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Health Professions Act


Table of Contents

                1       Definition

                2       Minister’s use of information

                3       Colleges and organizations

                4       Disclosure of information

                5       Other use of information

                6       Method of disclosure

                7       Minister to be reasonably satisfied

                8       Expiry


1   In this Regulation, “health planning and delivery” includes health policy development, health workforce planning and health service planning and delivery.

Minister’s use of information

2   The Minister may use any information disclosed by the registrar under section 122 of the Health Professions Act for the purpose of health planning and delivery.

Colleges and organizations

3(1)  The Minister may, for the purpose of health planning and delivery, disclose the information obtained under section 122 of the Health Professions Act to a college.

(2)  The information provided under subsection (1) is limited to the specific information each college has provided under section 122 of the Health Professions Act about its own members.

Disclosure of information

4   The Minister may disclose information pursuant to section 122 of the Health Professions Act

                                 (a)    to any regulated member where the disclosure is necessary to enable the regulated member to provide a health service;

                                 (b)    to any individual who provides a health service if

                                           (i)    the individual is governed by a regulatory body, where the regulatory body is established or governed pursuant to an Alberta enactment, and

                                          (ii)    the disclosure is necessary to enable the individual to provide a health service.

Other use of information

5   The Minister may, for the purpose of health planning and delivery, disclose information pursuant to section 122 of the Health Professions Act to

                                 (a)    regional health authorities,

                                 (b)    the Alberta Cancer Board,

                                 (c)    the Alberta Mental Health Board, and

                                 (d)    any province or organization with which the Government of Alberta has entered into an agreement to share information.

Method of disclosure

6   The Minister may disclose information under this Regulation through any means satisfactory to the Minister.

Minister to be reasonably satisfied

7   Before the Minister discloses information under this Regulation, the Minister must be reasonably satisfied that the recipient of the information will

                                 (a)    use the information only for the specific health planning and delivery purpose for which the information is being disclosed,

                                 (b)    maintain the security of the information, and

                                 (c)    act in accordance with section 122(1.2) of the Health Professions Act.


8   For the purpose of ensuring that this Regulation is reviewed for ongoing relevancy and necessity, with the option that it may be repassed in its present or an amended form following a review, this Regulation expires on June 30, 2014.

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