the practice of medicine is not affected by the fact that the practice of medicine is carried on by the person as an employee and on behalf of a professional corporation.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s67;1981 cB‑15 s284(17)

Voting agreements with non‑members prohibited

78   No shareholder of a professional corporation shall enter into a voting trust agreement, proxy or any other type of agreement vesting in another person who is not a registered practitioner the authority to exercise the voting rights attached to any or all of the shareholder’s shares.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s68

Application of Act and bylaws

79   The relationship of a registered practitioner to a professional corporation, whether as shareholder, director, officer or employee, does not affect, modify or diminish the application to the registered practitioner of the provisions of this Act and the bylaws.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s69

Preservation of doctor‑patient relationship

80(1)  Nothing in section 74 affects, modifies or limits any law applicable to the confidential or ethical relationships between a registered practitioner and a person receiving the professional services of a registered practitioner.

(2)  The relationship between a professional corporation carrying on the practice of medicine and a person receiving the professional services of the corporation is subject to all applicable law relating to the confidential and ethical relationships between a registered practitioner and the registered practitioner’s patient.

(3)  All rights and obligations pertaining to communications made to or information received by, a registered practitioner apply to the shareholders, directors, officers and employees of a professional corporation.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s70

Application of Act and rules

81   All of the provisions of Parts 4, 6 and 7 and the bylaws under those Parts that are applicable to members of the College apply with all necessary modifications to a professional corporation under this Part unless otherwise expressly provided in this Act.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s71

Discipline proceedings

82(1)  References in this Act to the suspension of a member are, in the case of a professional corporation, deemed references to the suspension of the permit of the professional corporation, and references in this Act to striking the name of a registered practitioner from the register are, in the case of a professional corporation, deemed references to revocation of the permit of the corporation.

(2)  All shareholders, directors, officers and employees of a professional corporation whose conduct is being investigated are compellable witnesses in any proceedings under Part 4.

(3)  When a professional corporation has been found guilty by the council under Part 4 of unbecoming conduct, the council may

                                 (a)    revoke the permit of the corporation,

                                 (b)    suspend for a stated period of time the permit of the corporation, or

                                 (c)    reprimand the corporation.

(4)  In addition to acting under subsection (3) to suspend a professional corporation’s permit or to reprimand a professional corporation, the council may

                                 (a)    order the professional corporation to pay for each offence of which it is found guilty, a penalty of not more than $1000 to the College, within the time fixed by the order,

                                 (b)    order the professional corporation to pay the costs of the investigation in an amount and within the time fixed by the council, and

                                 (c)    suspend the permit of the corporation in default of paying any penalty or costs ordered to be paid until such time as the penalty or costs are paid.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s72

Right to sue

83   A corporation may sue for fees for services performed on its behalf and in its name by a person in the person’s capacity as a registered practitioner at any time after the services are performed, if the services were performed during the time that the corporation was the holder of a subsisting permit.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s73


84   The council may make bylaws

                                 (a)    prescribing the manner of proof as to matters required to be proven by applicants for permits;

                                 (b)    providing that the permit of a professional corporation is suspended without notice or investigation on contravention of any bylaw that requires the corporation to pay a fee or assessment, file a document or do any other act by a specified or ascertainable date, and providing for the reinstatement of a permit so suspended;

                                 (c)    providing for the reinstatement or reissuance of any permit suspended or revoked pursuant to an order of the council under section 82 and prescribing the terms and conditions on which reinstatement or reissuance of a permit may be granted;

                                 (d)    providing for the creation and maintenance of a register of professional corporations and requiring the filing of periodic returns by the corporations;

                                 (e)    providing for the annual renewal of permits and prescribing the terms and conditions on which renewals may be granted;

                                  (f)    prescribing the types of names by which

                                           (i)    a professional corporation,

                                          (ii)    a partnership of 2 or more professional corporations, or

                                         (iii)    a partnership of one or more professional corporations and one or more individual practitioners,

                                          may be known.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s74;1998 c21 s8


85   In any provision of an Act of the Legislature or any regulation, rule, order or bylaw made under an Act of the Legislature enacted or made before, at or after the commencement of this section, a reference to a person authorized to carry on the practice of medicine, whether referred to as a registered practitioner, physician or any like words or expressions implying legal recognition of a person as being entitled to practise medicine, shall be read as including a professional corporation unless otherwise expressly provided.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s75

Part 6

Penalty for practice by non‑registered person

86(1)  Subject to the provisions of any Act entitling a person to practise any science, therapy or system of practice, a person is guilty of an offence who

                                 (a)    not being a registered practitioner, either directly or indirectly practises or professes to practise medicine or osteopathy, or

                                 (b)    being registered in respect of one class of practice, practises in respect of a class in respect of which the person is not registered.

(2)  Subsection (1) does not apply to a professional corporation.

(3)  This section does not apply to a student enrolled at a university or post‑secondary institution in Alberta in a course leading to certification as a professional medical assistant while engaged in practical training in connection with that course.

(4)  Notwithstanding subsection (1), a person registered in the Educational Register may practise medicine, surgery and midwifery for the purpose of training but only in a hospital or with an ambulance service approved by the hospital or in any other facility utilized for the training of persons registered under section 25 but the hospital, ambulance service or other facility must first be approved by the council.

(5)  With respect to the practice of midwifery, subsection (1) applies only to the territory included within the limits of a city, town or village having a resident registered practitioner in midwifery in it.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s76;RSA 1980 cH‑5.1 s37

Persons deemed to practise

87(1)  A person shall be held to practise within the meaning of section 86 who

                                 (a)    by advertisement, sign or statement of any kind alleges ability or willingness to diagnose or treat any human disease, illness, deformity, defect or injury,

                                 (b)    advertises or claims ability or willingness to prescribe or administer any drug, medicine or treatment,

                                 (c)    either

                                           (i)    prescribes or administers any treatment,

                                          (ii)    performs any operation or manipulation, or

                                         (iii)    applies any apparatus or appliance,

                                          for the prevention, alleviation or cure of any human disease, ailment, deformity, defect or injury, or

                                 (d)    acts as the agent, assistant or associate of any person, firm or corporation in the practice of medicine as set out in clauses (a), (b) and (c).

(2)  Nothing in this Act prevents the advertisement or sale to the public of any drug as defined in the Pharmaceutical Profession Act.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s77;1988 cP‑7.1 s104


88(1)  Nothing in this Act prevents a person who is not registered in any register under this Act from giving necessary medical or surgical aid in times of urgent need if the aid is given without hire, gain or hope of reward.

(2)  Nothing in this Act applies to or affects the practice of any profession or calling by a person practising it under authority of a general or special Act of the Legislature.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s78

Specialist recognition

89(1)  No registered practitioner shall advertise or hold out to the public that the registered practitioner is a specialist or is specially qualified in any branch of any class or system of practice without having received from the registrar a certificate indicating the registered practitioner’s compliance with all conditions precedent to qualification or fitness to practise that may be prescribed by the council.

(2)  The council may make bylaws prescribing the conditions precedent to qualification or fitness for certification as a specialist that the council considers advisable.

(3)  A person who contravenes subsection (1) is guilty of an offence.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s79


90(1)  A person guilty of an offence under section 86 or 89 is liable

                                 (a)    for a first offence to a fine of not more than $1000 and in default of payment to imprisonment for a term of not more than 3 months, and

                                 (b)    for a 2nd or subsequent offence to

                                           (i)    a fine of not less than $500 nor more than $2000, and in default of payment to imprisonment for a term of not more than 6 months,

                                          (ii)    imprisonment for a term of not more than 6 months without the option of a fine, or

                                         (iii)    both a fine and imprisonment.

(2)  A contravention of section 86 or 89 is unbecoming conduct.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s80

Penalty for misrepresentation

91(1)  A person

                                 (a)    who wilfully or falsely pretends to be a physician, doctor of medicine, medical surgeon or general practitioner,

                                 (b)    who, not being registered in Part 1 of the Alberta Medical Register or in the Courtesy Register or Educational Register, appends to the person’s name or holds himself or herself out to the public by any title or description of services containing the word “physician”, either alone or in combination with any other word or words, or

                                 (c)    who assumes any title, addition or description implying that the person is a physician, doctor of medicine, medical surgeon or general practitioner, other than one  the person  actually possesses and is legally entitled to,

is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding $500.

(2)  This section does not apply to a professional corporation.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s81

Use of title

92(1)  No person or persons shall trade or carry on business within Alberta under any name or title containing the words “Professional Corporation” or the abbreviation “P.C.” unless that person or those persons are incorporated as a company and the company holds a subsisting permit, or unless otherwise expressly authorized by statute.

(2)  A person who contravenes subsection (1) is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding $25 for every day on which that name or title has been used.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s82

Penalty for using name, etc. 

93(1)  A person not registered under this Act who takes or uses any name, title, addition or description implying or calculated to lead people to infer

                                 (a)    that the person is registered under this Act, or

                                 (b)    that the person is legally entitled to practise medicine or osteopathy when the person is not a registered practitioner,

is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of not less than $50 and not more than $500.

(2)  This section does not apply to a professional corporation.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s83

Commencement of prosecution

94   A prosecution under this Part may be commenced at any time within 12 months after the commission of the alleged offence, but not afterwards.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s85

Part 7

Medical register

95(1)  The registrar shall from time to time under the direction of the council

                                 (a)    print and publish a correct register of registered practitioners in alphabetical order according to surnames, and

                                 (b)    issue yearly afterwards between the issues of the register, if the register is not published yearly, an addendum to the register containing particulars of the persons registered under this Act since the day of the last publication of the register.

(2)  A copy of the register for the time being purported to be so printed and published shall be admitted in evidence as proof, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, that the persons specified in it are registered according to the provisions of this Act, and subject to subsection (3), the absence of the name of a person from the copy and from the last addendum shall be admitted in evidence as proof, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, that that person is not registered according to the provisions of this Act.

(3)  If the name of a person does not appear in the copy of the register or in the last addendum, a certified copy under the hand of the registrar of the entry of the name of that person on the register or addendum shall be admitted in evidence as proof, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, that that person is registered under this Act.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s86

Evidence of registration

96(1)  When proof of registration under this Act is required,

                                 (a)    a printed copy of the register, or

                                 (b)    an extract from or addendum to the register certified by the registrar,

is admissible in evidence instead of the original register.

(2)  A certificate purporting to be signed by a person in the person’s capacity as registrar and bearing the seal of the College shall be admitted in evidence without proof of the signature of the registrar or of the registrar’s appointment.

(3)  When

                                 (a)    proof that a person is registered under this Act and that the person is not under suspension is required to validate a witness’s evidence, and

                                 (b)    a copy of the register or of an addendum to it or extract from it certified by the registrar is not available and the production of the original register is not feasible without prejudicial delay to the case or the parties interested,

the evidence of the person under oath claiming that the person is a registered practitioner and that the person is not under suspension shall be admitted in evidence as proof, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, of those facts.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s87

Protection from liability

97(1)  No action lies against any of the following in respect of anything done in good faith pursuant to this Act, the bylaws or any direction of the council:

                                 (a)    the College or a person who is or was an officer, employee or agent of the College;

                                 (b)    a person who conducts an investigation under Part 4;

                                 (c)    the council or a person who is or was a member of the council or a member of a committee established by or under this Act;

                                 (d)    a person who acts on the instructions of, or under the supervision of, a person referred to in clauses (a) to (c).

(2)  No action for defamation may be founded on a communication regarding the conduct of a registered practitioner if the communication is published to or by a person within any of the classes of person enumerated in subsection (1), in good faith and in the course of any proceedings under this Act or the bylaws relating to that conduct.

(3)  Subsections (1) and (2) do not operate to restrict or abrogate any immunity or protection that is otherwise provided by law to a person within any of the classes of person enumerated in subsection (1) or to any other person.

(4)  Notwithstanding any other Act or law, no person who is or was within any of the classes of person enumerated in subsection (1) shall be required in any proceedings, other than proceedings under this Act or the bylaws or a prosecution under Part 6, to give evidence relating to any matter that arose in any proceedings under this Act or the bylaws, or to produce any record or thing adduced in evidence in proceedings under this Act or the bylaws or forming part of the records of the College that relate to the conduct of a registered practitioner.

1998 c21 s9


98   A certificate purporting to be signed by the registrar and stating that a named corporation was or was not, on a specified day or during a specified period, a professional corporation according to the records of the College, shall be admitted in evidence as proof, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, of the facts stated in it without proof of the registrar’s appointment or signature.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s88

Right to practise

99   A registered practitioner whose registration under this Act is not under suspension is entitled to practise in Alberta in any class of practice in respect of which the registered practitioner is registered.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s89

Municipal licence

100   No municipality has the power to require

                                 (a)    a registered practitioner to obtain a licence from the municipality to practise medicine or to carry on practice as a registered practitioner, or

                                 (b)    a professional corporation to obtain a licence from the municipality to practise medicine.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s90

Notice to the public

101   Unless an appeal is taken to the Court of Appeal under this Act,

                                 (a)    if the name of a registered practitioner is struck off the register,

                                 (b)    if a registered practitioner is suspended, or

                                 (c)    if a registered practitioner has conditions or restrictions imposed on the registered practitioner’s registration,

the council may give notice of the removal, suspension or imposition of conditions or restrictions to any persons, institutions or bodies that may appear desirable in the public interest.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s91

Appointment in public service

102(1)  No person

                                 (a)    who is not registered in Part 1 of the Alberta Medical Register, or

                                 (b)    who, though registered, is under suspension,

may be appointed as a medical officer in a hospital or in a charitable institution.

(2)  A person may only be appointed as a medical officer in any hospital or charitable institution in the class of practice in respect of which the person is registered.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s92

Assessment of medical facilities

103(1)  This section applies with respect to all diagnostic and treatment facilities in which services are performed by registered practitioners in Alberta except those which are operated by the federal, provincial or municipal governments and those facilities that are approved hospitals under the Hospitals Act.

(2)  The council may appoint a Medical Facility Assessment Committee that may, on behalf of the council, investigate and inspect the ownership and operation of diagnostic and treatment facilities and the financial arrangements pertaining to them.

(3)  The council may make bylaws as to all matters pertaining to the establishment and operation of diagnostic and treatment facilities to ensure that the procedures and standards of care set by the council for the protection of the public are carried out in the diagnostic and treatment facilities.

(4)  If the Medical Facility Assessment Committee reports to the council that a diagnostic and treatment facility does not appear to meet the required standards, the council shall consider the report and section 64 applies with all necessary modifications.

(5)  If the council determines that the diagnostic and treatment facility does not meet the required standards, the council may order that the diagnostic and treatment facility forthwith cease operation until the standards are met.

(6)  It is unbecoming conduct for a medical practitioner to see or treat patients

                                 (a)    in a surgical facility that is not designated as required under Part 2 of the Health Care Protection Act or that is not approved by the council under the bylaws, or

                                 (b)    in any other diagnostic and treatment facility that is not approved by the council under the bylaws.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s93;2000 cH‑3.3 s34

Religious beliefs

104   Nothing in this Act applies to or affects those who practise the religious tenets of their church without pretending a knowledge of medicine or osteopathy.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s94

Legal assistance

105   The council and any committee appointed pursuant to this Act may, for the execution of their duties under this Act, engage at the expense of the College any legal or other assistance that it considers necessary.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s95


106   The registrar, whenever required by the Minister, shall transmit to the Minister a certified return under the seal of the College, setting out any information and particulars relating to the College that may from time to time be required.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 s96

Bylaws re fees

107   The council may make bylaws governing fees

                                 (a)    for any type of registration and annual fee under this Act or the bylaws;

                                 (b)    payable by professional corporations to the College for the issuance of permits and annual permits;

                                 (c)    payable for accreditation of, as annual fees for, or for inspections of diagnostic and treatment facilities;

                                 (d)    payable by a registered practitioner

                                           (i)    for certification as a specialist by the council under this Act or the bylaws, or

                                          (ii)    for approval of complementary therapies authorized by the council under the bylaws;

                                 (e)    for late payment of any fee required to be made under the bylaws;

                                  (f)    for any review or service provided by the council under this Act or the bylaws.

1998 c21 s10


The objects for which the company is established are

                                 (a)    to engage in every phase and aspect of rendering the same medical services to the public that a registered practitioner of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the Province of Alberta is authorized to render;

                                 (b)    to purchase or otherwise acquire and to own, mortgage, pledge, sell, assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of, and to invest in, deal in or with, real or personal property necessary for the rendering of medical services;

                                 (c)    to contract debts and borrow money, issue and sell or pledge bonds, debentures, notes and other evidences of indebtedness and execute any mortgages, transfers of corporate property and other instruments to secure the payment of corporate indebtedness that are required;

                                 (d)    to enter into partnership, consolidate or merge with or purchase the assets of another corporation or individual rendering the same professional services.

RSA 1980 cM‑12 Sched.

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