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Chapter O‑9

Table of Contents

                1       Definitions

The Association

                2       Association

                3       Funds

                4       Meetings


                5       Officers

                6       Registrar

The Council

                7       Council

                8       Council’s duties

                9       Annual report

Regulations and Bylaws

              10       Regulations

              11       Bylaws

              12       Voting at election

              13       Petition to set aside election


              14       Definitions

              15       Discipline committee

              16       Unskilled practice or professional misconduct

              17       Complaints

              18       Preliminary investigation

              19       Report of preliminary investigator

              20       Referral to discipline committee

              21       Appeal of complainant to discipline committee

              22       Representation by counsel

              23       Hearing before discipline committee

              24       Further investigation

              25       Evidence before discipline committee

              26       Witness

              27       Attendance and production of documents

              28       Failure to attend or give evidence

              29       Hearing in absence of investigated person

              30       Finding of discipline committee

              31       Orders of discipline committee

              32       Payment of fine or costs

              33       Written decision

              34       Service of decision

              35       Examination of record

              36       Rehearing

              37       Stay of decision

              38       Appeal to council

              39       Time of hearing

              40       Conduct of hearing

              41       Appeal to Court of Appeal

              42       Appeal on the record

              43       Power of Court of Appeal

Practice Review

              44       Practice review board

              45       Powers of the practice review board

              46       Referral to discipline committee


              47       Authority of Universities Co‑ordinating Council

              48       Application for registration

              49       Registration

              50       Removal from register

              51       Cancellation of registration

Eye Care Disciplines Advisory Committee

              52       Advisory Committee established

              53       Authority of Committee

              54       Meetings

              55       Supplies and services

              56       Annual report

Offences and Penalties

              57       Membership

              58       Contact lenses

              59       Contact lens information

              60       Offences

              61       Injunction

              62       Non‑application of Act

              63       Exemption to physician and optometrist

              64       Application of the Optometry Profession Act

              65       Unlawful registration

              66       Penalties

              67       Prosecutions

              68       Protection from liability


              69       Evidence

              70       Service by mail

HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, enacts as follows:


1   In this Act,

                                 (a)    “Advisory Committee� means the Eye Care Disciplines Advisory Committee;

                                 (b)    “Association� means the Alberta Opticians Association;

                                 (c)    “certificate of registration� means a certificate of registration in the eye glasses dispensing register or in the contact lens dispensing register;

                                 (d)    “council� means the council of the Association;

                                 (e)    “Minister� means the Minister determined under section 16 of the Government Organization Act as the Minister responsible for this Act;

                                  (f)    “ophthalmic appliancesâ€? means lenses, spectacles, eye‑glasses, frames, contact lenses, artificial eyes or other specified devices, for the relief, prevention or correction of visual or other anomalies of the eyes;

                                 (g)    “optical prescription� means a written record of the power of the refractive error of the eye, including, when appropriate, reading add, prisms and back vertex distance;

                                 (h)    “optician� means a person who is registered as a member of the Association;

                                  (i)    “practice of opticianry� means

                                           (i)    the supplying, preparing or dispensing of ophthalmic appliances,

                                          (ii)    the interpretation of prescriptions from ophthalmologists or optometrists in respect of ophthalmic appliances, or

                                         (iii)    the fitting, adjusting or adapting of ophthalmic appliances to the needs of the intended wearer in accordance with a prescription from an ophthalmologist or optometrist, or without a prescription when lenses are duplicated with no change in their refractive value,

                                          whether for hire, gain or reward or not, but does not include the measurement of ocular refractive error of an individual through refraction, providing a prescription or diagnosing a condition;

                                  (j)    “registrar� means the registrar of the Association.

RSA 1980 cO‑8 s1;1983 cO‑10 s83;1992 c29 s2(3)

The Association


2(1)  The Alberta Guild of Ophthalmic Dispensers is continued as a corporation under the name “Alberta Opticians Associationâ€?.

(2)  The Association has the capacity and, subject to this Act, the rights, powers and privileges of a natural person.

RSA 1980 cO‑8 s2;1992 c29 s2(4)


3(1)  The funds of the Association shall be deposited in a bank or a treasury branch for the credit of the Association and the expenses of the Association shall be paid from those funds.

(2)  Notwithstanding subsection (1) and subject to the regulations, the Association may invest any portion of its funds not required for its immediate purposes only in investments in which a trustee may invest trust money under the Schedule to the Trustee Act.

RSA 2000 cO‑9 s3;2001 c28 s14


4(1)  A general meeting of the members of the Association shall be held annually for the purpose of electing the president, the vice‑president and the members of the council and for conducting any other business that may be brought before the meeting.

(2)  The general meeting of the Association shall be held at the time and place, on the notice and otherwise as provided in the bylaws of the Association.

RSA 1980 cO‑8 s7;1992 c29 s2(30)



5(1)  The officers of the Association are the president, the vice‑president, the secretary‑treasurer and the registrar.

(2)  The president and the vice‑president shall be elected by the members of the Association from their number.

(3)  The secretary‑treasurer shall be appointed by the council but it is not necessary that the secretary‑treasurer be a member of the Association.

(4)  The offices of secretary‑treasurer and registrar may be filled by the same person.

RSA 1980 cO‑8 s8;1992 c29 s2(6),(30)


6   The registrar shall be appointed by the council from its membership and shall perform the functions prescribed in the bylaws of the Association and any other functions the council may prescribe.

RSA 1980 cO‑8 s9;1992 c29 s2(30)

The Council


7(1)  The council of the Association shall consist of the following:

                                 (a)    not fewer than 6 members or a greater number that may be prescribed by or determined in accordance with the bylaws, each of whom shall be elected in accordance with the bylaws;

                                 (b)    when the number of persons elected under clause (a) does not exceed 10, 2 members of the public, or when the number of persons elected under clause (a) is more than 10, 3 members of the public, who shall be appointed for a term of not more than 3 years by the Lieutenant Governor in Council after consultation with the council;

                                 (c)    members, if any, appointed by the council by virtue of their office.

(2)  A member of the council appointed under subsection (1)(b) continues to hold office after the expiry of the member’s term of office until the member is reappointed or the member’s successor is appointed.

(3)  Notwithstanding subsection (2), a member of the council appointed under subsection (1)(b) may hold office for not more than 6 consecutive years.

(4)  The Lieutenant Governor in Council may revoke the appointment of a member of the council appointed under subsection (1)(b).

(5)  The Minister may pay to a member of the council appointed under subsection (1)(b) travelling and living expenses incurred by that member for the member’s attendance at a meeting of the council while away from the member’s usual place of residence and fees in an amount prescribed by the Minister.

(6)  The powers, duties and operations of the council under this Act, the regulations and the bylaws are not affected by

                                 (a)    the fact that no one is appointed as a member of the council under subsection (1)(b),

                                 (b)    the revocation under subsection (4) of the appointment of a member of the council, or

                                 (c)    the resignation from the council of a member appointed under subsection (1)(b).

(7)  The failure of a member of the council appointed under subsection (1)(b) to attend a meeting of the council shall not be construed as affecting or restricting the council in exercising any powers or performing any duties under this Act, the regulations or the bylaws at that meeting.

(8)  A person who is a member of the council by virtue of the person’s office does not have voting rights on the council.

RSA 1980 cO‑8 s10;1992 c29 s2(7)

Council’s duties

8   The council shall manage and conduct the business and affairs of the Association and may exercise all the rights and powers of the Association.

RSA 1980 cO‑8 s12;1992 c29 s2(9)

Annual report

9(1)  The council shall submit to the Minister an annual report on the business and affairs of the Association as the Minister requires in a form satisfactory to the Minister.

(2)  The Minister, on receipt of the annual report of the Association, shall lay it before the Legislative Assembly if it is then sitting, and if it is not then sitting, within 15 days after the commencement of the next sitting.

1992 c29 s2(10)

Regulations and Bylaws


10(1)  The council may make regulations

                                 (a)    respecting procedures for the registration of persons as members of the Association;

                                 (b)    establishing conditions, including character requirements, to be met by applicants for registration as members of the Association;

                                 (c)    establishing a register for each category of member of the Association;

                                 (d)    prescribing the matters to be entered by the registrar in the registers;

                                 (e)    respecting conditions to be met by an applicant for annual enrolment as a member of the Association;

                                  (f)    respecting temporary certificates of registration in eye glasses dispensing or contact lens dispensing, who may hold a temporary certificate, the conditions under which a temporary certificate may be issued and the procedures a holder may perform;

                                 (g)    respecting the procedures for hearings, inquiries and preliminary investigations by the registrar or a person appointed by the registrar, the discipline committee or the council in respect of the practice of a member of the Association against whom a complaint has been made;

                                 (h)    respecting the costs payable by a member of the Association that may be awarded under section 32(1);

                                  (i)    governing the publication of a notice of a reprimand or of suspension or cancellation of a certificate of registration in a form and manner prescribed by the council;

                                  (j)    prescribing standards for the practice of opticianry and for the conduct of opticians;

                                 (k)    respecting the establishment and operation by the council of a compulsory continuing education program for members of the Association;

                                  (l)    respecting any restrictions on advertising by members of the Association;

                                (m)    prescribing the standards of quality of ophthalmic appliances dispensed or supplied by members of the Association;

                                 (n)    prescribing the information that members of the Association are required to provide to the Association;

                                 (o)    requiring members to carry professional liability insurance and governing the minimum to be carried;

                                 (p)    respecting the investment of funds for the purpose of section 3(2).

(2)  A regulation under subsection (1) does not come into force unless it is approved by

                                 (a)    a majority of the members of the Association

                                           (i)    present and voting at a general meeting, or

                                          (ii)    voting in a vote by mail conducted in accordance with the bylaws,


                                 (b)    the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

(3)  For the purposes of subsection (2), “membersâ€? does not include honorary members or other non‑practising members.

RSA 2000 cO‑9 s10;2001 c28 s14


11(1)  The council may make bylaws

                                 (a)    providing for the government of the Association and the management and conduct of its affairs;

                                 (b)    determining the location of the head office of the Association;

                                 (c)    respecting the purchase, management and sale of the property of the Association;

                                 (d)    respecting the calling and conduct of meetings of the Association;

                                 (e)    subject to this Act, respecting the nomination, election, number and terms of office of council members, other than members appointed under section 7(1)(b), and of officers of the Association;

                                  (f)    respecting the division of Alberta into electoral districts;

                                 (g)    providing for the appointment of acting members and those who are members by virtue of their office and prescribing their procedures, duties and functions;

                                 (h)    providing for the term of office of a registrar and the registrar’s additional powers, duties and functions, and the appointment of an acting registrar who has all of the powers and performs all of the duties of a registrar under this Act, the regulations and the bylaws when the registrar is absent or unable to act or when there is a vacancy in the office of registrar;

                                  (i)    prescribing the number of members that constitutes a quorum at meetings of the Association, the council, the practice review board or the discipline committee;

                                  (j)    respecting the establishment of and payment of sums of money for scholarships, fellowships and any other educational incentive or benefit program that the Association considers appropriate;

                                 (k)    respecting the fees, dues and levies payable to the Association by members of the Association;

                                  (l)    respecting the removal by the registrar from the register of a memorandum or entry made in it under this Act, the regulations or the bylaws;

                                (m)    governing the publication by a registrar of the names of successful applicants for registration;

                                 (n)    subject to this Act, governing the appointment of members to the discipline committee and the practice review board, the designation of the chair and vice‑chair, and the procedures for filling any vacancy on the discipline committee or the practice review board;

                                 (o)    governing the establishment, operation and procedures of committees, the appointment of members and the procedures for filling vacancies on committees;

                                 (p)    establishing honorary or other non-practising categories of membership in the Association and prescribing the privileges and obligations of those categories of  membership;

                                 (q)    providing for the delegation, with or without conditions, of any power or duty of the council under this Act, the regulations or the bylaws, except the power to make, amend or repeal regulations or bylaws;

                                  (r)    prescribing fees and expenses payable to members of the council and members of committees established under this Act or the bylaws for attending to the business of the Association;

                                 (s)    requiring members to maintain an address in Alberta and to inform the registrar of any change to that address;

                                  (t)    authorizing the council to prescribe forms for registration or any other documents required under this Act;

                                 (u)    prescribing the date on which annual registrations expire;

                                 (v)    respecting the holding of votes by mail;

                                (w)    establishing and providing for the publishing of a code of ethics respecting the practice of opticianry, the maintenance of the dignity and honour of the profession and the protection of the public interest.

(2)  A bylaw under subsection (1) does not come into force unless it is approved by a majority of the members of the Association

                                 (a)    present and voting at a general meeting, or

                                 (b)    voting in a vote by mail conducted in accordance with the bylaws.

(3)  For the purposes of subsection (2), “membersâ€? does not include honorary members or other non‑practising members.

(4)  The Regulations Act does not apply to bylaws of the Association.

RSA 1980 cO‑8 s14;1992 c29 s2(12)

Voting at election

12(1)  Every member of the Association in good standing is entitled to vote at an election.

(2)  For the purposes of subsection (1), “memberâ€? does not include an honorary member or other non‑practising member.

RSA 1980 cO‑8 s16;1992 c29 s2(13)

Petition to set aside election

13(1)  If a member of the Association desires to contest the validity of an election for the council, the member may within 30 days after  the election date, present a petition to the Court of Queen’s Bench praying that the election be set aside.

(2)  At a time and place appointed for the hearing and determining of the matters complained of, and after hearing the parties and considering the evidence adduced, the judge shall decide the matters in question and the judge’s decision is final.

(3)  The judge has in respect of the petition the powers that may be exercised by the judge in any cause or proceeding in the Court.

RSA 1980 cO‑8 s17;1992 c29 s2(30)



14   For the purposes of sections 17 to 43,

                                 (a)    “chairâ€? means the chair of the discipline committee and includes a vice‑chair;

                                 (b)    “conduct� includes any act or omission;

                                 (c)    “investigated person� means

                                           (i)    a member of the Association, or

                                          (ii)    if section 17(3) applies, a former member of the Association

                                          with respect to whose conduct an investigation or hearing is held under this Act;

                                 (d)    “preliminary investigator� means a person appointed to conduct a preliminary investigation under this Act.

1992 c29 s2(15)

Discipline committee

15(1)  There is hereby established a discipline committee composed of no fewer than 4 persons as follows:

                                 (a)    no fewer than 3 members of the Association appointed by the council in accordance with the bylaws, and

                                 (b)    one member of the public who is appointed for a term of not more than 3 years by the Lieutenant Governor in Council in consultation with the council.

(2)  Notwithstanding subsection (3), a member of the discipline committee appointed under subsection (1)(b) may hold office for not more than 6 consecutive years.

(3)  A member of the discipline committee appointed under subsection (1)(b) continues to hold office after the expiry of the member’s term of office until the member is reappointed or the member’s successor is appointed.

(4)  The Minister may pay to a member of the discipline committee appointed under subsection (1)(b) travelling and living expenses incurred by that member for the member’s attendance at a meeting of the discipline committee while away from the member’s usual place of residence and fees in an amount prescribed by the Minister.

(5)  The Lieutenant Governor in Council may, after consultation with the council, revoke the appointment of a member of the discipline committee appointed under subsection (1)(b).

(6)  The powers, duties and operations of the discipline committee are not affected by

                                 (a)    the fact that no member of the public is appointed as a member of the discipline committee under subsection (1)(b),

                                 (b)    the revocation under subsection (5) of the appointment of a member of the discipline committee, or

                                 (c)    the resignation as a member of the discipline committee of a member appointed under subsection (1)(b).

(7)  The failure of a member of the discipline committee appointed under subsection (1)(b) to attend a meeting of the discipline committee shall not be construed as affecting or restricting the discipline committee from exercising any powers or performing any duties at that meeting.

1992 c29 s2(15)

Unskilled practice or professional misconduct

16(1)  Any conduct of an investigated person that, in the opinion of the discipline committee,

                                 (a)    is detrimental to the best interests of the public,

                                 (b)    contravenes this Act or the regulations,

                                 (c)    harms or tends to harm the standing of the profession of opticianry generally, or

                                 (d)    displays a lack of knowledge of or lack of skill or judgment in the practice of opticianry

whether or not that conduct is disgraceful or dishonourable, may constitute either unskilled practice of opticianry or professional misconduct, whichever the discipline committee finds.

(2)  If an investigated person contravenes this Act, the regulations or the bylaws and the contravention is, in the opinion of the discipline committee, of a serious nature, the contravention may be found by the discipline committee to be professional misconduct whether or not it would be found to be so under subsection (1).

1992 c29 s2(15)


17(1)  A person may complain in writing to the registrar about the conduct of a member of the Association, and the complaint must be dealt with in accordance with this Act and the regulations.

(2)  A complaint under subsection (1) shall be accompanied with a mailing address for service on the complainant.

(3)  A complaint respecting the conduct of a member of the Association whose membership has been cancelled or suspended pursuant to this Act may, notwithstanding the cancellation or suspension, be dealt with within 5 years following the date of cancellation or suspension as if the cancellation or suspension had not occurred.

1992 c29 s2(15)

Preliminary investigation

18   If a complaint is made to the registrar under section 17, the registrar, forthwith on receipt of the complaint, may commence or appoint a preliminary investigator who is not a member of the discipline committee or the council to commence a preliminary investigation into the conduct of the member of the Association and shall notify the member of the Association in writing that a preliminary investigation into the member’s conduct will be conducted, giving reasonable particulars of the matter to be investigated.

1992 c29 s2(15)

Report of preliminary investigator

19(1)  A preliminary investigator may

                                 (a)    request any person to answer any questions and to produce to the preliminary investigator any models, charts, documents, papers, notes, records and other materials and things relevant to the investigation, and

                                 (b)    copy and keep copies of any of the things that are produced to the preliminary investigator under clause (a).

(2)  A preliminary investigator may investigate any other matter related to the professional conduct or skill in practice of the investigated person that arises in the course of the investigation.

(3)  If a member of the Association does not co‑operate with a preliminary investigator, the preliminary investigator may make a complaint in writing to the discipline committee, and the failure or refusal to co‑operate may be held by the discipline committee to be professional misconduct.

(4)  A preliminary investigator shall forthwith on concluding the preliminary investigation report the preliminary investigator’s  findings to

                                 (a)    the registrar, if the registrar is not conducting the preliminary investigation, or

                                 (b)    a member of the discipline committee, if the registrar is conducting the preliminary investigation.

1992 c29 s2(15)

Referral to discipline committee

20(1)  The registrar or the member of the discipline committee to whom a report is provided under section 19(4) shall forthwith

                                 (a)    direct that no further action be taken, if the registrar or member of the discipline committee is of the opinion that

                                           (i)    the complaint is frivolous or vexatious, or

                                          (ii)    there is insufficient evidence of unskilled practice of opticianry or professional misconduct,


                                 (b)    refer the matter under investigation in writing to the discipline committee.

(2)  The registrar or the member of the discipline committee shall serve on the investigated person and on the complainant, if any, a notice that no further action will be taken or that the matter has been referred to the Committee, as the case may be.

1992 c29 s2(15)

Appeal of complainant to discipline committee

21(1)  A complainant who is served with a notice under section 20 that no further action will be taken may, within 30 days after the receipt of the notice, by notice in writing to the registrar, appeal that direction to the discipline committee.

(2)  On an appeal under subsection (1), the discipline committee shall determine whether

                                 (a)    the complaint is frivolous or vexatious, or

                                 (b)    there is sufficient evidence of unskilled practice or professional misconduct, and the matter under investigation should be the subject of a hearing,

and shall notify the complainant in writing of its decision.

1992 c29 s2(15)

Representation by counsel

22(1)  The Association and the investigated person may be heard and be represented by counsel at a hearing before the discipline committee.

(2)  The discipline committee may be represented by counsel at a hearing before the discipline committee.

(3)  A hearing before the discipline committee shall be open to the public unless

                                 (a)    the complainant requests that the hearing be held in private because of the confidential nature of the matters to be heard, or

                                 (b)    in the opinion of the discipline committee, the interests of any person other than the investigated person would be detrimentally affected if the hearing were not held in private.

1992 c29 s2(15)

Hearing before discipline committee

23(1)  On referral to it of a matter under section 20(1)(b) or on determining under section 21(2)(b) that a hearing should be held, the discipline committee shall hold a hearing within 90 days.

(2)  The registrar shall cause to be served on the investigated person at least 30 days before the hearing date a notice of hearing stating the date, time and place at which the discipline committee will hold a hearing and giving reasonable particulars of the complaint or matter in respect of which the hearing will be held.

1992 c29 s2(15)

Further investigation

24   The discipline committee may investigate and hear any other matter related to the professional conduct or skill in practice of the investigated person that arises in the course of an investigation or hearing, but in that event the discipline committee shall serve that person at least 15 days before the hearing of the matter with notice of its intention to do so, giving reasonable particulars of the matter to be investigated.

1992 c29 s2(15)

Evidence before discipline committee

25(1)  Evidence may be given before the discipline committee in any manner that the discipline committee considers appropriate, and the committee is not bound by the rules of law respecting evidence applicable to judicial proceedings.

(2)  For the purposes of an investigation, hearing or review under this Act, the registrar, a preliminary investigator and any member of the council or the discipline committee are conferred with the powers of a commissioner for oaths under the Commissioners for Oaths Act.

1992 c29 s2(15)


26(1)  The investigated person and any other person who, in the opinion of the discipline committee, has knowledge of the complaint or matter being investigated are compellable witnesses in any proceeding under this Act.

(2)  A witness may be examined under oath on all matters relevant to the investigation or hearing before the discipline committee and is not to be excused from answering any question on the ground that the answer might tend to

                                 (a)    incriminate the witness,

                                 (b)    subject the witness to punishment under this Act, or

                                 (c)    establish the witness’s liability

                                           (i)    to a civil proceeding at the instance of the Crown or of any other person, or

                                          (ii)    to prosecution under any Act,

but if the answer so given tends to incriminate the witness, subject the witness to punishment or establish the witness’s liability, it shall not be used or received against the witness in any civil proceedings, in a prosecution under this Act or in any proceeding under any other Act, except in a prosecution for or proceedings in respect of perjury or the giving of contradictory evidence.

(3)  For the purpose of obtaining the testimony of a witness who is out of Alberta, a judge of the Court of Queen’s Bench on an application made ex parte by the Association may direct the issuing of a commission to obtain the evidence of the witness, and the commission shall be issued and the evidence taken pursuant to the Alberta Rules of Court.

1992 c29 s2(15)

Attendance and production of documents

27(1)  The attendance of witnesses before the discipline committee and the production of models, charts, documents, papers, notes, records and other materials and things may be enforced by a notice issued by the registrar requiring the witness to attend and stating the date, time and place at which the witness is to attend and the models, charts, documents, papers, notes, records and other materials and things, if any, the witness is required to produce.

(2)  On the written request of the investigated person or of the investigated person’s counsel or agent, the registrar shall, without charge, issue and deliver to that person or that person’s counsel or agent any notices that the investigated person requires for the attendance of witnesses or for the production of any item under subsection (1).

(3)  A witness other than the investigated person who has been served with a notice to attend or a notice for production under subsection (1) or (2) is entitled to be paid the same fees in the same manner as are payable to a witness in an action in the Court of Queen’s Bench.

1992 c29 s2(15)

Failure to attend or give evidence

28(1)  Proceedings for civil contempt of court may be brought against a witness

                                 (a)    who fails

                                           (i)    to attend before the discipline committee in compliance with a notice to attend, or

                                          (ii)    to produce any models, charts, documents, papers, notes, records and other materials or things in compliance with a notice to produce them,


                                 (b)    who refuses to be sworn or to answer any question the witness is directed to answer by the discipline committee.

(2)  If the witness referred to in subsection (1) is the investigated person, the witness’s failure or refusal may be held to be professional misconduct.

1992 c29 s2(15)

Hearing in absence of investigated person

29   The discipline committee, on proof of service of the notice of hearing on the investigated person in accordance with this Act, may

                                 (a)    proceed with the hearing in the absence of the investigated person, and

                                 (b)    act, decide or report on the matter being heard in the same way as though the investigated person were in attendance.

1992 c29 s2(15)

Finding of discipline committee

30(1)  The discipline committee may find that the conduct of an investigated person constitutes neither unskilled practice of opticianry nor professional misconduct.

(2)  The discipline committee may find that the conduct of an investigated person constitutes unskilled practice of opticianry or professional misconduct, or both, and shall deal with the investigated person in accordance with this Act.

1992 c29 s2(15)

Orders of discipline committee

31(1)  If the discipline committee finds that the conduct of an investigated person constitutes unskilled practice of opticianry or professional misconduct, or both, the discipline committee may make any one or more of the following orders:

                                 (a)    that the investigated person be reprimanded;

                                 (b)    that the investigated person’s membership in the Association be suspended, either generally or with respect to any field of the practice of opticianry for a stated period;

                                 (c)    that the investigated person’s membership in the Association be suspended, either generally or with respect to any field of the practice of opticianry, until

                                           (i)    the investigated person has completed a specified course of studies or obtained supervised practical experience, or

                                          (ii)    the discipline committee is satisfied as to the competence of the investigated person generally or in that specified field of practice;

                                 (d)    that, in place of a suspension, the investigated person undertake to limit the investigated person’s practice;

                                 (e)    that conditions be imposed on the investigated person’s practice of opticianry generally or in any field of the practice, including any of the following conditions:

                                           (i)    that the investigated person practise under supervision;

                                          (ii)    that the investigated person not engage in sole practice;

                                         (iii)    that the investigated person permit periodic inspections by a person authorized by the council;

                                         (iv)    that the investigated person report to the discipline committee or the council on specific matters;

                                  (f)    that the investigated person pass a particular course of study or satisfy the discipline committee or council as to the investigated person’s practical competence generally or in any field of the practice of opticianry;

                                 (g)    that the investigated person satisfy the discipline committee that a disability or addiction can be or has been overcome, and that the person’s membership in the Association be suspended until the discipline committee is so satisfied;

                                 (h)    that the investigated person take counselling that in the opinion of the discipline committee is appropriate;

                                  (i)    that the investigated person waive, reduce or repay a fee for services rendered by the investigated person that, in the opinion of the discipline committee, were not rendered or were improperly rendered;

                                  (j)    that the investigated person’s membership in the Association be cancelled.

(2)  If the discipline committee is satisfied that an investigated person has contravened an order under subsection (1), it may, without the necessity of a further hearing, cancel or suspend the investigated person’s membership in the Association subject to any terms it considers appropriate and shall serve the investigated person with notice of the cancellation or suspension.

1992 c29 s2(15)

Payment of fine or costs

32(1)  The discipline committee may, in addition to or instead of dealing with the conduct of an investigated person in accordance with section 31, order that the investigated person pay, within the time set by the order,

                                 (a)    all or part of the costs of the hearing or appeal, as determined in accordance with the regulations,

                                 (b)    to the Association a fine not exceeding $5000 for each finding of unskilled practice or professional misconduct and $10 000 in the aggregate for all such findings arising out of the hearing, or

                                 (c)    both the costs under clause (a) and the fine under clause (b).

(2)  If a person ordered to pay a fine or costs, or both, under subsection (1) fails to pay the fine or costs within the time ordered, the council may suspend the person’s membership in the Association until the person has paid the fine and costs and shall serve the person with notice of the suspension.

(3)  A fine or costs ordered to be paid to the Association under this section are a debt due to the Association and may be recovered by the Association by civil action for debt.

1992 c29 s2(15)

Written decision

33   The discipline committee shall, within 60 days after the conclusion of a hearing before it, give its decision in writing, in which it shall

                                 (a)    describe each finding made by it,

                                 (b)    state the reasons for each finding made by it, and

                                 (c)    set out any order made under section 31 or 32.

1992 c29 s2(15)

Service of decision

34(1)  The discipline committee shall forward to the registrar

                                 (a)    the decision, and

                                 (b)    the record of the hearing, consisting of all evidence presented before it, including

                                           (i)    all exhibits,

                                          (ii)    all documents, and

                                         (iii)    a transcript of all testimony given before it, whether recorded electronically, mechanically or in handwritten form.

(2)  The registrar shall, on receiving the decision of the discipline committee and the record of the hearing referred to in subsection (1), serve

                                 (a)    a copy of the decision on the investigated person and the council, and

                                 (b)    a notice of the decision on the complainant, if any.

1992 c29 s2(15)

Examination of record

35   The investigated person may examine the record or any part of the record of the proceedings before the discipline committee and hear any recording or examine any mechanical or handwritten form of record of any testimony given before the discipline committee.

1992 c29 s2(15)


36   If there is new evidence available that was not available or that for good reason was not presented at the hearing held under section 23, the discipline committee may, with the consent of the investigated person, rehear any matter already heard by it and, for that purpose, has the same power and authority and is subject to the same duties as it had and was subject to in connection with the first hearing.

1992 c29 s2(15)

Stay of decision

37(1)  A decision of the discipline committee remains in effect pending an appeal to the council unless the council on application stays the decision pending the appeal.

(2)  A decision of the council remains in effect pending an appeal to the Court of Appeal unless the Court on application stays the decision pending the appeal.

1992 c29 s2(15)

Appeal to council

38(1)  An investigated person or the Association may appeal to the council a finding or an order of the discipline committee.

(2)  An appeal under subsection (1) shall be commenced by a written notice of appeal, which shall

                                 (a)    describe the finding or order appealed, and

                                 (b)    state the reasons for the appeal.

(3)  A notice of appeal under this section shall be served on the registrar within 30 days after the date on which the decision of the discipline committee is served

                                 (a)    on the investigated person, if the investigated person is appealing the decision, or

                                 (b)    on the council, if the Association is appealing the decision.

(4)  The registrar shall, on receiving a notice of appeal under subsection (3), give to each member of the council a copy of the notice of appeal and make the record of the hearing available to each member of the council.

1992 c29 s2(15)

Time of hearing

39(1)  The registrar shall, on receiving a notice of appeal under section 38, cause to be served on the investigated person a notice of hearing of an appeal stating the date, time and place at which the council will hear the matters appealed.

(2)  The council shall hear the appeal within 90 days after the date of service of the notice of appeal.

(3)  The council may, on the written request of the investigated person or the Association, extend the period referred to in subsection (2) for one or more additional periods, but no one extension may be for a period of more than 90 days.

1992 c29 s2(15)

Conduct of hearing

40(1)  The Association and the investigated person may appear, be heard and be represented by counsel at the hearing of an appeal before the council.

(2)  A member of the discipline committee who is also a member of the council may participate in an appeal before the council but shall not vote in a decision of the council on the appeal.

(3)  The appeal to the council shall be founded on a copy of the record of the proceedings before the discipline committee and the decision and order of the committee.

(4)  Sections 25 to 29 apply to an appeal before the council.

(5)  The council on an appeal may

                                 (a)    grant adjournments of the proceedings or reserve the determination of the matters before it for a future meeting of the council,

                                 (b)    on granting special leave for that purpose, receive further evidence, and

                                 (c)    draw inferences of fact and make a determination or finding that, in its opinion, ought to have been made by the discipline committee.

(6)  A hearing of an appeal before the council shall be open to the public unless, in the opinion of the council, the interests of any person other than the investigated person would be detrimentally affected if the hearing were not held in private.

(7)  The council shall, within 90 days from the date of the conclusion of all proceedings before it, do all or any of the following:

                                 (a)    make any finding that in its opinion ought to have been made by the discipline committee,

                                 (b)    quash, vary or confirm the finding or order of the discipline committee or substitute or make a finding or order of its own, or

                                 (c)    refer the matter back to the discipline committee for further consideration in accordance with any direction that the council may make.

(8)  The council may make any award as to the costs of the proceedings, whether before it or before the discipline committee, that it considers appropriate.

(9)  The council shall, within a reasonable time after the conclusion of the proceedings before it, give its decision in writing, in which it shall

                                 (a)    describe each finding made by it,

                                 (b)    state the reasons for each finding made by it, and

                                 (c)    set out any order made by it

and shall forward the decision to the registrar.

(10)  The registrar shall serve

                                 (a)    a copy of the decision on the investigated person and the council, and

                                 (b)    a notice of the decision on the complainant, if any.

1992 c29 s2(15)

Appeal to Court of Appeal

41(1)  An investigated person or the Association may appeal to the Court of Appeal any finding or order made by the council under section 40.

(2)  An appeal under this section shall be commenced

                                 (a)    by filing a notice of appeal with the Registrar of the Court at Edmonton or Calgary, and

                                 (b)    by serving a copy of the notice of appeal

                                           (i)    on the council, where the investigated person is the appellant, or

                                          (ii)    on the investigated person, where the Association is the appellant,

both within 30 days from the date on which the decision of the council is served on the appellant.

1992 c29 s2(15)

Appeal on the record

42(1)  An appeal to the Court of Appeal shall be founded on a copy of the record of the proceedings before the council and a copy of the decision, findings and orders of the council and any further evidence received by the council, all of which must be certified by the registrar.

(2)  The procedure in an appeal shall be the same, with the necessary changes, as that provided in the Alberta Rules of Court for appeals from a judgment of a judge of the Court of Queen’s Bench to the Court of Appeal.

1992 c29 s2(15)

Power of Court of Appeal

43(1)  The Court of Appeal on hearing an appeal may

                                 (a)    make any finding that in its opinion ought to have been made,

                                 (b)    quash, vary or confirm the order or decision of the council or any part of it,

                                 (c)    refer the matter back to the council for further consideration in accordance with any direction of the Court, or

                                 (d)    direct that a trial of any mixed questions of law and fact related to a finding or order or both a finding and an order of the council under section 40 be held before the Court of Queen’s Bench.

(2)  The Court of Appeal may make any award as to the costs of an appeal to it that it considers appropriate.

1992 c29 s2(15)

Practice Review

Practice review board

44(1)  There is hereby established the practice review board consisting of not fewer than 5 members appointed by the council.

(2)  The members appointed under subsection (1) must have, in the opinion of the council, a combination of knowledge and experience suitable for determining the academic qualifications and training requirements necessary for a person to continue to engage in the practice of opticianry.

1992 c29 s2(15)

Powers of the practice review board

45(1)  The practice review board

                                 (a)    may on its own initiative and shall at the request of the council, inquire into and report to and advise the council in respect of

                                           (i)    the assessment and development of educational standards and experience requirements that are conditions precedent to continuing to practise opticianry,

                                          (ii)    the evaluation of desirable standards of competency of opticians generally,

                                         (iii)    any other matter that the board from time to time considers necessary or appropriate in connection with the exercise of its powers and the performance of its duties in relation to competence in the practice of opticianry under this Act and the regulations, and

                                         (iv)    the practice of opticianry generally,


                                 (b)    may conduct a review of the practice of a member of the Association in accordance with this Act and the regulations.

(2)  After each inquiry or review under this section, the practice review board shall make a written report to the council on the inquiry or review and may make any recommendations to the council that the practice review board considers appropriate in connection with the matter, with reasons for the recommendations.

(3)  The practice review board has all the powers and duties of the discipline committee under this Act for the purpose of carrying out its powers under subsection (1).

(4)  Sections 17 to 43 apply to an inquiry or review by the practice review board as if the inquiry or review were an investigation or hearing by the discipline committee under those sections.

1992 c29 s2(15)

Referral to discipline committee

46(1)  The practice review board may, at any time during an inquiry or review by it, refer any matter to the discipline committee for an investigation and hearing by that discipline committee in accordance with sections 17 to 43.

(2)  On receiving a reference under subsection (1), the discipline committee shall proceed with an investigation and hearing under sections 17 to 43 as if the reference were a complaint.

1992 c29 s2(15)


Authority of Universities Co‑ordinating Council

47(1)  The Universities Co‑ordinating Council

                                 (a)    may grant to and withdraw from an academic institution the designations “approved program in eye glasses dispensing� and “approved program in contact lens dispensing�,

                                 (b)    shall set the term of practical experience, if any, to be completed by applicants for registration under this Act, and

                                 (c)    shall set or approve the examination, if any, to be passed by applicants for registration as members of the Association.

(2)  A grant or withdrawal of a designation under subsection (1)(a) and a term of practical experience set under subsection (1)(b) are subject to the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

(3)  The programs in eye glasses dispensing and in contact lens dispensing that exist in Alberta on July 8, 1992 for the training of persons who apply to be registered as members of the Association are deemed to be approved programs in eye glasses dispensing or in contact lens dispensing.

1992 s29 s2(16)

Application for registration

48  An application for registration as a member of the Association shall be approved by the registrar if the applicant

                                 (a)    produces documentation satisfactory to the registrar that shows that

                                           (i)    the applicant is a graduate of an approved program in eye glasses dispensing or an approved program in contact lens dispensing required for membership in the Association, or

                                          (ii)    the Universities Co‑ordinating Council is satisfied that the applicant’s academic qualifications are substantially equivalent to the qualifications required for graduation from an approved program in eye glasses dispensing or an approved program in contact lens dispensing required for membership in the Association,

                                 (b)    has completed the term of practical experience, if any, required by the Universities Co‑ordinating Council or the regulations,

                                 (c)    has passed the examination, if any, set or approved by the Universities Co‑ordinating Council or the Association, and

                                 (d)    meets the character and other conditions established in the regulations of the Association.

1992 c29 s2(16)


49(1)  The registrar shall enter in the eye glasses dispensing register or in the contact lens dispensing register of the Association the name of a person

                                 (a)    whose application for registration as an eye glasses dispensing member or a contact lens dispensing member has been approved under this Act, and

                                 (b)    who has paid the fees prescribed in the bylaws of the Association.

(2)  On entering the name of a person in a register, the registrar shall issue a certificate of registration to the person.

1992 c29 s2(16)

Removal from register

50(1)  The registrar shall not remove the registration of a member from a register on the member’s request unless the request has been approved by the council.

(2)  When a request for the removal of a registration from a register is approved by the council,

                                 (a)    the registration shall  be removed from the register, and

                                 (b)    the member requesting the removal shall, on being notified of the approval, send to the registrar any certificate of registration issued to that member.

1992 c29 s2(16)

Cancellation of registration

51(1)  The registrar, after the expiration of 30 days following the service of a written notice on a member or a person whose name appears on a register, may cancel the registration of that person if that person

                                 (a)    is in default of payment of annual fees, or

                                 (b)    fails to pay a penalty, costs or any other fees, dues or levies payable under this Act.

(2)  The notice under subsection (1) shall state that the registrar may cancel the registration of a person unless

                                 (a)    annual fees are paid, or

                                 (b)    any other penalties, costs, dues or levies are paid as indicated in the notice.

(3)  If the registration of a person is cancelled under this section, that person shall, on request, send that person’s certificate of registration to the registrar.

(4)  If a registration is cancelled under this section, the registrar may, subject to the regulations and the bylaws, reinstate that registration in a register and, if necessary, reissue the certificate of registration.

1992 c29 s2(16)

Eye Care Disciplines Advisory Committee

Advisory Committee established

52(1)  There is hereby established the Eye Care Disciplines Advisory Committee consisting of

                                 (a)    one member of each of the following, appointed by the Minister from a list of nominees prepared by each respective Association:

                                           (i)    the Alberta College of Optometrists;

                                          (ii)    the Alberta Opticians Association;

                                         (iii)    The Ophthalmological Society of Alberta,


                                 (b)    not fewer than 4 members of the public appointed by the Minister.

(2)  The Minister shall designate one of the members appointed under subsection (1)(b) to act as the chair of the Advisory Committee and shall appoint an employee of the Government to act as the secretary of the Advisory Committee.

(3)  The failure of a member of the Advisory Committee appointed under subsection (1)(b) to attend a meeting of the Committee does not affect or restrict the Advisory Committee in exercising any powers or performing its duties.

(4)  A member of the Advisory Committee may hold office for not more than 6 consecutive years.

(5)  The Minister shall pay to a member of the Advisory Committee appointed under subsection (1)(b) who is not an employee of the Government remuneration for the member’s services and an allowance for the expenses necessarily incurred in the performance of the member’s duties under this Act at the rates set by the Minister.

RSA 2000 cO‑9 s52;2005 c13 s7

Authority of Committee

53   The Advisory Committee shall examine and make recommendations to the Minister or the Minister of Health and Wellness, as the case may be, relating to any matter concerning eye care that is referred to it by that Minister.

1992 c29 s2(19)


54(1)  The Advisory Committee shall meet at least twice in each year.

(2)  An employee of the Department of Health and Wellness designated by the Minister of Health and Wellness must be given notice of and may attend meetings of the Advisory Committee.

1992 c29 s2(19)

Supplies and services

55   The Minister may provide to the Advisory Committee, at no cost to it, supplies and the services of employees of the Government under the Minister’s administration to carry out any work that in the opinion of the Minister may reasonably be required by the Advisory Committee to enable it to perform its functions under this Act.

1992 c29 s2(19)

Annual report

56   As soon as possible after the end of each year, the Advisory Committee shall prepare and submit to the Minister a report summarizing the activities of the Advisory Committee in that year.

1992 c29 s2(19)

Offences and Penalties


57(1)  No person shall practise as an optician or undertake any act within the practice of opticianry unless the person is a member of the Association.

(2)  No person other than a member of the Association shall use the designation “opticianâ€?, “registered opticianâ€?, “ophthalmic dispenserâ€?, “registered ophthalmic dispenserâ€?, “optical dispenserâ€? or any other style or designation implying that the person is an optician.

(3)  When a member uses any designation mentioned in subsection (2), the member shall use the full designation and not an abbreviation of it.

(4)  No person whose registration as a member of the Association has been cancelled or suspended shall practise as an optician or undertake any act within the practice of opticianry until the registration has been reinstated or the suspension has ended.

RSA 1980 cO‑8 s37;1992 c29 s2(20)

Contact lenses

58   No person shall

                                 (a)    supply or prepare a contact lens, or

                                 (b)    measure, adjust or adapt a contact lens for an intended wearer,

unless the person is a member of the Association and registered in the contact lens dispensing register under this Act and does so in accordance with an optical prescription.

RSA 1980 cO‑8 s38;1992 c29 s2(21)

Contact lens information

59   Prior to dispensing contact lenses, a member of the Association shall advise the patient in writing to return to the person who prescribed the contact lenses for an evaluation, and after completing all the services required to dispense contact lenses, a member of the Association shall offer the patient a written copy of the specifications of the contact lenses dispensed.

1992 c29 s2(22)


60   A person who contravenes section 57, 58 or 59 is guilty of an offence.

RSA 1980 cO‑8 s39;1992 c29 s2(23)


61   Subject to sections 62 to 64, the Court of Queen’s Bench, on application by the council by way of originating notice, may grant an injunction enjoining any person from doing any act that contravenes section 57, 58 or 59, notwithstanding any penalty that may be provided for by this Act in respect of that contravention.

1992 c29 s2(24)

Non-application of Act

62   Nothing in this Act prohibits

                                 (a)    the sale of protective glasses for industrial purposes, coloured glasses that are not ophthalmic appliances, goggles or magnifying glasses not sold or designed for the relief, prevention or correction of visual or ocular anomalies of the eyes, or

                                 (b)    any person from operating a business devoted wholly or partly to the supplying of ophthalmic appliances for intended wearers, if at all times a member of the Association is in charge of supplying the ophthalmic appliances and all ophthalmic dispensing done in the course of the operation of that business is performed by members of the Association.

RSA 1980 cO‑8 s40;1992 c29 s2(25)

Exemption to physician and optometrist

63   Nothing in this Act applies to or affects a physician or an optometrist in the practice of the physician’s or optometrist’s profession.

RSA 1980 cO‑8 s41

Application of the Optometry Profession Act

64   Nothing in the Optometry Profession Act shall be construed as prohibiting a member of the Association from practising as an optician or undertaking any act within the practice of opticianry, including using verification devices for the practice of opticianry.

RSA 1980 cO‑8 s42;1983 cO‑10 s83;1992 c29 s2(26)

Unlawful registration

65   A person who wilfully procures or who wilfully attempts to procure the person

                                 (a)    to be registered as a member of the Association, or

                                 (b)    to be issued a certificate of competency or a special certificate of competency in dispensing contact lenses,

by making false or fraudulent representations or declarations, either orally or in writing, and a member of the Association knowingly aiding or assisting that person in so doing are guilty of an offence.

RSA 1980 cO‑8 s43;1992 c29 s2(30)


66   A person who is guilty of an offence under this Act is liable

                                 (a)    for a first offence, to a fine of not more than $2000 and in default of payment to imprisonment for not more than 30 days,

                                 (b)    for a 2nd offence, to a fine of not more than $4000 and in default of payment to imprisonment for not more than 60 days, and

                                 (c)    for a 3rd and every subsequent offence, to a fine of not more than $6000 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than 6 months or to both fine and imprisonment.

RSA 1980 cO‑8 s44;1992 c29 s2(27)


67(1)  A prosecution under this Act may be commenced within one year from the day the alleged offence was committed, but not afterwards.

(2)  In a prosecution under this Act, it is sufficient proof of an offence if it is proved that the accused has committed a single act prohibited by this Act.

RSA 1980 cO‑8 s45;1992 c29 s2(28)

Protection from liability

68(1)  No action lies against

                                 (a)    a preliminary investigator, a member of the discipline committee, the council or the practice review board or the registrar or any person acting on the instructions of any of them, or

                                 (b)    any member, officer or employee of the Association

for anything done by that person in good faith and in purporting to act under this Act, the regulations or the bylaws.

(2)  No action for defamation may be founded on a communication that relates to the conduct of an optician if the communication is published to or by

                                 (a)    a member of the council, the discipline committee or the practice review board,

                                 (b)    a preliminary investigator, or

                                 (c)    a person acting on the instructions of a person referred to in clause (a) or (b),

in good faith in the course of investigating the conduct or in the course of any proceeding under this Act relating to the conduct.

1994 c27 s6



69(1)  In any action, proceeding or prosecution a certificate signed by the registrar shall be admitted in evidence as proof, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, of the registration or non‑registration of any person as a member of the Association or of the suspension from practice as a member of the Association, without proof of the office or signature of the person certifying.

(2)  In any action, proceeding or prosecution a certificate purporting to be signed by the registrar shall be admitted in evidence as proof, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, that the person named in the certificate was or was not on the date specified in the certificate, the holder of a certificate of registration in the eye glasses dispensing register or in the contact lens dispensing register, without proof of the office or signature of the person certifying.

RSA 1980 cO‑8 s46;1992 c29 s2(29),(30)

Service by mail

70   Service of a notice, order or other document required to be served under this Act, the regulations or the bylaws of the Association may be made by mail.

RSA 1980 cO‑8 s47;1992 c29 s2(30)

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