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Mental Health Act


Table of Contents

                1       Interpretation

                2       Admission certificate

                3       Renewal certificate

                4       Order to return patient

                5       Transfer into Alberta

                6       Transfer out of Alberta

                7       Transfer to another facility

                8       Information

                9       Warrant

              10       Extension of warrant

              11       Statement of peace officer

              12       Application re competence

              13       Application re treatment

              14       Application re transfer back to correctional facility

              15       Application re cancellation of certificates

              16       Review panel report

              17       Repeal

              18       Expiry



1(1)  In this Regulation, “Act” means the Mental Health Act.

(2)  A reference in this Regulation to a form is to a form in the Schedule.

Admission certificate

2   An admission certificate under section 2 of the Act must be in Form 1.

Renewal certificate

3   A renewal certificate under section 8 of the Act must be in Form 2.

Order to return patient

4   An order under section 20(4) or section 21(1) of the Act to return a formal patient to a facility must be in Form 3.

Transfer into Alberta

5   A certificate under section 24(1) of the Act authorizing the apprehension and conveyance of a person who comes or is brought into Alberta to a facility for examination must be in Form 4.

Transfer out of Alberta

6   A transfer under section 25 of the Act authorizing the transfer of a formal patient to a jurisdiction outside Alberta must be in Form 5.

Transfer to another facility

7   A memorandum of transfer under section 22(1) of the Act authorizing the transfer of a formal patient to another facility must be in Form 6.


8   An information under section 10 of the Act must be in Form 7.


9   A warrant under section 10 of the Act directing a peace officer to apprehend and convey a person to a facility for examination must be in Form 8.

Extension of warrant

10   An order under section 11 of the Act extending the duration of a warrant must be in Form 9.

Statement of peace officer

11   The statement under section 12 of the Act of a peace officer who conveys a person to a facility must be in Form 10.

Application re competence

12(1)  A certificate under section 27(1) of the Act must be in Part One of Form 11.

(2)  A notice of the board under section 27(3) must be in Part Two of Form 11.

(3)  A notice of application under section 27(3) of the Act to have a physician’s opinion reviewed by a review panel must be in Form 12.

(4)  A notice of hearing under section 40(2) of the Act that the chair of a review panel must give on receipt of an application under section 27 of the Act must be in Form 13.

(5)  A report of a decision of a review panel under section 41 of the Act relating to an application under section 27 of the Act must be in Form 14.

Application re treatment

13(1)  An application under section 29(2) of the Act for an order directing that treatment may be administered to a formal patient must be in Form 12.

(2)  A notice of hearing under section 40(2) of the Act that the chair of a review panel must give on receipt of an application under section 29 of the Act must be in Form 13.

(3)  A report of the decision of a review panel under section 41 of the Act relating to an application under section 29 of the Act must be in Form 15.

Application re transfer back to correctional facility

14(1)  An application under section 33 of the Act for an order transferring a person back to a correctional facility must be in Form 12.

(2)  A notice of hearing under section 40(1) of the Act that the chair of a review panel must give on receipt of an application under section 33 of the Act must be in Form 13.

(3)  A report of the decision of a review panel under section 41 of the Act relating to an application under section 33 of the Act must be in Form 16.

Application re cancellation of certificates

15(1)  An application under section 38(1) of the Act for cancellation of admission certificates or renewal certificates must be in Form 12.

(2)  A notice of hearing under section 40(1) of the Act that the chair of a review panel must give on receipt of an application under section 38 of the Act must be in Form 13.

(3)  A report of a decision of a review panel under section 41 of the Act relating to an application under section 38(1) of the Act must be in Form 17.

(4)  A report of a decision of a review panel under section 41 of the Act relating to a deemed application under section 39 of the Act must be in Form 18.

Review panel report

16   As soon as possible after the end of each year, a review panel must prepare and submit to the Minister a report summarizing its activities in that year, including the following:

                                 (a)    the number of hearings requested;

                                 (b)    the number of hearings cancelled and the reasons why the hearings were cancelled;

                                 (c)    the number of hearings held before the review panel;

                                 (d)    the number of each type of hearing held before the review panel;

                                 (e)    the place where hearings before the review panel were held;

                                  (f)    the results of each hearing before the review panel;

                                 (g)    the total number of days on which hearings before the review panel were held;

                                 (h)    the number of times a second psychiatric opinion was requested in hearings held before the review panel.


17   The Forms and Review Panels Regulation (AR 338/89) is repealed.


18   For the purpose of ensuring that this Regulation is reviewed for ongoing relevancy and necessity, with the option that it may be repassed in its present or an amended form following a review, this Regulation expires on November 30, 2011.


Form 1

Admission Certificate

Mental Health Act

Section 2

I, (print name of physician), of    (address)    certify that I personally examined (print name of person examined) of (home address) on    (date)    at    (time)    at    (place of examination).

In my opinion the person examined is

                                           (i)    suffering from mental disorder,

                                          (ii)    in a condition presenting or likely to present a danger to himself/herself or others, and

                                         (iii)    unsuitable for admission to a facility other than as a formal patient.

                                                                 (Note:  All three criteria above must be met.)

I have formed my opinion

                                  (i)                                      on the following facts observed by me:

                                 (ii)            on the following facts communicated to me by others:

(Note:  (i) and (ii) must be completed.)

    The person is not in a facility and is to be conveyed for examination to (name of facility) at (address of facility).

(Place an X in the box if conveyance is required.)

                                                            (date of issue)                                   

                                                              (time of issue)                                  

                                                           (signature of physician)                   

                                                           (printed name of physician)             

Form 2

Renewal Certificate

Mental Health Act

Section 8

I, (print name of physician), of)    (address)    certify that I personally examined (print name of person examined) on    (date)    at    (time)    separately from any other physician.

In my opinion the person examined is

                                  (i)                                                     suffering from mental disorder,

                                 (ii)    in a condition presenting or likely to present a danger to himself/herself or others, and

                                (iii)    unsuitable to continue at a facility other than as a formal patient.

(Note:  All three criteria above must be met.)

I have formed my opinion

                                  (i)                                      on the following facts observed by me:

                                 (ii)            on the following facts communicated to me by others:

(Note:  (i) and (ii) must be completed.)

The person was examined at     (name of facility).

                                                       (date of issue)                                       

                                                       (time of issue)                                       

                                                       (signature of physician)                      

                                                       (printed name of physician)               

Form 3

Order to Return a Formal Patient t
o a Facility

Mental Health Act

Section 20(4) or 21(1)

To all or any of the peace officers in Alberta:

(name of formal patient), a formal patient, is absent without leave pursuant to the Mental Health Act.

You are hereby ordered to return the formal patient to (name and address of facility).

Admission certificates (or renewal certificates) expire on  (date) .

Dated this          day of               , 20   .

                                                               (signature of representative of   

                                                                  board of facility)                         

                                                               (printed name of representative) 

Form 4

Certificate of Transfer into Alberta

Mental Health Act

Section 24(1)

I have reasonable and probable grounds to believe that (full name of person) may come or be brought into Alberta and is

                                 (a)    suffering from mental disorder,

                                 (b)    in a condition presenting or likely to present a danger to himself/herself or others, and

                                 (c)    unsuitable for admission to a facility other than as a formal patient.

(Note:  All three criteria above must be met.)

Pursuant to section 24(1) of the Mental Health Act, I authorize a peace officer or (name of person authorized) to apprehend and convey (full name of person) to a facility for examination.

                                                             (date of issue)                                  

                                                         (signature of the Minister of Health
                                                         and Wellness or person designated
                                                           by the Minister of Health and        

                                                         (printed name of Minister of Health
                                                       and Wellness or designated person) 

Form 5

Transfer of Formal Patient to a
Jurisdiction Outside Alberta

Mental Health Act

Section 25

It appears to me

        that (name of formal patient), has come or been brought into Alberta and that his/her care and treatment is the responsibility of (name of other jurisdiction).


        that it would be in the best interests of (name of formal patient) to be cared for in (name of other jurisdiction).

(Choose one and place an X in the appropriate box.)

Therefore, I authorize that (name of formal patient) be transferred to (name of other jurisdiction).

                                                            (date of issue)                                   

                                                         (signature of the Minister of Health
                                                         and Wellness or person designated
                                                           by the Minister of Health and        

                                                                                                                                                   (printed name of Minister of Health
                                       and Wellness or designated person) 

Form 6

Memorandum of Transfer
to Another Facility

Mental Health Act

Section 22(1)

Arrangements have been made with the board of (name of facility to which the patient is to be transferred) to transfer (name of formal patient), a formal patient in (name of facility in which patient is presently detained) to (name of facility to which the patient is to be transferred).

Dated this        day of           , 20   .

                                                            (signature of representative of      
board of sending facility)              

                                                            (printed name of representative)    

Form 7


Mental Health Act

Section 10

This is the information of (name of informant) of (address of informant) who says that he/she has reasonable and probable grounds to believe that (name of person) of (address of person) is

                                 (a)    suffering from mental disorder, and

                                 (b)    in a condition presenting or likely to present a danger to himself/herself or others.

SWORN BEFORE ME at the              of    )
              , in the Province of Alberta, the     )
         day of                        ,                        .)
                                                                     )     (
signature of informant)  
Provincial Judge for the                              )
Province of Alberta)                                     )

                                                                           (printed name of informant)

Form 8


Mental Health Act

Section 10

To all or any peace officers in Alberta:

(name of informant) has brought before me an information on oath that (name of person)  of (address of person)

                                 (a)    is suffering from mental disorder, and

                                 (b)    is in a condition presenting or likely to present a danger to himself/herself or others.

I am satisfied that (name of person) is in a condition presenting or likely to present a danger to himself/herself or others and that an examination can be arranged in no way other than by apprehension.

This is to order you to apprehend (name of person) and convey him/her to a facility for an examination.

Brief reasons:

Dated this       day of           , 20     at                                                         

                                                    (signature of Provincial Judge                

                                                    for the Province of Alberta)                    

                                                    (printed name of Provincial Judge        

                                                     for the Province of Alberta)                   

(clerk of the Court)

(date of filing)      

Form 9

Extension of Warrant

Mental Health Act

Section 11

To all or any peace officers in Alberta:

(name of Provincial Judge) issued a warrant dated                               
to apprehend (name of person).

The warrant has not been executed.

(Name of peace officer), (badge number) of (detachment)

    has appeared before me to apply for an extension of the warrant.


        has applied for an extension of the warrant by telephone or other means of telecommunication, and it appears on the oath of (name of peace officer) that it is impracticable to appear before me personally and that there are reasonable grounds for dispensing with an information presented personally and in writing.

(Choose one and place an X in the appropriate box.)

This order therefore extends the duration of the warrant for a period of 7 days from the day on which the warrant expires.

Dated at    (place)    on the       day of                                                      ,
20    at    (time)   .

                                                             (signature of Provincial Judge for

                                                              the Province of Alberta)                

                                                            (printed name of Provincial Judge

                                                             for the Province of Alberta)           

(clerk of the Court)
(date of filing)   

Form 10

Statement of Peace Officer
on Apprehension

Mental Health Act

Section 12

(name of person apprehended if known) was apprehended on    (date)    at     (time)   .

He/She was apprehended at (describe place and address).

I have reasonable and probable grounds to believe that

                                 (a)    the person apprehended is suffering from mental disorder,

                                 (b)    the person apprehended is in a condition presenting a danger to himself/herself or others,

                                 (c)    the person apprehended should be examined in the interests of his/her own safety or the safety of others, and

                                 (d)    the circumstances are such that to proceed under section 10 of the Mental Health Act would be dangerous.

(Note:  All four criteria above must be met.)

The grounds for my belief are:

Dated this        day of           , 20    .

                                                                  (signature of peace officer)       

                                                                  (printed name of peace officer) 

                                                                    (badge number)                         


Form 11

Certificate of Incompetence to
Make Treatment Decisions

Mental Health Act

Section 27

Part One

(To be completed by a physician)

I, (name of physician), am of the opinion that (name of formal patient) is not mentally competent to make treatment decisions.

The reasons for my opinion are as follows:

Dated this       day of            , 20   .

                                                                   (signature of physician)           

                                                                    (printed name of physician)    

Part Two

(To be completed by the board of a facility)

To:         (name of formal patient) of     (address)                                    

And:      (name of patients guardian or agent, if any)    of    (address)   

And:      (name of nearest relative, unless patient objects) of (address) 

Take notice that (name of formal patient) is entitled to have the physician’s opinion about his/her competence to make treatment decisions reviewed by a review panel by sending to the chair of the review panel an Application for Review Panel Hearing, in Form 12.

Dated this         day of              , 20    .

                                                                (signature of representative       

                                                                  of board of facility)                     

                                                               (printed name of representative) 

Form 12

Application For Review Panel Hearing

Mental Health Act

Sections 27(3), 29(2), 33 and 38(1)

To:         (print name of chair of the review panel)
               (address of chair)                                                                         

I, (printed name of applicant), of (printed address of applicant) bearing a relationship of (self, relative, guardian, agent, physician, other) to (name of patient), apply

            under section 27(3) of the Act for a review of the attached Certificate of Incompetence to Make Treatment Decisions dated                                                                                            
and signed by                                                                             .

            under section 29(2) of the Act for an order directing that the following treatment (nature of treatment) be administered to (name of formal patient).

            under section 33 of the Act for an order transferring (name of patient) back to (name of correctional facility).

            under section 38(1) of the Act for cancellation of admission certificates or renewal certificates issued on (date of issue).

(Choose one and place an X in the appropriate box.)

Dated this        day of              , 20   .

                                                                          (signature of applicant)     


Mental Health Act

I (do) (do not) object to my nearest relative being informed of the review panel hearings.

                                                                           (signature of patient)        

                                                                        (printed name of patient)     

Form 13

Notice of Hearing Before Review Panel

Mental Health Act

Section 40

                                                                                   Application received
by the review panel 

Take notice that a hearing will be held

            under section 27(3) of the Act, for a review of the physician’s opinion in the attached Certificate of Incompetence to Make Treatment Decisions relating to        (name of formal patient)        dated              and signed by   .

            under section 29(2) of the Act, for an order directing that the following treatment    (nature of treatment)    may be administered to    (name of formal patient)   .

            under section 33 of the Act, for an order transferring (name of patient) back to a correctional facility.

            under section 38(1) of the Act, for cancellation of admission certificates or renewal certificates relating to (name of formal patient).

            under section 39 of the Act, for cancellation of renewal certificates relating to (name of formal patient).

(Choose one and place an X in the appropriate box.)

The review panel will hear the application on     (date)    at    (time)    at    (place)   .

                                                     (date of issue)                                         

                                                     (signature of chair                                  

                                                     of review panel)                                      

                                                     (printed name of chair)                          


Form 14

Decision of Review Panel
Regarding Mental Incompetence
to Make Treatment Decisions

Mental Health Act

Sections 27(3) and 41

The formal patient (does) (does not) object to the nearest relative, (name of nearest relative), receiving notice of the decision.

The review panel has heard and considered the application of (name of formal patient) and has decided

            to cancel the attached Certificate of Incompetence to Make Treatment Decisions dated                        and signed by .


            to refuse to cancel the Certificate of Incompetence to Make Treatment Decisions dated                        and signed by                                                                                                       .

(Place an X in the appropriate box.)

Date of decision:                                                                                         

This decision may be appealed to the Court of Queen’s Bench within 14 days after receipt of this decision.

                                                     (signature of chair                                  

                                                     of review panel)                                      

                                                     (printed name of chair)                          

Form 15

Decision of Review Panel
Regarding Treatment

Mental Health Act

Sections 29(2) and 41

The formal patient (does) (does not) object to the nearest relative, (name of nearest relative), receiving notice of the decision.

The review panel has heard and considered the application of (name of board representative or physician) and has decided

            to make an order authorizing the following treatment (nature of treatment) to be administered to (name of formal patient).

            to refuse to make an order authorizing the following treatment (nature of treatment) to be administered to (name of formal patient).

(Place an X in the appropriate box.)

Date of decision:                                                                                         

This decision may be appealed to the Court of Queen’s Bench within 14 days after receipt of this decision.

                                                     (signature of chair

                                                     of review panel)                                      

                                                     (printed name of chair)                          

Form 16

Decision of Review Panel Regarding Transfer
Back to a Correctional Facility

Mental Health Act

Sections 33 and 41

The formal patient (does) (does not) object to the nearest relative, (name of nearest relative), receiving notice of the decision.

The review panel has heard and considered the application of (name of applicant) and has decided

            to order that (name of patient) be transferred back to (name of correctional facility).

            to refuse to make an order.

            to cancel the admission certificates or renewal certificates, if any.

            to refuse to cancel admission certificates or renewal certificates for the following reasons:    .

(Place an X in the appropriate box(es).)

Date of decision:                                                                                         

This decision may be appealed to the Court of Queen’s Bench within 14 days after receipt of this decision.

                                                     (signature of chair

                                                     of review panel)                                      

                                                     (printed name of chair)                          

Form 17

Decision of Review Panel Regarding Admission
Certificates or Renewal Certificates

Mental Health Act

Sections 38(1) and 41

The formal patient (does) (does not) object to the nearest relative, (name of nearest relative), receiving notice of the decision.

The review panel has heard and considered the application of (name of applicant), bearing a relationship of (self, agent, guardian, other) to (name of formal patient), and has decided

            to cancel the admission certificates or renewal certificates relating to (name of formal patient).

            to refuse to cancel the admission certificates or renewal certificates relating to (name of formal patient) for the following reasons:                                                                     .

(Place an X in the appropriate box.)

Date of decision:                                                                                         

This decision may be appealed to the Court of Queen’s Bench within 14 days after receipt of this decision.

                                                     (signature of chair

                                                     of review panel)                                      

                                                     (printed name of chair)                          

Form 18

Decision of Review Panel Regarding Renewal
Certificates (Deemed Application)

Mental Health Act

Sections 39 and 41

The formal patient (does) (does not) object to the nearest relative, (name of nearest relative), receiving notice of the decision.

The review panel has heard and considered an application deemed by section 39 of the Act to have been made by (name of formal patient) and has decided

            to cancel the renewal certificates relating to (name of formal patient).

            to refuse to cancel the renewal certificates relating to (name of formal patient) for the following reasons:

(Place an X in the appropriate box.)

Date of decision:                                                                                         

This decision may be appealed to the Court of Queen’s Bench within 14 days after receipt of this decision.

                                                     (signature of chair

                                                     of review panel)                                      

                                                     (printed name of chair)                          

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