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Chapter P‑16

Table of Contents

                1       Definitions

                2       Continuation of Association

                3       Corporate powers

                4       Bylaws

                5       Council of Management

                6       Membership

                7       Board of Examiners

                8       Certificate of approval for registration

                9       Display of certificate

              10       Recovery of fees

              11       Handling of drugs

              12       Complaints

              13       Notice of hearing

              14       Evidence before Council

              15       Appearance and representation

              16       Open hearing

              17       Orders of Council

              18       Payment of costs and fines

              19       Appeal

              20       Striking off register

              21       Unlawful registration

              22       Penalties

              23       Prosecutions

HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, enacts as follows:


1   In this Act,

                                 (a)    “Association” means the Alberta Podiatry Association;

                                 (b)    “Board” means the Board of Examiners in Podiatry appointed under this Act;

                                 (c)    “certificate of approval for registration” means a certificate issued by the Board stating that the holder is qualified to practise podiatry;

                                 (d)    “certificate of registration” means a certificate issued by the Association entitling the holder to practise podiatry;

                                 (e)    “Council” means the Council of Management of the Association;

                                  (f)    “investigated member” means a podiatrist who is the subject of a complaint made under section 12;

                                 (g)    “Minister” means the Minister determined under section 16 of the Government Organization Act as the Minister responsible for this Act;

                                 (h)    “podiatrist” means a registered member of the Association;

                                  (i)    “podiatry”

                                           (i)    means the branch of the healing arts that treats ailments, diseased conditions, deformities or injuries of the human foot and the leg muscles controlling the foot, and

                                          (ii)    includes the examination, diagnosis and treatment of those ailments, conditions, deformities or injuries, but

                                         (iii)    does not include the treatment of systemic diseases of bones, muscles or ligaments, or the use of X‑ray equipment for purposes other than diagnostic, or the use of anesthetics other than local.

RSA 1980 cP‑11 s1;1996 c28 s36

Continuation of Association

2   The Alberta Podiatry Association previously established is continued as a corporation with the same name.

RSA 1980 cP‑11 s2

Corporate powers

3(1)  The Association may acquire by gift, purchase or otherwise and may sell, mortgage, lease or otherwise dispose of real property for the purposes of the Association.

(2)  Subject to the regulations, the Association may invest any of the funds of the Association that are not required for the immediate purposes of the Association only in investments in which a trustee may invest trust money under the Schedule to the Trustee Act.

RSA 2000 cP‑16 s3;2001 c28 s15


4(1)  Subject to the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council, the Association may pass bylaws not inconsistent with this Act respecting

                                 (a)    the election of the Council;

                                 (b)    the appointment of a registrar and other officers as may be necessary for carrying out the purposes of the Association;

                                 (c)    the government and discipline of members;

                                 (d)    the management of its property;

                                 (e)    the maintenance of the Association and the fixing and collection of fees and contributions;

                                  (f)    the registration of members of the Association;

                                 (g)    the time, place and conduct of the annual and other meetings of the Association;

                              (g.1)    the investment of funds for the purpose of section 3(2);

                                 (h)    all other matters the Council considers necessary or convenient for the management of the Association, the conduct of its business and promotion of its welfare.

(2)  A bylaw may only be passed by the Association at an annual general meeting or at a general meeting called for that purpose.

RSA 2000 cP‑16 s4;2001 c23 s9;2001 c28 s15

Council of Management

5(1)  There shall be a Council of Management of the Association consisting of the number of persons and including the officers that the bylaws provide.

(2)  The members of the Council shall be elected by the Association for the term and in the manner the bylaws provide, but in no case shall a member hold office without re‑election after the 2nd annual meeting following the member’s previous election.

(3)  A quorum of the Council shall not be fewer than 50% of the members of the Council.

RSA 1980 cP‑11 s5


6(1)  Every person shall be admitted to membership in the Association who

                                 (a)    produces evidence satisfactory to the Council that the person is of good moral character and reputation,

                                 (b)    has satisfied the registrar that the person is an adult and that the person’s name has not been removed for cause from the register of a podiatry association or similar body in Canada or elsewhere,

                                 (c)    produces a certificate of approval for registration, and

                                 (d)    pays the registration fee prescribed by the bylaws.

(2)  The registrar shall issue a certificate of registration to each member of the Association.

(3)  Certificates of registration shall be numbered consecutively and recorded by the registrar in a register kept for that purpose and the registrar shall on request provide the Minister with a roll of all podiatrists registered.

RSA 1980 cP‑11 s6

Board of Examiners

7(1)  The Lieutenant Governor in Council may appoint a Board to be known as the Board of Examiners in Podiatry.

(2)  The Board shall be composed of not more than 5 persons who shall hold office during the pleasure of the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

(3)  Two members of the Board must be members of the Association.

(4)  The Lieutenant Governor in Council may appoint one of the members of the Board as chair of the Board, and may also appoint one of the members of the Board as secretary of the Board.

(5)  The Board

                                 (a)    shall evaluate the credentials of candidates for admission to practice;

                                 (b)    shall classify and accredit approved schools, colleges or universities teaching podiatry whose graduates may be accepted as fully qualified;

                                 (c)    shall exempt from examination a candidate who

                                           (i)    is a graduate of an approved college or university or other institute, or otherwise qualified by reason of the candidate’s training and experience, and

                                          (ii)    in the opinion of the Board, possesses the qualifications required by this Act;

                                 (d)    shall set examinations or tests for, and conduct the examination of all persons who have not been granted exemption from examination by the Board;

                                 (e)    shall certify successful candidates for admission to practice.

(6)  A majority of the members of the Board constitutes a quorum.

(7)  The Lieutenant Governor in Council may prescribe the fees and allowances for expenses to be paid to members of the Board.

RSA 1980 cP‑11 s7

Certificate of approval for registration

8(1)  An application for a certificate of approval for registration shall be filed with the Board in duplicate and one copy shall be sent by the Board to the registrar of the Association.

(2)  A candidate shall present the candidate’s academic credentials, verified by a certified  copy of the official transcript of credits issued by the candidate’s college, university or other graduating institution, to the Board for inspection and evaluation.

(3)  If in the opinion of the Board the qualifications of the candidate are in all respects at least equivalent to the standards set by the Board, the Board shall exempt the candidate from further examination.

(4)  The Board may require candidates presenting themselves for approval for registration who do not qualify under subsection (3) to take any examinations fixed by the Board.

(5)  Each applicant shall pay to the Minister

                                 (a)    an application fee of $50, and

                                 (b)    if required to qualify by examination, an examination fee of $100.

RSA 1980 cP‑11 s8

Display of certificate

9   A podiatrist shall display the podiatrist’s certificate of registration in a conspicuous place in the podiatrist’s office or other place where the podiatrist usually practises.

RSA 1980 cP‑11 s9

Recovery of fees

10   A podiatrist may demand from a person by whom the podiatrist is consulted or employed, and recover as a debt in a court of competent jurisdiction, the proper charges for the consultation and employment or either of them.

RSA 1980 cP‑11 s10

Handling of drugs

11   Subject to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (Canada), a podiatrist may purchase and supply to the podiatrist’s patients only those drugs, chemicals and compounds that are authorized by the Lieutenant Governor in Council and may prescribe those authorized drugs, chemicals or compounds for compounding under the direction of a pharmacist or restricted practitioner under the Pharmaceutical Profession Act.

RSA 1980 cP‑11 s11;1988 cP‑7.1 s103


12(1)  A person may make a written complaint to the registrar about the conduct of a podiatrist.

(2)  The registrar must review a complaint received under subsection (1) and may

                                 (a)    determine that no further action be taken, or

                                 (b)    refer the complaint to the Council.

RSA 1980 cP‑11 s12;1996 c28 s36

Notice of hearing

13(1)  The Council must hold a hearing with respect to a complaint referred to it under section 12.

(2)  The registrar must cause to be served on the investigated member a notice of hearing at least 15 days before the hearing date stating the date, time and place of the hearing and giving reasonable particulars of the complaint.

1996 c28 s36

Evidence before Council

14(1)  The evidence of each witness in a hearing before the Council must be taken under oath.

(2)  For the purposes of a hearing before the Council, the presiding member of the Council is conferred with the powers of a commissioner for oaths under the Commissioners for Oaths Act.

1996 c28 s36

Appearance and representation

15   The Association and the investigated member may appear and be represented by counsel at a hearing before the Council.

1996 c28 s36

Open hearing

16(1)  A hearing before the Council is open to the public.

(2)  Notwithstanding subsection (1),

                                 (a)    if a complainant applies to the Council for a direction that a hearing or part of a hearing be held in private because of the confidential nature of the matters to be heard, the Council must direct that the hearing or part of the hearing, as the case may be, be held in private, and

                                 (b)    on the application of any interested person or on its own motion, the Council may direct that a hearing or part of a hearing be held in private if, in the opinion of the Council, the interests of any person may be detrimentally affected if the hearing or part of the hearing, as the case may be, is not held in private.

(3)  Notwithstanding that a hearing is being held in private, the complainant may attend the hearing unless the Council directs otherwise.

1996 c28 s36

Orders of Council

17   If, at the conclusion of a hearing under section 13, the Council finds that the conduct of the investigated member constitutes professional misconduct or incompetence, or that the investigated member has contravened a bylaw of the Association that imposes suspension or cancellation of registration as the penalty for contravention,  the Council may make any one or more of the following orders:

                                 (a)    reprimand the investigated member;

                                 (b)    suspend the registration of the investigated member for a stated period;

                                 (c)    suspend the registration of the investigated member until

                                           (i)    the investigated member has completed a specific course of studies or obtained supervised practical experience, or

                                          (ii)    the Council is satisfied as to the competence of the investigated member;

                                 (d)    accept in place of a suspension the investigated member’s undertaking to limit the investigated member’s practice;

                                 (e)    impose conditions on the investigated member’s entitlement to engage in the practice of podiatry, including the conditions that the investigated member

                                           (i)    practise under supervision,

                                          (ii)    not engage in sole practice,

                                         (iii)    permit periodic inspections by a person authorized by the Council, or

                                         (iv)    report to the Council on specific matters;

                                  (f)    direct the investigated member to pass a particular course of study or satisfy the Council as to the investigated member’s practical competence;

                                 (g)    direct the investigated member to satisfy the Council that a disability or addiction can be or has been overcome, and suspend the investigated member’s registration until the Council is so satisfied;

                                 (h)    require the investigated member to take counselling that in the opinion of the Council is appropriate;

                                  (i)    direct the investigated member to waive, reduce or repay a fee for services rendered by the investigated member that, in the opinion of the Council, were not rendered or were improperly rendered;

                                  (j)    cancel the registration of the investigated member.

1996 c28 s36

Payment of costs and fines

18(1)  The Council may, in addition to or instead of dealing with the conduct of an investigated member in accordance with section 17, order that the investigated member pay, within the time set by the order, any or all of the following:

                                 (a)    the costs of the review of the complaint under section 12(2);

                                 (b)    the costs of the hearing;

                                 (c)    a fine to the Association not exceeding $5000 for each finding of professional misconduct or incompetence and $25 000 in the aggregate for all of such findings arising out of the hearing.

(2)  Costs that may be levied against an investigated member by the Council under subsection (1) include all or any portion of the expenses incurred by the Council, including the following:

                                 (a)    legal representation of the Council;

                                 (b)    travelling expenses and a per day allowance, as determined by the Council, for the members of the Council.

(3)  Costs or a fine ordered to be paid to the Council under this section is a debt due to the Association and may be recovered by the Association by civil action for debt.

1996 c28 s36


19(1)  An investigated member may appeal to the Court of Queen’s Bench any order made by the Council under section 17 or 18.

(2)  An appeal must be commenced within 14 days after the date of the order made by the Council unless the Court grants leave to extend the time for commencing the appeal.

(3)  On the request of the appellant, a copy of the evidence taken at the hearing before the Council shall be filed with the clerk of the Court for the judicial district in which the appellant resides.

(4)  The Court may

                                 (a)    receive further evidence by oral examination or by affidavit, or

                                 (b)    direct a trial to determine all or any of the matters in issue.

(5)  The Court may, on hearing an appeal, make any order that the Court considers proper.

RSA 1980 cP‑11 s13;1996 c28 s36

Striking off register

20(1)   If the registration of an investigated member is cancelled by order of the Council and the order has been confirmed on appeal under section 19 or the time for appeal has expired, the registrar shall strike the name of the investigated member from the register.

(2)   If the registration of an investigated member is suspended by order of the Council and the order has been confirmed on an appeal under section 19 or the time for appeal has expired, the registrar shall enter on the register the fact and the dates of the suspension.

(3)  The Council must notify the Minister if the registration of an investigated member is suspended or cancelled.

RSA 1980 cP‑11 s14;1996 c28 s36

Unlawful registration

21   A person who wilfully procures or wilfully attempts to procure the person to be registered under this Act by making false or fraudulent representations or declarations, either orally or in writing, and a podiatrist knowingly aiding or assisting the person in so doing is guilty of an offence.

RSA 1980 cP‑11 s17


22   A person who is guilty of an offence under this Act is liable

                                 (a)    for the first offence to a fine of not more than $100,

                                 (b)    for a 2nd offence to a fine of not more than $200, and

                                 (c)    for a 3rd or subsequent offence to imprisonment for a term of not more than 3 months without the alternative of a fine.

RSA 1980 cP‑11 s18


23(1)  A prosecution under this Act may be commenced within one year from the day on which the alleged offence was committed, but not afterwards.

(2)  In a prosecution under this Act, it is sufficient proof of an offence if it is proved that the accused has committed a single act prohibited by this Act.

(3)  The onus of proof of registration under this Act is on the person charged with any offence under this Act.

RSA 1980 cP‑11 s19

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